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How Are You Supporting Your Candidate?

Rex Kickass

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I put a picture of him in a sox uniform on the message board I post on. I also defnd his honor to all the dirty republicans on that board.



No but seriously, I did my $25 dollar donation that they ask for every day, and I did voter registration for 3 hours....we'll see if I go anywhere from here

Edited by DABearSoX
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1) Went to Iowa and Indiana for canvassing, GOTV, etc.


2) Made thousands of calls for the campaign.


3) Donated a few hundred $


4) Printed out Obama's "Blueprint for Change" and passed out to friends and family.


5) Display Obama buttons/pins on my work briefcase and take the train to work.


6) Sport a nice looking Obama T-Shirt every now and again.


7) Have an Obama sign in my window at home.

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i let an obama volunteer crash at my house for a few days while she was here for the ohio primaries.


i'll probably put a sign in my window, although i haven't had a chance to go and get one yet, partially because i've had no FRIGGING ELECTRICITY FOR FOUR DAYS.




i also periodically engage in political arguments on message boards. let me just say that after traversing the internets for a few months, this country is really friggin polarized and unable to do anything other than spout their party's talking points of the day.


oh yeah, and most importantly, i'll be voting for obama/biden on nov. 4.

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QUOTE (thedoctor @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 01:04 PM)
i also periodically engage in political arguments on message boards. let me just say that after traversing the internets for a few months, this country is really friggin polarized and unable to do anything other than spout their party's talking points of the day.



Soooo true. I started laughing out loud when a guy called me a liberal sheep because I didn't fall in line with his argument that Palin has more experience than Obama because governor > senator (what a dumb thing to argue about, really). Eventually I managed to counter whatever he was tring to say by saying there really is no correlation between what a person did (governor, senator, general) and their performance as president. So he gave that up and arbitrarily changed the subject to Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers. It was pretty surreal, actually. It's almost like he couldn't even comprehend what I was saying if it wasn't a GOP talking point. I'm not sure what his goal in telling me this was, even.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 06:35 PM)


Soooo true. I started laughing out loud when a guy called me a liberal sheep because I didn't fall in line with his argument that Palin has more experience than Obama because governor > senator (what a dumb thing to argue about, really). Eventually I managed to counter whatever he was tring to say by saying there really is no correlation between what a person did (governor, senator, general) and their performance as president. So he gave that up and arbitrarily changed the subject to Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers. It was pretty surreal, actually. It's almost like he couldn't even comprehend what I was saying if it wasn't a GOP talking point. I'm not sure what his goal in telling me this was, even.


to be fair, i think there are supporters of both candidates who are going to parrot back what they hear their favorite commentator say rather than doing research and looking into the real issues of the day.


i guess what bothers me is it seems that people are approaching the election much like they do sports. instead of the twins suck, the sox are great, it's obama sucks, mccain is great. that approach is fine with sports because they don't really matter in the grand scheme. but it's a dangerous approach to take when the future of the country is what's at stake.

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QUOTE (thedoctor @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 03:18 PM)
to be fair, i think there are supporters of both candidates who are going to parrot back what they hear their favorite commentator say rather than doing research and looking into the real issues of the day.

Absolutely. Go to somewhere like CNN's political ticker and it's like the ESPN of comment sites. People just say blatantly stupid things all around and none of it makes any sense. Or just click on the comments of any news story after it's been linked to Drudge. Wow.

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