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Obama vs. McCain Debate III


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Watched the whole thing.


McCain gets the victory by a small margin. He came out strong, talked a lot about the stuff he should be talking about to get the attention of moderates - government waste particularly. Obama was a bit flat, on defense.


McCain's big weakness though, and why it was a small victory for him instead of a potentially large one, was that snide paternal sarcasm again. When he was listening to Obama speak, he had all variety of dismissive facial expressions. And when he spoke, he'd give 95% of a great answer, then have to throw in some sort of little slap at the end. And while Obama was definitely too flat and too imprecise, he at least appeared to keep his wits about him.


Overall, McCain did better. But he could have really had a game-changer, if he hadn't had those couple issues.


I'll predict the polls get a little tighter the next few days, but not enough to change the playing field dramatically. He'll need something else.


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In 2004, Rove would look for specific, poorly-phrased words Kerry used that he would hammer on. Then, even if people favored Kerry in the debate, the media assault with this talking point ended up with the perception that Bush won by the end of the week. Think "global test".


Well, if Obama does this, I have no doubt that McCain's mocking of women's health will be hammered on if done right and hurt him with women.


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QUOTE (Brian @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 09:42 PM)
CNN making a lot about the reaction shots. I guess other networks weren't using the side by side shots. Said McCain looked angry and flustered at times with the way he was looking around during Obama's answers and replies.



I watched channel 2 and I agree with this. A lot of eye rolling and looking like a deer in the headlights.


Two things:

When Obama tried to get McCain to admit his running mate was one of those spewing s*** ("running around with a terrorist...") he changed the subject to the crowd saying s***. That pissed me off. It's all over the news from her own mouth. And from your nasty wife, too.

Second, when McCain tried to make light of a possible reason for abortions being the "health of the woman" as bs (how I interpreted it) I honestly wanted to reach into the tv and choke the living s*** out of him. Regardless of my stance on abortion unless I walk in those shoes I will never have any idea what it's like and therefor I would never, EVER, try to make light of it - which is exactly what I thought he was doing. You don't agree with it, fine. Say so then STFU and move on. I hope that seals the deal for undecided females. If it's not abortion, IMO, it will be some other medical condition with him.

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CNN shows a sizeable win for Obama in their polling, which really surprises me. If the general public does in fact think that, we're at the point in the game where John McCain needs to start fouling to have any sort of shot to get back in the game.

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QUOTE (Heads22 @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 07:01 PM)
CNN shows a sizeable win for Obama in their polling, which really surprises me. If the general public does in fact think that, we're at the point in the game where John McCain needs to start fouling to have any sort of shot to get back in the game.

Republican Pollster Frank Luntz typically runs a focus group on Fox and his group tonight came back with a "Sizeable" Obama win.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 10:11 PM)
Everyone here knows McCain won this. If not go hang with AHB. NSS, at least you admitted the obvious.


hey now, i thought he won as well. ;)


But, it doesn't matter what we think.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 07:12 PM)
Wow, I wonder what Fox had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fox doesn't do a specific poll, they have Frank Luntz do a focus group of undecideds. They don't have an article, but I'm reading from folks who have TV's that this was the summary:

Luntz: …none had made a decision to support Sen. Obama before the debate, but more than half supported after the debate. It was a good night for Barack Obama.
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 09:14 PM)
Fox doesn't do a specific poll, they have Frank Luntz do a focus group of undecideds. They don't have an article, but I'm reading from folks who have TV's that this was the summary:

Do you actually believe what you posted?

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Well I thought Obama won.


McCain was more aggressive but the bottom line was that Obama was more Presidential.


Thats what Obama needed to prove in the debates, not that he was smart, not that he knew about policy, but that he could be on the stage and be a President. And this debate showed that even when McCain threw the proverbial kitchen sink at Obama, that Obama did not back down, that Obama did not sink to attacking back bringing up things like Keating 5, or acting with any sort of contempt like McCain, Obama did not almost cry when he was talking about people calling him a terrorist (as opposed to McCain who seriously looked like he might break down talking about the Wallace comparison).


Obama did what he needed to do in this debate, and thats why I believe the numbers will most likely say he won.


I thought Obama was purposefully timid and just didnt want to do or say anything that might hang himself. From the way he acted you could tell that he feels its his election to lose and barring him doing something ridiculously stupid he thinks he will win.





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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 10:22 PM)
Well I thought Obama won.


McCain was more aggressive but the bottom line was that Obama was more Presidential.


Thats what Obama needed to prove in the debates, not that he was smart, not that he knew about policy, but that he could be on the stage and be a President. And this debate showed that even when McCain threw the proverbial kitchen sink at Obama, that Obama did not back down, that Obama did not sink to attacking back bringing up things like Keating 5, or acting with any sort of contempt like McCain, Obama did not almost cry when he was talking about people calling him a terrorist (as opposed to McCain who seriously looked like he might break down talking about the Wallace comparison).

Obama did what he needed to do in this debate, and thats why I believe the numbers will most likely say he won.


I thought Obama was purposefully timid and just didnt want to do or say anything that might hang himself. From the way he acted you could tell that he feels its his election to lose and barring him doing something ridiculously stupid he thinks he will win.



And in regards to this, why is it Obama's responsibility to make Lewis apologize or correct his comments? If McCain has such an issue with it he should confront that himself.


I agree Obama was conscience of his body language and in control of his emotions. Several times he even "moved on" which I thought was impressive.




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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 09:22 PM)
Well I thought Obama won.


McCain was more aggressive but the bottom line was that Obama was more Presidential.


Thats what Obama needed to prove in the debates, not that he was smart, not that he knew about policy, but that he could be on the stage and be a President. And this debate showed that even when McCain threw the proverbial kitchen sink at Obama, that Obama did not back down, that Obama did not sink to attacking back bringing up things like Keating 5, or acting with any sort of contempt like McCain, Obama did not almost cry when he was talking about people calling him a terrorist (as opposed to McCain who seriously looked like he might break down talking about the Wallace comparison).


Obama did what he needed to do in this debate, and thats why I believe the numbers will most likely say he won.


I thought Obama was purposefully timid and just didnt want to do or say anything that might hang himself. From the way he acted you could tell that he feels its his election to lose and barring him doing something ridiculously stupid he thinks he will win.


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QUOTE (Steff @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 09:54 PM)
He talked about Joe the plummer more than anything else.

Thats important. Barack basically explained his ideals of socialism when that happened, it surprises me that nobody sees the significance of Obamas answer.

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