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Democratic hate and anger


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I loves it when we stoop to the level of what we dislike.


It is as Nietzsche said: Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

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And liberal anger wouldn't be complete without mentioning Obama's digital brownshirts, trying to shut down WGN because they didn't like what they were hearing. The stifling of speech you don't like is always attributed to republicans, but it always seems to be the D party that shouts down speech they hate and threatens those that speak out against them.


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QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 18, 2008 -> 07:23 PM)
I think that it's all that processed cheese that they eat.


And they even know its not real cheese. They call it "cheese food." "Cheese food?" Seriously? If you can't give Cheddar or even some Havarti some love, no wonder you so angry all the time. We all know that it's cheese that shares the love.


What kept the Golden Girls together? Cheesecake. I rest my case.

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QUOTE (SoxFan101 @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 04:17 AM)
This seems like a pointless thread only to create trouble. All it proves is there are a bunch of crazy people in the world. If you want to create a thread using an example of democrats in a political position acting out go ahead, that would prove your point more.

See also: "The Democrat Thread" re: the GOP. It's the exact same thing, so I would say that most of the posts lately have been "pointless".


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Busy day today, so I won't post many. McCain/Palin campaign office near pittsburg vandalized.



Also the Park County, NY offices.



And the GOp HQ in Payne County, OK



NY must be especially angry, they also took care of the GOP offices in York County


Edited by Alpha Dog
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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 08:25 AM)
See also: "The Democrat Thread" re: the GOP. It's the exact same thing, so I would say that most of the posts lately have been "pointless".


Lol well if its the same type of stuff in this thread it is. But, when did 2 wrongs make a right in anything besides math.

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QUOTE (SoxFan101 @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 01:52 PM)
Lol well if its the same type of stuff in this thread it is. But, when did 2 wrongs make a right in anything besides math.

Oh I know. I think when you stoop to the level that the other guy's playing, it becomes like playing in the mud with pigs. I just find it EXTREMELY hypocritical because everyone wants to claim RSO's clean as a whistle when in fact he's ran a very dirty campaign as well - but McCain's been worse, I will agree with that. RSO's crowd still wants to feel "clean" and it's laughable because his surrogates have been much more dirty then the hated Karl Rove, they just don't want to admit it because they want to "feel good" about their candidate.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 06:57 PM)
Oh I know. I think when you stoop to the level that the other guy's playing, it becomes like playing in the mud with pigs. I just find it EXTREMELY hypocritical because everyone wants to claim RSO's clean as a whistle when in fact he's ran a very dirty campaign as well - but McCain's been worse, I will agree with that. RSO's crowd still wants to feel "clean" and it's laughable because his surrogates have been much more dirty then the hated Karl Rove, they just don't want to admit it because they want to "feel good" about their candidate.

That's a lot of straw men.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 08:23 PM)
That's a lot of straw men.

Really? See what Alpha's posting. Where's this coming from? Obama doesn't "need" to be clean. His surrogates are doing just fine. Notice what I said about McCain, though. That guy has stooped to s*** throwing like no other, and I'm extremely disappointed in that. It makes it worse. But, I continue to see (even on this board) about how RSO's taking the high road. He's not. So that's not a straw man argument. It's fact.


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 08:36 PM)
Really? See what Alpha's posting. Where's this coming from? Obama doesn't "need" to be clean. His surrogates are doing just fine. Notice what I said about McCain, though. That guy has stooped to s*** throwing like no other, and I'm extremely disappointed in that. It makes it worse. But, I continue to see (even on this board) about how RSO's taking the high road. He's not. So that's not a straw man argument. It's fact.

What do those posts have to do with Obama? Yeah, some of his supporters are nutsy and think he's crazy. But all of them? No. Not at all.


Ah f*** it. This thread has no room for rational thought and discussion. It's a place for broad generalizations or fringe crazies.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 08:42 PM)
What do those posts have to do with Obama? Yeah, some of his supporters are nutsy and think he's crazy. But all of them? No. Not at all.


Ah f*** it. This thread has no room for rational thought and discussion. It's a place for broad generalizations or fringe crazies.

Good grief. If you look at the stuff that AHB posts every single day, you can see it. NEITHER McCain (when his people starts their crap) NOR Obama will denounce it, because it serves their purpose. That's all I'm trying to say, and I'm not trying the Alpha approach. I think it's been a terribly dirty campaign ON BOTH SIDES, and every time that's said everyone gets upset because it "hurts Obama's (McCain's) image". I'm not speaking for you, but just watch every time it comes up. People get crazy upset when it gets brought up.


I'm seriously not trying to be an ass.

Edited by kapkomet
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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 07:36 PM)
Really? See what Alpha's posting. Where's this coming from? Obama doesn't "need" to be clean. His surrogates are doing just fine. Notice what I said about McCain, though. That guy has stooped to s*** throwing like no other, and I'm extremely disappointed in that. It makes it worse. But, I continue to see (even on this board) about how RSO's taking the high road. He's not. So that's not a straw man argument. It's fact.


There does seem to be a great deal of factitious claims of an Obama campaign which is based mainly on issues; relatively clean and honest. This is not the case in reality, as Obama has run a campaign which has really set some new standards in dirty tactics.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 08:45 PM)
Good grief. If you look at the stuff that AHB posts every single day, you can see it. NEITHER McCain (when his people starts their crap) NOR Obama will denounce it, because it serves their purpose. That's all I'm trying to say, and I'm not trying the Alpha approach. I think it's been a terribly dirty campaign ON BOTH SIDES, and every time that's said everyone gets upset because it "hurts Obama's (McCain's) image". I'm not speaking for you, but just watch every time it comes up. People get crazy upset when it gets brought up.


I'm seriously not trying to be an ass.

I'm not arguing that. And I think you can see, consistently, in my posts that I vindicate both sides of the extreme line.


My point is that you complain that people are being an ass. You make up snarky names for Obama. And then you act all offended by AD and AHB's posts. How is your often mocking and sarcastic tone raising the level of discussion? It's just sort of the problem that is embodied with this thread. Instead of trying to raise the level of discourse and ignoring the people who are bringing it down--everyone basically runs over to the line and smear crap all over it. Because the other side is being hypocritical we all have to be.


If you don't like the current tone, don't stoop to the current tone. Drop the stupid nicknames. Don't constantly point at AHB or AD; perhaps (no offense) they aren't the posters we should focus on for political discussion. Rise above it. Be the person you wish Obama and McCain would be during the campaign, you know? When we spend so much time on the board focusing on the people bringing it down--instead of the issues, well, we're not helping.


I totally hate the mudslinging. Really I do. So I try really hard to stay above the fray. And, in general, I think I do okay.


And with that, gentlemen, I've said my piece and counted to three.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 08:00 PM)
I'm not arguing that. And I think you can see, consistently, in my posts that I vindicate both sides of the extreme line.


My point is that you complain that people are being an ass. You make up snarky names for Obama. And then you act all offended by AD and AHB's posts. How is your often mocking and sarcastic tone raising the level of discussion? It's just sort of the problem that is embodied with this thread. Instead of trying to raise the level of discourse and ignoring the people who are bringing it down--everyone basically runs over to the line and smear crap all over it. Because the other side is being hypocritical we all have to be.


If you don't like the current tone, don't stoop to the current tone. Drop the stupid nicknames. Don't constantly point at AHB or AD; perhaps (no offense) they aren't the posters we should focus on for political discussion. Rise above it. Be the person you wish Obama and McCain would be during the campaign, you know? When we spend so much time on the board focusing on the people bringing it down--instead of the issues, well, we're not helping.


I totally hate the mudslinging. Really I do. So I try really hard to stay above the fray. And, in general, I think I do okay.


And with that, gentlemen, I've said my piece and counted to three.

Well first of all, not everyone is being hypocritical. But there's a lot of people in this thread that are. No, you're not one of them (you NEVER are, and that's not a bad thing) - in fact, I would say about three people are in this thread, but I am not naming names.


I do think it's funny how people go rushing to the other side of the fence to defend their own at all costs. Personally, I do not like John McCain. I don't like his campaign, I don't like his style, I don't think he will be right for the country. I say that, and most of you know I don't like the guy.


With that, I'll just bow out as well. All I'm doing is "fanning the flames" and that was not my intent at all, for once.

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