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Obama vs. McCain Debate III


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QUOTE (Reddy @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:03 AM)
true, they haven't done a great job, but they've got a president w/ veto power looming over them. plus, yes, they're democratically controlled, but that still means they need to get GOP votes to pass anything. we'll see what happens with a Dem pres/congress next year.


Yeah I am so looking forward to the crazy crap that comes out of looney Pelosi and looney Reid without a veto above them.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:02 PM)
Their current lack of success in the Dem controlled congress offers little, if any, hope. I will not root for their failure, but I will on a small level, revel in it, and throw back at them everything they did for the last 8 years.

They don't really have a big enough majority to start pushing an agenda around. Speaking of lack of performance though, the approval ratings of Congress don't matter, because it's just a continuation of a trend that was happening before they took over. If the conditions of the country don't change, the public's opinion doesn't change.



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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:06 AM)
No more so that calling Alpha non credible because he shares a different view.

no you're right, my post really didn't add anything useful to the conversation, i'll give you that. but it was at least slightly more tactfully made...

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:05 PM)
To merely dismiss my post as irrelevant because he disagrees with my Palin line is also unnecessary. Yes.

You didn't need to go so far as to tell him to bite your ass is what I was saying.

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:06 PM)
No more so that calling Alpha non credible because he shares a different view.

There is no rule against Reddy saying what he said. If it's what he thinks, it's what he thinks.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:11 AM)
There is no rule against Reddy saying what he said. If it's what he thinks, it's what he thinks.

but there is a rule against Alpha's longing for a little nibbling on one or both of his two rounded prominences that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures?? Sometimes this place can be so prejudice. What's next no "spank me" references?

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:21 AM)
but there is a rule against Alpha's longing for a little nibbling on one or both of his two rounded prominences that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures?? Sometimes this place can be so prejudice. What's next no "spank me" references?

you've got a great way with words, sir.

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:21 PM)
but there is a rule against Alpha's longing for a little nibbling on one or both of his two rounded prominences that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures?? Sometimes this place can be so prejudice. What's next no "spank me" references?

Spank me references are not only acceptable, they are encouraged.


In all seriousness though, we have to keep this place at least somewhat civil, because even though people in here argue all the time the discussion is usually constructive and high-minded. When it's not, the quality of the discussion deteriorates quickly (the Jeremiah Wright thread for example). One of the ways to keep that from happening is avoiding the deliberately provocative posts, or just ignoring ones you don't like, which we all agreed to in the sticky thread in this forum. This is why I stepped in, before there was any potential of the thread turning ugly. All of us have to do our part, mods included.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:27 AM)
Spank me references are not only acceptable, they are encouraged.


In all seriousness though, we have to keep this place at least somewhat civil, because even though people in here argue all the time the discussion is usually constructive and high-minded. When it's not, the quality of the discussion deteriorates quickly (the Jeremiah Wright thread for example). One of the ways to keep that from happening is avoiding the deliberately provocative posts, or just ignoring ones you don't like, which we all agreed to in the sticky thread in this forum. This is why I stepped in, before there was any potential of the thread turning ugly. All of us have to do our part, mods included.

Dude, I believe that each of the participants in this verbose verbal exchange realized the exact nature of your reply and the direct effect that it was intended to facilitate, and have been merely attempting to make humourous remarks to solicit a chickle from our fellow posters. At least after the initial exchange of information was completed. I am sincerely in remorse for my initial reaction which was based upon an elevated anger levels produced by an exchange of words that i did not find flattering in the slightest. My reaction was inappropriate, but heartfelt, none the less, and is hence forth withdrawn.

Edited by Alpha Dog
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Lol at the dems on here attacking some guy from Ohio instead of addressing the real issue of punishing businesses and individuals for being successful. Take Joe the plumber for what he was, a metaphor, instead of hammering away at him like he matters or has anything to do with the actual election.


I love the hypocrisy of you guys. So far Bristol Palin and Joe the plumber are huge points of interest but when it comes to ACORN, Rezco, Wright, Ayers theyre non issues. You whine about voter fraud but when it appears ACORN is committing voter fraud at record quantities its OK because it helps you this time.


Joe the plumber?? Seriously?

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 10:37 AM)
Lol at the dems on here attacking some guy from Ohio instead of addressing the real issue of punishing businesses and individuals for being successful. Take Joe the plumber for what he was, a metaphor, instead of hammering away at him like he matters or has anything to do with the actual election.


I love the hypocrisy of you guys. So far Bristol Palin and Joe the plumber are huge points of interest but when it comes to ACORN, Rezco, Wright, Ayers theyre non issues. You whine about voter fraud but when it appears ACORN is committing voter fraud at record quantities its OK because it helps you this time.


Joe the plumber?? Seriously?

I've seen very few posts taking Joe the Plumber seriously. Have you?


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 10:27 AM)
Spank me references are not only acceptable, they are encouraged.


In all seriousness though, we have to keep this place at least somewhat civil, because even though people in here argue all the time the discussion is usually constructive and high-minded. When it's not, the quality of the discussion deteriorates quickly (the Jeremiah Wright thread for example). One of the ways to keep that from happening is avoiding the deliberately provocative posts, or just ignoring ones you don't like, which we all agreed to in the sticky thread in this forum. This is why I stepped in, before there was any potential of the thread turning ugly. All of us have to do our part, mods included.

If this is legit why has AHB not been banned? Thats all he posts and you know it. Just because their are more dems on here and more of the mods are dems doesnt mean that they should be allowed to get away with anything. Which Ive seen first hand how that works on this site. If you want to clean it up and keep it civil start with the people who go out of their way to annoy not the people reacting to it.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 08:37 AM)
I love the hypocrisy of you guys. So far Bristol Palin and Joe the plumber are huge points of interest but when it comes to ACORN, Rezco, Wright, Ayers theyre non issues. You whine about voter fraud but when it appears ACORN is committing voter fraud at record quantities its OK because it helps you this time.

ACORN has not committed a single act of voter fraud.


ACORN has been involved in voter registration fraud, and even then they often don't have a choice because of state laws that require them to turn in every application they receive even if they think it is fraudulent.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 10:40 AM)
If this is legit why has AHB not been banned? Thats all he posts and you know it. Just because their are more dems on here and more of the mods are dems doesnt mean that they should be allowed to get away with anything. Which Ive seen first hand how that works on this site. If you want to clean it up and keep it civil start with the people who go out of their way to annoy not the people reacting to it.

AHB has never, that I recall, resorted to insulting other posters. Though you are right that the balance of his posts are just potshots at the GOP.


That aside, let's be clear on a couple things. One, look at the admins and mods who tend to post here regularly - LF, SS2K5, Kap, myself and Rex. Rex is the ONLY liberal in that bunch.


Two, I think I can honestly say that Rex, LF and I have been eminently fair with discipline on this board.


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:38 AM)
While I readily acknowledge the correctness of your assessment, my obligatory responsibility notwithstanding, I have to inquire as to your motive here - are we about to engage in a vocab-a-thon?

As long as the correct spelling of our loquaciousness was not relevant, that is a prospect that I can entertain. Often I am secure in the use of the correct word to convey my intentions, but occasionally an mystified as to the proper placement of the letters.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:37 PM)
Lol at the dems on here attacking some guy from Ohio instead of addressing the real issue of punishing businesses and individuals for being successful. Take Joe the plumber for what he was, a metaphor, instead of hammering away at him like he matters or has anything to do with the actual election.


I love the hypocrisy of you guys. So far Bristol Palin and Joe the plumber are huge points of interest but when it comes to ACORN, Rezco, Wright, Ayers theyre non issues. You whine about voter fraud but when it appears ACORN is committing voter fraud at record quantities its OK because it helps you this time.


Joe the plumber?? Seriously?

A lot of this is being lost in translation. What's really being asked by Obama supporters underneath all the parading and gotcha-ism is, if we are to take the "Joe the Plumber" metaphor at face value meaning we're talking about blue-collar middle class workers, how many of them actually make $250k (including the actual guy that started the metaphor) and need to be worried about Obama raising taxes on them? Apparently that applies to very few people/businesses - I don't know stats though and haven't bothered to look because they're twisted so often. Assuming we are also taking Obama's tax plan at face value, that is. Joe the Plumber is supposed to be a metaphor for blue-collar small businesses and it's the validity or relevance of the metaphor that's being questioned.

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Well no one really wants to debate the issues, because when you debate the issues you realize that the difference between McCain and Obama in terms of economics, taxes, etc is basically the same thing with different packaging.


The most important differences come from the social aspect of the campaign where there is true disagreement, the problem for Republicans (imo) in this cycle is independents are generally considered fiscally conservative and socially liberal. With both candidates being big govt spenders fiscally there is no fiscally conservative candidate thus voters are being swayed by social ideas.


There is not much to debate on social issues, either you are for abortion or against it, not many people change their mind on that one. Same thing with equal rights for gay people, or gay marriage, or all the other ideas that the Christian Coalition has in mind for America.


And thus it is why I generally vote Democrat, I really am not a Democrat, Im far to Anti-govt and deregulation to ever really fit into their mold. But at the same time you have to pick a side and I err on the side of caution.


There was a time when the idea of govt not being in peoples lifes was supported by parties, but today we just have 2 parties who have different views on how they want to be in your life. The Republicans want to change me morally, they want to write laws that will dictate how I act socially. The Democrats want to be in my life financially, they want to control how and what I spend my money on.


At the end of the day the lesser of the two evils in my opinion is the Democratic Party. And until the day arrives when there is a Republican who can get away from the social core of their party, I will likely stay voting Democratic (at least in Presidential elections, in state elections you find that Republicans are not nearly as socially conservative in Illinois). Had McCain not chosen Palin, I may have gone for McCain especially if he showed that he was going to break from the social policies of the Republicans. But when he selected Palin he basically reaffirmed the social Republican position, and its just something that doesnt jive with me.






My post on socialism was to show why govt control of things does not always mean better, and that in most cases it actually creates situations that are worse.


I used the Recorder of Deeds example to show how a govt can create a monopoly on a service that people need and then use that monopoly to make money for other services that are inefficient. Thus the fear of more socialist society is that eventually the govt creates different types of monopolies and just uses them to finance the entire govt increasing the cost to the consumer and at the same time doing nothing to increase the service being given to the consumer.

Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 12:41 PM)
ACORN has not committed a single act of voter fraud.


ACORN has been involved in voter registration fraud, and even then they often don't have a choice because of state laws that require them to turn in every application they receive even if they think it is fraudulent.

I read somewhere that ACORN attempts to vet the applications they get and they put the ones they think are obviously fraudulent in a pile, and they get turned in together because they have to be turned in. Which would explain why they get like 2000 fraudulent registrations all at once. I'm not sure how true that is, but if it is, that will come out during the investigations.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:44 AM)
As long as the correct spelling of our loquaciousness was not relevant, that is a prospect that I can entertain. Often I am secure in the use of the correct word to convey my intentions, but occasionally an mystified as to the proper placement of the letters.

that just happened.

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