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Election Supporters and Crap


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Let's think why people are volunteering. I know of people helping out on campaigns because


  • Their Pol Sci 101 Prof offered 5 points extra credit
  • There was a cute guy that asked
  • There was a cute girl that asked
  • Believe they should "be involved"
  • Political ideology

When someone then does something really stupid, is it really fair to blame the candidate? They each have tens of thousands of volunteers, mostly faceless and nameless. If y'all really want to try and make a judgment call about the candidate because some moron with a clipboard and an campaign button does something beyond idiot level, suit yourself, but I hope most people can get past the b.s. and really look objectively between the two candidates, and vote for the person they believe is the best for America between 2009 and 2013. We actually have a pretty damn good choice this time between two damn fine Americans. I'd be proud to vote FOR either one. For once this shouldn't be about plugging your nose and voting for the lesser of two evils.

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