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McCain Suspends Campaign


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Me = Obama... here's what I do.


Go to Washington. Work on the bailout. Work WITH McCain.

Cancel all public events Thursday and Friday. Keep running ads, but NO attack ads.

Debate Friday. Demand it be on the economy.

Back to work on Saturday.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 02:22 PM)
From the "McCain's Trying to Hide Bad Polls" Crowd:


CNN Polls:

CO - Obama +4

MI - Obama +5

PA - Obama +9

WV - McCain +4!!!

MT - McCain +11

I really believe if the election were held today, McCain would win. I think unfortunately there are still a lot of people that when it comes time to actually vote will not vote for Obama because of his race.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 03:28 PM)
I really believe if the election were held today, McCain would win. I think unfortunately there are still a lot of people that when it comes time to actually vote will not vote for Obama because of his race.

It didn't happen in the primaries, and there was no Bradley Effect there either. /shrug

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I really believe if the election were held today, McCain would win. I think unfortunately there are still a lot of people that when it comes time to actually vote will not vote for Obama because of his race.

Obama beat polling averages pretty routinely in the primary, the Bradley Effect is a made up sensation.

Edited by DukeNukeEm
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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 02:32 PM)
Basically a bunch of dorks who turn the election polling into the equivalent of baseball statistics.




No, it's ran by guys who know econometrics and try to use math to more accurtely forecast polls. It's a million times better than listening to any talking head of TV.

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Obama's camp has put out their version of events and now McCain spokesman Brian Rogers sends over the Crysal City tick-tock:

Senator Obama phoned Senator McCain at 8:30 am this morning but did not reach him. The topic of Senator Obama’s call to Senator McCain was never discussed. Senator McCain was meeting with economic advisers and talking to leaders in Congress throughout the day prior to calling Senator Obama. At 2:30 pm, Senator McCain phoned Senator Obama and expressed deep concern that the plan on the table would not pass as it currently stands. He asked Senator Obama to join him in returning to Washington to lead a bipartisan effort to solve this problem.

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QUOTE (Cerbaho-WG @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 12:36 PM)
No, it's ran by guys who know econometrics and try to use math to more accurtely forecast polls. It's a million times better than listening to any talking head of TV.

Actually, it's run by Nate Silver...from Baseball Prospectus.

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A plugged in reader who's a Democratic lobbyist writes in with a good point:

The deal on the "bail out" is 98% done. Treasury has capitulated on almost every point. A draft is circulating on the Hill now. No one needs McCain to help do the remaining 2%....except the White House who has no standing on this matter on the Hill with either Democrats or Republicans.

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Obama Speaks:

  • Lays out his general vision of what the plan should look like.
  • Has talked to Paulson twice today and daily all this week.
  • Obama and McCain agreed to a joint statement. McCain never firmly told him of his plans to suspend the campaign.
  • This is EXACTLY the time to debate and hear from the candidates. "It's more important than ever."
  • Says McCain told him he was thinking about asking to postpon the debates, but never said firmly they should (McCain blindsided Obama by going public with his demand).
  • We need to be careful not to infuse Capital Hill and this crisis with presidential politics.
  • Presidents need to deal with multiple things at the same time. There's no need to suspend everything (a hint he will continue to campaign?)
  • Says he doesnt want to get in the way. (Politically getting in the way I assume) He'll be there if capital hill wants him there. But now is not the time to get in the way
  • Sounds more and more like he'll keep campaigning while also working to make the bailout deal.
  • Brushed off a question about pulling his ads. Sounds like he is pressing forward.
  • Said he has agreed to do what he and McCain agreed to do (is the Joint Statement). (once again, insulating McCain didn't say anything about his plans? this is a political move?)
  • Says he told McCain they should get the joint statement out first then talk further about suspending campaigns. (McCain jumped the gun and played politics.)


He's going to get hit by the GOP for not caring about the bailout.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 12:28 PM)
Me = Obama... here's what I do.


Go to Washington. Work on the bailout. Work WITH McCain.

Cancel all public events Thursday and Friday. Keep running ads, but NO attack ads.

Debate Friday. Demand it be on the economy.

Back to work on Saturday.

Here's the problem with that idea.


The bailout is horrible policy. Most polls show people don't like it. The stock market is hurting but isn't completely in the tank. Most people aren't stupid, they realize this. They saw other bubbles burst like in 2001 and know that we didn't spend a trillion dollars bailing things out then. Polling data pretty well confirms that.


There's no reason this needs to be done during the pressure of a presidential election. The Fed still has $200 billion or so in reserves left, if they genuinely need more the Congress can authorize a much smaller buyout package to tide things over a little while longer and buy some time.

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Actually, it's run by Nate Silver...from Baseball Prospectus.

Which, for me at least, makes me love it even more.


But Silver graduated with honors in economics from the University of Chicago, so I believe he's more than qualified to be playing with numbers however the hell he wants.

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What I wouldn't give to see what the reaction would have been if Obama had done this. I believe it'd be along the lines of "the Messiah shows he's great yet again!"


Seriously, I give props to McCain for this. Yes, he'll use it to his political advantage, but so what? Isn't that what each candidate has done 99.9% of the time the last 3-4 years? GMAFB. Everything they do is for political gain.

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Strategically, I think Obama has to say damn the torpedos, full speed ahead. It would be too damn Dem of him to let McCain unilaterally alter a presidential campaign in this historic, unprecedented way when there is no clear and present danger at hand. He promised to run a different campaign than Kerry, Dukakis, et al. (i.e., have balls), so do it. Offer to fly in to Oxford from DC together, debate for 90 minutes, and fly back to Washington right after. He can promise to teach McCain how to use his Blackberry to stay in touch with Congress on the plane. He can tell him he's willing to skip meals and legislate all night if you have to, taking full advantage of his youth and vigor. Obama will look weak if he capitulates.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 02:59 PM)
What I wouldn't give to see what the reaction would have been if Obama had done this. I believe it'd be along the lines of "the Messiah shows he's great yet again!"


Seriously, I give props to McCain for this. Yes, he'll use it to his political advantage, but so what? Isn't that what each candidate has done 99.9% of the time the last 3-4 years? GMAFB. Everything they do is for political gain.

the point is that obama WOULDN'T have done this because it was a terrible decision. lol

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QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Sep 24, 2008 -> 04:02 PM)
Strategically, I think Obama has to say damn the torpedos, full speed ahead. It would be too damn Dem of him to let McCain unilaterally alter a presidential campaign in this historic, unprecedented way when there is no clear and present danger at hand. He promised to run a different campaign than Kerry, Dukakis, et al. (i.e., have balls), so do it. Offer to fly in to Oxford from DC together, debate for 90 minutes, and fly back to Washington right after. He can promise to teach McCain how to use his Blackberry to stay in touch with Congress on the plane. He can tell him he's willing to skip meals and legislate all night if you have to, taking full advantage of his youth and vigor. Obama will look weak if he capitulates.



In all serious, Obama should be 100% positive right now. No attacks on McCain. Go after Bush, but dont hit the man who isnt fighting back. He can really run with this only if he stays positive, in my opinion.

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