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Palin's Tax Records


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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 11:37 AM)
Experts: Palin Owes $25K In Backed Taxes On Per Diems




So, Palin and her husband want to secede Alaska from the US and reinterpret the IRS tax code. odd.


Not that unusual to have a deduction disallowed. In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor error and with the IRS tax code, these issues often time are just a matter of interpretation. More technical than anything else. As I mentioned, I've been down this road.

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If Charlie Rangle, the guy who helps make up all the damn IRS rules and crap, can conveniently 'forget' to claim rental income, I can't see where her relying on an accountants information to be anything to talk about further. Unless you want to note how much the Palin's donated to charity, as compared to Biden.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 02:00 PM)
If Charlie Rangle, the guy who helps make up all the damn IRS rules and crap, can conveniently 'forget' to claim rental income, I can't see where her relying on an accountants information to be anything to talk about further. Unless you want to note how much the Palin's donated to charity, as compared to Biden.

So, Palin is OK because some random Democrat did something questionable? If your child tries to tell you something is OK because *insert name* did it, do you accept that?


Wrong is wrong. I am not 100% sure Palin is wrong here BTW - I just take issue with the "but so-and-so did it!" tactics.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 02:07 PM)
So, Palin is OK because some random Democrat did something questionable? If your child tries to tell you something is OK because *insert name* did it, do you accept that?


Wrong is wrong. I am not 100% sure Palin is wrong here BTW - I just take issue with the "but so-and-so did it!" tactics.

That seems to be the defense for Obama in his lies and negative ads. McCain does it, so its ok if we respond. Maybe I'll boomark your response here for everytime I see that as a justification for Obama being just another politician and paste it in reply. I just said that if she relied on the advice of her accountant, I don't see this as being some national emergency. People do that all the time, and sometimes the accountants are wrong.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 02:15 PM)
That seems to be the defense for Obama in his lies and negative ads. McCain does it, so its ok if we respond. Maybe I'll boomark your response here for everytime I see that as a justification for Obama being just another politician and paste it in reply. I just said that if she relied on the advice of her accountant, I don't see this as being some national emergency. People do that all the time, and sometimes the accountants are wrong.

Negative ads are just a part of political strategy. I don't give a f*** if Jesus is running a campaign, when one politician runs a smear ad, there is a response.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 02:20 PM)
I don't think that this is really a very big deal.

Me either, even if this was 100% true and she was in the wrong, I could probably name 10 bigger reasons I have to not like her.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 02:15 PM)
That seems to be the defense for Obama in his lies and negative ads. McCain does it, so its ok if we respond. Maybe I'll boomark your response here for everytime I see that as a justification for Obama being just another politician and paste it in reply. I just said that if she relied on the advice of her accountant, I don't see this as being some national emergency. People do that all the time, and sometimes the accountants are wrong.

I doubt you've seen me use that defense (the other guy did it) for anything. Negative campaigning is certainly a reality, and they do both do it. But you won't see me throw out some random GOP'er in response to a negative accusation about Obama.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 02:22 PM)
I doubt you've seen me use that defense (the other guy did it) for anything. Negative campaigning is certainly a reality, and they do both do it. But you won't see me throw out some random GOP'er in response to a negative accusation about Obama.

I did not mean to imply that you specifically used that as a defense, but it has been used on here by others many, many times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a little update to this... a report is out now that shows details of Palin's travel expenses. More specifically, this article looks at the money she charged the state for her children to travel with her. It appears that many times, they served no purpose, other than to be with their mother. In fact oddly, it looks like Palin would just bring her kids to events they weren't invite to.


I am not bringing this up to say "She's EVIL!" or anything like that. In fact, I consider this somewhat of a grey area. I think its commendable for Palin to have her kids see those machinations, and to be near their parents. Its just a question of, should the state (the taxpayers) be covering that expense. Consider these questions...


--If the Governor is travelling far and wide away from the family, should the state be paying for the kids to travel too? Even if they aren't part of the functions?


--Should the kids ever, really, BE part of those functions?


--Are the Palins actually "that family", the ones who bring a platoon of children to a wedding that is specifically a no-kids event?


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 22, 2008 -> 06:42 AM)
As a little update to this... a report is out now that shows details of Palin's travel expenses. More specifically, this article looks at the money she charged the state for her children to travel with her. It appears that many times, they served no purpose, other than to be with their mother. In fact oddly, it looks like Palin would just bring her kids to events they weren't invite to.


I am not bringing this up to say "She's EVIL!" or anything like that. In fact, I consider this somewhat of a grey area. I think its commendable for Palin to have her kids see those machinations, and to be near their parents. Its just a question of, should the state (the taxpayers) be covering that expense. Consider these questions...


--If the Governor is travelling far and wide away from the family, should the state be paying for the kids to travel too? Even if they aren't part of the functions?


--Should the kids ever, really, BE part of those functions?


--Are the Palins actually "that family", the ones who bring a platoon of children to a wedding that is specifically a no-kids event?


Again, this issue happened at the Congressional level with Nancy Pelosi flying her family in pretty regularly from California for no "official" reason. It wasn't even a gray area then. It was allowed.


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 22, 2008 -> 07:45 AM)
Again, this issue happened at the Congressional level with Nancy Pelosi flying her family in pretty regularly from California for no "official" reason. It wasn't even a gray area then. It was allowed.

Is Pelosi the "maverick" who is going to reform government and cut wasteful spending?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 22, 2008 -> 06:45 AM)
Again, this issue happened at the Congressional level with Nancy Pelosi flying her family in pretty regularly from California for no "official" reason. It wasn't even a gray area then. It was allowed.

I wondered if that was the case.


How do we feel about that? In the grand scheme, its not a huge added cost. Then again, most of us don't get that privilege, even if we do travel all the time, so why should they?


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 22, 2008 -> 07:02 AM)
I wondered if that was the case.


How do we feel about that? In the grand scheme, its not a huge added cost. Then again, most of us don't get that privilege, even if we do travel all the time, so why should they?


I don't particularly like it, but its not like I have much say.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 22, 2008 -> 06:49 AM)
Is Pelosi the "maverick" who is going to reform government and cut wasteful spending?



No this is the Nancy we know:



Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s home district includes San Francisco.


Star-Kist Tuna’s headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi’s home district.


Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.


Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75 percent of the Samoan workforce.


Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.


In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition’s.


Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an “economic development credit in American Samoa.”


Pelosi has called the Bush administration “corrupt.”


She should know.


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The wages in other countries, even territories, can be a tricky thing for the US to regulate. For example Mexico has had the fear, especially along the border, that maquilla operations (Asian and US firms operating a twin plant) would raise wages to where the local companies could not compete and would close from a lack of employees or profits. So I could understand that factors such as cost of living in America Samoa, the rest of their economy, etc. would make it necessary to have a different minimum wage.


I'm not saying that this all wasn't a back handed deal to help her husband and a major contributor. But with 75% of that country's economy tied to one employer it would be a disaster if they moved to another country in that region. We've seen the outsourcing here, I assume it could happen there. What would happen to that country if Del Monte pulled out?

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Another point, and I'm not certain what the answer is revolves around this concept.


We don't want congress to get involved in something they don't know anything about.




When they do know something, like because it is in their district or they are a major investor, we don't want to have them involved.


I just glanced and it seems since Bumble Bee (#1 in canned tuna) spun off from ConAgra, they have expanded in Thailand and Ecuador. I'm not certain how Samoa compares to those countries but it would be interesting to know before thinking we gave Star Kist a gift or we saved Samoa from ruin if Del Monte pulled out.


And tuna sales have been down sharply because of mercury concerns in the product.


/back to Palin

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