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9/24 Gamethread: Chicago @ Minnesota


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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 07:27 PM)
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How about Rally Happy Fun Ball?



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 01:34 AM)
Ozzie you need to call hit and runs and do bulls*** that we wouldnt normally do. Its time for desperation, we cant just go station to station and try and out slug the twins in this park.


My internet went out, but I was going to say the same thing. Everyone watching could see that Dye was going to hit into the double play. Giving Jermaine a reason to focus on hitting it to the left side would have been a great idea. Of course, Ozzie sat on his hands when Wise got on and OC was up in the 1st inning.

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