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2009 Starting Lineup


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Let's see what you all think about who should be where next year.


My lineup as of now is going off who is expected to be on the team next year.


1st = Konerko

2nd = Getz


3rd= Fields






Pitchers=1-Burls, 2-Danks, and 3-Floyd


Utility-As much as I hate even thinking about it, Uribe. I only hope he doesn't start, even though I'll bet Guillen will be an idiot and start him at second.

4th Outfield-Wise


Oh and hopefully Beckham will move up the ranks in the minors and take over at short sometime during the season and move Ramiraz back to 2nd.

Edited by ChisoxFurrious9
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QUOTE (ChisoxFurrious9 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 07:38 PM)
Let's see what you all think about who should be where next year.


My lineup as of now is going off who is expected to be on the team next year.


1st = Konerko

2nd = Getz


3rd= Fields






Pitchers=1-Burls, 2-Danks, and 3-Floyd

Put Swish in Center, and you've got a chance at being right on target.

Edited by Thunderbolt
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QUOTE (ChisoxFurrious9 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 05:38 PM)
Let's see what you all think about who should be where next year.


My lineup as of now is going off who is expected to be on the team next year.


1st = Konerko

2nd = Getz


3rd= Fields






Pitchers=1-Burls, 2-Danks, and 3-Floyd


Utility-As much as I hate even thinking about it, Uribe. I only hope he doesn't start, even though I'll bet Guillen will be an idiot and start him at second.

4th Outfield-Wise


Oh and hopefully Beckham will move up the ranks in the minors and take over at short sometime during the season and move Ramiraz back to 2nd.

Who the hell are Ramiraz, Quinten, and Piersynski? Why do you only have 3 pitchers?


My lineup would look like this:


SS - Furcal

2B - Ramirez

LF - Quentin

RF - Dye

1B - Konerko

DH - Thome

CF - Melky Cabrera, Nate McLouth, or BA

C - Pierzynski

3B - Uribe


Super-Sub - Getz



Buehrle, Derek Lowe, Danks, Floyd, Richard


I wouldn't mind changing it to Orlando Hudson leading off playing 2B and Alexei batting 2nd playing SS if Hudson would be willing to do a one or two year deal.

Edited by jenks45monster
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Mine is going to look like this!!


CF Mark Kotsay

2B Jack Wilson

LF Carlos Quentin

RF Jermaine Dye

DH Jim Thome

1B Paul Konerko

3B Josh Fields

C A.J. Pierzynski

SS Alexei Ramirez


Adds Speed to the top and speed from the 9 hitter. I just see this happening

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QUOTE (SoxFanForever @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 06:48 PM)
If that is our starting lineup 2009 I will punch someones puppy.


A lot of people would have the same reaction if that was our line-up come opening day of 2009, but let's sit back and put a few things in perspective.


Last January, how many fans were b****ing that we had Gavin Floyd in the starting rotation? Most of this site wasn't thrilled about our rotation, and it turned our strongest component.


My point is Kenny is going to do whatever he can to make the team better, but if we have a "Chris Getz", "Jerry Owens", or a Josh Fields" in the starting line-up, let's not freak out until they actually have a chance to prove themselves.


Now that I said that let me add my thoughts.


I don't think Josh Fields is going to be the starting 3b for the White Sox. I also think we'll see a new CF come spring training.


As far as the pen goes, I hope Kenny considers shopping Octavio Dotel, and I hope MacDougal and Broadway are traded elsewhere.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 06:59 PM)
1B) Konerko

2B) TBD or Ramirez

SS) Ramiraz or TBD


LF) Quinten

CF) Swisher baring a major acquisition

RF) Dye

C) Piersynski

DH) Thome


Bold are players who are locks for their position.


I'll disagree with that.

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There is no way Getz, Fields, Owens are all starting next year. Maybe 1 of the three if KW cant find the upgrades he wants. Im pretty sure Fields will never start on this team due to his defense, Ozzie couldn't stand it for 10 games how its he gonna put up with 162. Fields should be traded due to poor defense, high strikeouts, and low avg. Getz and Owens have some promise, but Owens is going to have to play past Swish, BA, and Wise now, I wouldn't mind trading one of them while their value is high. Getz seems like he would be useful, especially if we sign Furcal or Hudson with Lexi at the other position. Those two are a little injury prone so it would be nice to have Getz around as their backup. Other than that it seems like everyone wants Casey Blake as the starting 3B. I think thats a decent move as long hes not signed for more than 2 years for around 14-16 mil.

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QUOTE (Baines3 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 08:25 PM)
I would have Josh Fields at 3B. He should have been the third baseman this year.

I'd take Uribe over Fields in every category in baseball except power. And with our current team, the last thing we need is more power.


If our lineup is:

C Pierzynski

1B Konerko

2B Ramirez

SS Hardy

3B Beltre

LF Quentin

CF Who knows?

RF Dye

DH THome


Then we need that CF to be a true leadoff man. Who can that be?

David DeJesus- possibly, but he'd cost more then he's worth, and I doubt KC gives him to us.

Nate McClouth- this would be my choice by that's just me. If we get McClouth, we'd be giving up a lot so a trade for Beltre would be out of the works.


I'd love a lineup of, let's say we trade Dye:










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I was baseing my starting lineup off of people who are already on the team, which is why it looks bad. I'm just assuming that we don't pick up anyone (highly unlikely) and are forced to make a lineup based on this year's roster. (Excluding FA like OC). And sorry for the butchered spelling. Didn't think it was such a big deal

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 08:36 PM)
Unless Jerry Owens turns into Denard Span in some magical way, he should stay in AAA or on the bench.

You know, I was hoping that Span was a two month fluke but the guy hit .278 / .391 / .398 in September / October. Not a great SLG, but Span would definitely fit on the White Sox as a CF/leadoff guy. Frustrating that the Twins always seem to develop guys that fit their needs and the Sox don't.

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QUOTE (ChisoxFurrious9 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 08:52 PM)
I was baseing my starting lineup off of people who are already on the team, which is why it looks bad. I'm just assuming that we don't pick up anyone (highly unlikely) and are forced to make a lineup based on this year's roster. (Excluding FA like OC). And sorry for the butchered spelling. Didn't think it was such a big deal

It isn't, ignore him. Welcome to Soxtalk.

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3B Chone Figgins

2B Orlando Hudson

LF Carlos Quentin

1B Paul Konerko

DH Jim Thome

C AJ Pierzynski

RF Jermaine Dye

CF Nate McClouth

SS Alexei Ramirez


SP Mark Buerhle

SP C.C Sabathia

SP John Danks

SP Gavin Floyd

SP Lance Broadway


RP Octavio Dotel

RP Matt Thornton

RP Clayton Richards

RP Scott Linebrink


CP Bobby Jenks




Edited by WinningUgly85
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QUOTE (WinningUgly85 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 10:14 PM)
SP Mark Buerhle

SP C.C Sabathia

SP John Danks

SP Gavin Floyd

SP Lance Broadway

Anyone else know any historical examples of a team with 3 successful Lefty starters? (Other than, Buehrle, Danks, and Richard) It seems like it could work, but for some in baseball it's a major issue. Sabathia as unlikely as his acquisition would be would have to be slotted as #1. This would mean in a traditional lefty/righty setup, Floyd a Righty as 2, Buehrle #3, Broadway#4, and Danks #5. Now, I don’t know if we’d want Danks as #5 again. Given the enormous improvements he’s made over the last year. This would be subject to change; as If I remember correctly at the beginning of this year it was Buehrle, Vasquez, Danks, Contreras, Floyd, which would change significantly by the end.

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