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Lindsay Lohan Lashes Out at Sarah Palin

September 14 2008


Lindsay Lohan isn't happy with Republican vice presidential candidate John McCain's choice of running mate, Sarah Palin.


"I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin," the actress, 22, wrote on her MySpace blog Sunday.


"I couldn't be more supportive of a woman in office, but let's face it, it comes down to the person, and their beliefs, male or female," Lohan said.


"I would have liked to have remained impartial, however I am afraid that the 'lipstick on a pig' comments will overshadow the issues and the fact that I believe Barack Obama is the best choice, in this election, for president," she added.


Although Lohan said she feels "it's necessary for me to clarify that I am not against Sarah Palin as a mother or woman", the star believes that Palin -- the Incumbent Governor of Alaska -- isn't ready to run the country.


She said, "I find it quite interesting that a woman who now is running to be second in command of the United States, only 4 years ago had aspirations to be a television anchor, which is probably all she is qualified to be.


"Oh, and... Hint Hint Pali Pal - Don't pose for anymore tabloid covers, you're not a celebrity, you're running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY!"


Lohan -- who is rumored to be in a relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson -- also referenced Palin's views on homosexuality.


"Is it a sin to be gay?" Lohan asked. "Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?


"Is our country so divided that the Republicans best hope is a narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe?"


In conclusion, Lohan cited an Associated Press story reporting that Palin's church advocates a conference about prayer curing homosexuality. Wrote Lohan: "Palin's Desire to "save and convert the gays" - really??"


Ronson also chimed in.


"Vote for obama!" Ronson wrote. "Mainly because if she gets elected my green card probably won't get renewed!!!"


Gag me. Who cares?

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 15, 2008 -> 10:34 AM)
This is bigger than Colin Powell.


btw, someone just told me a new shot. It's called the lindsay lohan. It's a red headed slut (this is the actual name of a shot so don't kill me) with coke mixed in.



Haha thats awesome. RHS is a SOCo and Jager shot I think

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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Sep 15, 2008 -> 11:36 AM)
Haha thats awesome. RHS is a SOCo and Jager shot I think



That's it. Some barely 21'ers were doing them at the bowling alley Saturday night.

I'm kinda impressed with LL's opinion - though I wouldn't be surprised if someone scripted her blog for her. There are 20 something's that (sadly) look up to and possibly follow her opinion and at least it wasn't something like "oh my God... she's like totally not like.. ummm... uhh... hmm.. what is she trying to do again..?"

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 16, 2008 -> 09:45 AM)
Ha, you're arguing with Lindsay Lohan. You should be ashamed of yourself for giving her opinion a second thought.


I should be, but I think I have a shot at winning that argument!

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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Sep 15, 2008 -> 11:36 AM)
Haha thats awesome. RHS is a SOCo and Jager shot I think

I dont think theres soco in them. I used to them on occasion and if there was soco in them I would have thrown up immediately. Since I didnt throw up till later Im assuming its something else. The jager is correct though.

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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh wikipedia


The redheaded slut is a cocktail made of Jaegermeister, peach-flavored schnapps, and cranberry juice.


A relatively uncommon variation is to substitute Chambord for the cranberry juice, and possibly to substitute Canadian Whisky and Southern Comfort for the schnapps and Jaegermeister.

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QUOTE (thedoctor @ Sep 15, 2008 -> 11:43 AM)
eh. i was thinking mark mangino was in the fold.


Actually I'm pretty sure Lohan is in Mangino's fold.




Although Lohan said she feels "it's necessary for me to clarify that I am not against Sarah Palin as a mother or woman", the star believes that Palin -- the Incumbent Governor of Alaska -- isn't ready to run the country.


so the current President is Dick Cheney, right?


Regardless of her opinion...which was quite possibly that established from her secretary...that's an absolutely absurd statement to make in a press release. I mean, WTF, it's not like McCain suddenly was like "Hey, sup buds, I'm not quite ready, so here's Sarah Palin and she's gonna be the big P until I get into office while I get the sweet VP position...it's only coolz cuz it sounds kewl. When I'm ready, she's gonna be VP and then I get the s***ty, big P and then it's all downhill from there...bummer, I know bro...no more beer pong on Saturdays."

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I guess Obama doesn't need LL's help.....


LOS ANGELES — Lindsay Lohan's efforts to stump for Barack Obama were reportedly thrown back in her face by the Democratic candidate's campaign ... and her father is none too happy about it.


According to the Chicago Sun-Times, LiLo wanted to promote Obama but was turned away by his camp due to her wild ways. Now daddy Michael Lohan is biting back.


"For Barack Obama to condemn my daughter for past indiscretions when he admitted to the exact same himself is indicative of what kind of president he would be," Michael Lohan told Pop Tarts via e-mail on Wednesday night.


"His visions of a positive future for this country should be representative of a positive future for people as well. It is looking beyond the difficult times and letting go of the past," Michael said. "Obviously, Obama can do this for himself and not others, when in fact a good president should have hope for all."


Michael and his famous daughter have had a rocky relationship in recent weeks, but he had nothing but nice words for his little one in his e-mail.


"Lindsay is gifted — she has a wonderful heart and she can and will affect millions of people in a very positive way. She is here to stay," he said. "Obama might have eight years, and then he will be giving lectures. Who knows, maybe Lindsay will give him a part in one of her movies."


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