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Obama/McCain Round 2


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Today's debate will be a town hall format. The questions have been submitted by the audience members and I believe a third of the questions will be from submissions online.


Brokaw will be the moderator.

Edited by BigSqwert
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I think this will be a fun one. McCain is on the ropes, but by no means out yet. He'll have to pull out the big guns. For Obama, that gets interesting - Barack is actually very, very good when he responds off the cuff. But he's going to be hemmed in by his talking points, per guidance of his campaign, I'm sure.


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The rules favor Obama's position in this case. Questions are prescreened and preprepared. Mikes are cut off by the audience members so that no follow ups can be asked, and Brokaw can't challenge either candidate, and neither candidate is supposed to be able to challenge the other either. So this event may end up being extremely boring and with little to change the outcome.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 10:07 AM)
The rules favor Obama's position in this case. Questions are prescreened and preprepared. Mikes are cut off by the audience members so that no follow ups can be asked, and Brokaw can't challenge either candidate, and neither candidate is supposed to be able to challenge the other either. So this event may end up being extremely boring and with little to change the outcome.

So, you are saying McCain can roll his walker over to Obama and stare him down?

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 11:09 AM)
So, you are saying McCain can roll his walker over to Obama and stare him down?

Look, there are so many policy issues to challenge McCain on--why go for the easy cheap shot of his age? We get it he's old.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 10:07 AM)
The rules favor Obama's position in this case. Questions are prescreened and preprepared. Mikes are cut off by the audience members so that no follow ups can be asked, and Brokaw can't challenge either candidate, and neither candidate is supposed to be able to challenge the other either. So this event may end up being extremely boring and with little to change the outcome.

Hm. Maybe not as fun as I thought.


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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 11:07 AM)
The rules favor Obama's position in this case. Questions are prescreened and preprepared. Mikes are cut off by the audience members so that no follow ups can be asked, and Brokaw can't challenge either candidate, and neither candidate is supposed to be able to challenge the other either. So this event may end up being extremely boring and with little to change the outcome.


That's not a debate at all. It's a joke. I doubt I'll tune in to this one.


That was a big part of the problem with the VP debate -- if Sarah Palin felt like talking about energy policy or "Mavericks!" instead of whatever the question actually was, there was nothing Ifill could do.

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By the way, I finally managed to watch most of the first debate recently. Nothing earth-shattering, nothing really new. As I may have noted recently, no one really "won".


But one thing did stick out, and it bothered me. It was the way they treated each other. Obama referred to Senator McCain as "John", and addressed him directly, a lot of the time. McCain on the other hand, referred to Obama with general phrasing and never made eye contact. Its like McCain had no respect for sharing the stage with him.


This is yet another picture of the way the McCain campaign has turned me off in recent months, and IMO, why many independents are moving to Obama. Its a lack of respect for anyone or anything that doesn't toe the conservative line. Which is disturbing to see from McCain, who I had previously seen as someone more likely to be truly willing to be a "maverick". There is nothing maverick or independent about this version of McCain.


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 12:49 PM)
Good. I hope he comes off as angry and bitter. That may play well for his base but will most likely be a turnoff for independents.

Advisers worry about ‘grumpy McCain’

When Politico’s Ryan Grim approached Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) after the evening of the Senate bailout vote, the reporter didn’t even get his question out.


“Excuse me, you’re bothering me,” McCain said.


It was a surprising rebuke from a politician who once was famous for palling around with reporters, and who was so media-friendly that he was sometimes known as “the senator from ‘Meet the Press.’”


But what friends call “grumpy McCain” is showing up regularly on the campaign trail, and several top advisers worry that it’s hurting his campaign by making him appear peevish and hunkered down when the country is looking for a larger and more optimistic brand of leadership.


After his first debate with Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), both spectators in the hall and commentators on TV noted that McCain had deliberately avoided looking at his rival.


A close McCain friend said the reason is clear: McCain is miserable about having to run a campaign that’s antithetical to his persona.


“He is basically having to be somebody that he isn’t,” said the friend, who remains strongly supportive. “He is just not a guy that goes on the attack in public. For him to be on the attack constantly, attacking Obama’s character … McCain is uncomfortable with that, and it’s made him grumpy.”

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Quote of the Day (Fox News):

LA JEUNESSE: Tonight as those candidates debate, an army of internet fact checkers will be trying to separate fact from fiction, acting as judge and jury as to which candidate is telling the truth or a tall tale. While most of these sites are non-partisan, timely and useful, like Factcheck.org and Politifact, remember, they are uh...well, their facts are -- no one is checking the fact checkers. And their facts...unlike science...the facts are not irrefutable. And now to Washington.


So, facts arent facts unless the facts are fact checked by facts which are not facts unless fact checked by facts.


My head hurts.

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