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Sammy at last year's HR derby...


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ESPN was replaying last years HR derby at Miller Park. Well it got down to the finals with Sammy and Giambi.

Sammy was whiffin left and right, if you recall.

Well, after 5 outs had passed on Sammy rather quickly, he walked over to the dugout and pointed to the batboy to grab a different bat.

The batboy gave him a black bat, Sammy checked it, nodded and went back to the plate.

Even Chris Berman remarked "Sammy is getting a new bat? Does it say 'Wonderboy' on it?"

Even though he only hit one HR in the finals ( he was tired), I wondered did he go get the corked bat to try to win te HR derby?


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Guest hotsoxchick1

come to think of it.. didnt shamme say in that press conference after the cork thing happened that he only used that corked bat for batting pratice and the home run derby??????i seem to recall he said that........could be wrong ... but .....im almost positive i heard those words leave his lips.... gotta run back and check any archives to see if its in there now......geez......

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  hotsoxchick1 said:
didnt shamme say in that press conference after the cork thing happened that he only used that corked bat for batting pratice and the home run derby??????

I don't think he mentioned the HR Derby. I remember some people were speculating since ShamME said he used it during "exhibitions."

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Guest hotsoxchick1
  CubKilla said:
I don't think he mentioned the HR Derby. I remember some people were speculating since ShamME said he used it during "exhibitions."

maybe that was what it was... but either way it has me curious now so im checking lol.......geez like i have nothing else better to do......... :bang

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Sosa said he uses it in exhibitions to please the fans


The home run derby is an exhibition, and mainly for the enjoyment of the fans (though sosa takes it as the world series)


Of course he has used corked bats in home run derby's past. It's not even questionable.

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  hotsoxchick1 said:
maybe that was what it was... but either way it has me curious now so im checking lol.......geez like i have nothing else better to do......... :bang

I think he said "home run contests." Maybe meaning between players during BP.

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Jesse Rodgers actually posted there a few times, his first being a long post defending himself. He always gets ripped on the message boards for being so positive after the Hawks suck it up. Some guy made a post of like "Hey this is Jesse the Tool after hawks 100-1 loss to the Thrashers, but hey let's look at the positives because they didn't play all that bad"


So he came to his own defense, it was kind of funny


To jesse's defense, if he started ripping the team all the time Wirtz would probly have him off the airwaves anyway. He has to promote the circus on ice no matter what.

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