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When racial slurs provoke murder...


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I was watching the First 48 the other day.For those that havent seen this show it is a reality show that follows homicide detectives the first 48 hours of a murder from initial crime scene to the next 48 hours of investigation(the first 48 being the most important hours of the investigation).


There was a case where a 15 year old African American boy was being charged with the murder of a 40 something white male.It was involving $15 that the white males drug addict girlfriend had owed to the young boy.When the boy comes up to the house to confront the woman about the money the boyfriend starts using racial slurs towards the kid saying you n****** arent getting anything.The young boy claims the man kept on with these slurs it set him into a rage and he beat him with his bare hands which he would later die from his injuries.The show seemed to have compassion for this kid and so did the courts.The boy recieved 10 years in jail for this murder and he was tried as an adult.


I dont feel like name calling should even be factored in a case of murder.I dont care if you call someone the worst possible racial slur or anything else you should not get any lighter sentence to such a horrible crime.I dont know how the law looks at such a matter but the kid shouldnt have been given any different treatment IMHO.

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You mentioned the lady owed the kid money, if that was for drugs than they shouldnt need to hear anything else as long as it wasnt in self defense.


I watch that show a lot. I think its very interesting but at the same time it basically shows people a way, if any, to get away with murder. It shows how to avoid the tricks the detectives use to get people to confess when thats their only way of closing a case.

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Victimization studies show many cases where the victim actually was an active participant. Remember the hockey coach killing in Boston a few years back? Same thing. The perpetrators usually receive lesser sentences.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 28, 2008 -> 05:51 PM)
killing someone for calling you a name gives the murderer no coverage as far as i'm concerned.


killing someone for owing you money also gives you no coverage as far as i'm concerend.


Actually you have two people who are engaged in an illegal act (drugs dealing) and one kills another. The racial slurs are kind of secondary. As a society we don't mind criminals killing each other, in fact we generally encourage it.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 28, 2008 -> 06:00 PM)
Actually you have two people who are engaged in an illegal act (drugs dealing) and one kills another. The racial slurs are kind of secondary. As a society we don't mind criminals killing each other, in fact we generally encourage it.


not really. criminals whom killed criminals are the majority of people whom are in prison for murder. a lot of murders seem to be tied to the illicit drug trade.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 28, 2008 -> 06:08 PM)
not really. criminals whom killed criminals are the majority of people whom are in prison for murder. a lot of murders seem to be tied to the illicit drug trade.

Right. Sentencing is what we are talking about. Kill Joe Businessman and receive a much longer sentence then killing a drug dealer.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 06:53 AM)
Maybe we should offer free shooting coures to gangbangers so that they can actually hit the other gangbangers they are aiming at instead of always nailing the 3 year old 2 houses over.


There is a hierarchy based on who you kill. A young African American gang banger takes a shot on the south side and hits a rival gang member, 10-12 years. He hits that African-American 3 year old next door, 20 years. He hits a white guy, 40 years, he hits a cop and they put a needle in him. He hits an undocumented worker and they give him a brick in the border wall with his name on it.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 07:53 AM)
Maybe we should offer free shooting coures to gangbangers so that they can actually hit the other gangbangers they are aiming at instead of always nailing the 3 year old 2 houses over.

Have you ever noticed the movie-style gangbanger way of shooting with a handgun? lol. Turning it to the side and randomly pulling the trigger without stopping to aim, you may as well be throwing the bullets with your eyes closed. It's no damn wonder some of them cause so much collateral damage, their shooting mechanics are horrible.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 28, 2008 -> 07:00 PM)
Actually you have two people who are engaged in an illegal act (drugs dealing) and one kills another. The racial slurs are kind of secondary. As a society we don't mind criminals killing each other, in fact we generally encourage it.


Well as far as this case went it was all a matter of assumption that the kid was dealing drugs to the woman in the past and thats why she owed him money.But they never really connected the two as drug dealer and buyer.Kid wanted money from woman, boyfriend calls kid a n***** many times kid beats mans head into the wall a few times and says he was provoked by such awful namecalling.Drugs werent even really considered as a part of this even though it seemed to be the underlying reason for all of it.

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