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Three strengths, three weaknesses


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Here is the exercise in this thread. Post in this thread with this very specific thing...


LIST THE 3 BIGGEST STRENGTHS AND 3 BIGGEST WEAKNESSES FOR EACH CANDIDATE - OBAMA AND MCCAIN - IN YOUR VIEW. These are not necessarily policy stances (though they could be), but are probably more in terms of resume, leadership and management style, chances of success at their initiatives, etc. Put what you want, though.


As an example, here are mine...


McCain Strengths:

1. Record of working with the other party, and in general, working with people outside his circle

2. Experience - Senate and military

3. Fiscal conservative, for the most part


McCain Weaknesses:

1. Tendency to make decisions without enough forethought - goes to management skills

2. Poor communication skills (not just in speeches, but also smaller scale situations)

3. Bad ideas on tax policy


Obama Strengths:

1. Real desire for, and large scale voter support for, real change

2. Communications skills and intelligence

3. Management style - decisions are made based on real expertise and forethought, and with downstream consequences in mind (not just short term results)


Obama Weaknesses:

1. Lack of executive and high level experience

2. Poorly designed ideas for tax and fiscal policy

3. I think expectation levels for him, both his own and that of his supporters, are far, far above reality


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McCain Strengths:


1. Compartively moderate politically

2. Ability and willingness to 'reach across the ailse'

3. Experience - both politically and militarily


McCain Weaknesses


1. Not an inspiring orator

2. His age

3. Having a relatively inexperienced running mate (see #2)


Obama Strengths


1. Master orator

2. He's black. He'll get a lot of votes for this reason alone.

3. Experienced running mate


Obama Weaknesses


1. Minimal experience

2. He's black. He'll lose a lot of votes for this reason alone.

3. His extreme liberalness.


I wasn't attempting to evaluate what type of POTUS they'd be if elected. I was looking at electability.


Edit: I changed #3 on Obama's weaknesses. That's one I meant to include, but it momentarily slipped my mind.

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