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VP Debate Thread


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Here is what will happen. The moderator will ask Biden a generic question. Biden will answer at length, throwing in some tiny bit of obscure data about the question that maybe 10 people even know about. The moderator will then rephrase the question to Palin, somehow using that little tidbit that Biden threw in, challenging her to respond to that. There will be lots of mentions of Alaska and Delaware, 3 attempts to tie Palin/McCain to Bush, 3 or 4 mentions of mutual respect for each other, 1 mention of moose and no mentions of the moderator having a book about the political success of Barack Obama coming out on the day of inaugaration, which whould sell much better if Obama is actually President.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:08 PM)
...and no mentions of the moderator having a book about the political success of Barack Obama coming out on the day of inaugaration, which whould sell much better if Obama is actually President.


The McCain camp knew about the book beforehand. They could have asked for a different moderator.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 01:10 PM)
If I am Biden's debate prep crew/strategists, I am telling him to keep his answers short and stay on the point. The longer he talks, the more gaffe-prone he is.

And to tell him to watch the Bush I/Ferraro debate tape and to be careful.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:11 PM)
The McCain camp knew about the book beforehand. They could have asked for a different moderator.

You miss the point. Whoever picked the moderator knew about the book as well, and she should have never been offered the spot. Can't they find someone who at least doesn't appear to want one side or the other to win?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 11:17 AM)
You miss the point. Whoever picked the moderator knew about the book as well, and she should have never been offered the spot. Can't they find someone who at least doesn't appear to want one side or the other to win?

And you missed my point. The McCain OK'd the choice of Ifill even though they knew about the book. Perhaps they saw a built in excuse in case Palin performed poorly?

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 11:22 AM)
And you missed my point. The McCain OK'd the choice of Ifill even though they knew about the book. Perhaps they saw a built in excuse in case Palin performed poorly?

I wonder if any of them did know, at least before her selection.


The host of PBS’ “Washington Week” and senior correspondent on “The NewsHour” said she did not tell the Commission on Presidential Debates about the book. The commission had no immediate comment when contacted by The Associated Press. A spokeswoman for John McCain’s campaign did not immediately return phone and e-mail messages

You would think that when being talked about as a moderator for a VP debate, that would be some important information for those making the decision to know. I don't discount your suggestion that they knew and wanted to keep her there for just those reasons, but it is funny how every decision by a R has some ulterior motive, while the ones by D's are driven by ideological purity and nothign else. Just an 'oops' that she didn't tell, or that if someone on the committe knew, didn't say.

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Palin to attack Biden... on foreign policy?

Sarah Palin plans to go on the attack in tonight’s debate, hitting Joe Biden for what she will call his foreign policy blunders and penchant for adopting liberal positions on taxes and other issues, according to campaign officials involved in prepping her for tonight’s showdown.


This from the woman who once said she hasnt payed much attention to Iraq.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:13 PM)
Palin to attack Biden... on foreign policy?



This from the woman who once said she hasnt payed much attention to Iraq.

She didn't have to as governor. how much attention to foreign affairs did Obama have, before deciding to run for president? Or Jimmy Carter? or Ronald Regean? or Bill Clinton? And these guys were going for the top spot, and din't know all that much until they decided to go for it. She shouldn't be expected to be a f***ing genius on world affiars in just a few months. if you have to know it all before you run, then Obama shouldn't have run either, because other than his few 'votes' on Iraq, he didn't know s*** either.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 01:17 PM)
She didn't have to as governor. how much attention to foreign affairs did Obama have, before deciding to run for president? Or Jimmy Carter? or Ronald Regean? or Bill Clinton? And these guys were going for the top spot, and din't know all that much until they decided to go for it. She shouldn't be expected to be a f***ing genius on world affiars in just a few months. if you have to know it all before you run, then Obama shouldn't have run either, because other than his few 'votes' on Iraq, he didn't know s*** either.

please don't tell me you support Palin, even as a republican backer it is fine to admit that it was clearly a mistake to put her on the ticket

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A partial list of Gwen Ifill's questions for the VP debate

Mayor Palin, Barack Obama is a handsome, charismatic demigod. How many boxes of Kleenex will you need after your crushing loss?


Senator Biden, what is your favorite color? And if you have time for a follow-up question: Why?


Mayor, you talk funny and you own a tanning bed. Why haven't you released Trig's birth certificate?


Senator, have you seen those pictures of Obama in his swim trunks? If not, I have them right here.


Mayor, what are the names, ages, and blood types of all 71 members of the Belgian Senate? And why are you unwilling to admit that your inability to instantly produce any and every fact I demand makes you unfit to stand in the way of history?


Senator, you've spoken at length. Could you please continue?


Mayor, which is your preferred method of stifling dissent, banning books or burning them? Since it's both, please explain how you can deny the accusation that you're a fascist, which I am making now.



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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 10:46 AM)
If I were Biden, I'd have this little quip ready to go after Palin's first sarcastic "attack with a smile" comment:

"So, which of McCain's lobbyist campaign staffers fed you that line before you came out here today?"

I'm sorry, that'd just be an incredibly stupid insult. Whether she's prepared or not, at some level you have to treat your opponent with some measure of respect just on the grounds that they're there.

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Joe Lieberman - Palin wont know all the answers

"She's not lived in the world of Washington, so she doesn't know every detail of all the questions senators deal with," Lieberman told NBC's Andrea Mitchell. "But, frankly, that's her strength. I think that's why a lot of regular people out across America think she's going to be their voice."


Mitchell interjected, "Senator, she wants to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. You know, that doesn't mean just being an average mom, it means bringing other skills."


But Lieberman stayed on the point, stating later, "I think tonight is not a kind of final college exam. I think the point is who is she as a person... Whether she can answer every detailed question, I don't think that ultimately matters to the American people so long as they think she passes those other personal thresholds."


So, the person one heartbeat away from the presidency doesnt need to answer important questions because she's an average person and people like that.

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