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GOP - Obama Win Could Lead To Second Holocaust


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 1, 2008 -> 03:21 PM)
I couldn't make out 'jewish' on the scan, and didn't want to assume that's what it was. Now that that is said, what's your problem with the ad?

and you see no problem with saying a candidate could cause another holocaust?

They just "happened" to use a picture of him speaking in... GERMANY?

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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Here's more things for you to complain about it. Not sure where the quote in your title is though?? I work at a law firm with a number of Jewish people, the majority of which heavily support Obama. Buttons, signs.....the works...constantly yapping in the halls. It sounds like MSNBC walking around the office. I can tell you on at least 5 separate occasions I have heard their serious concerns on this issue. So why the hell would you think a Republican group with those same concerns wouldn't try to highlight them as much as possible. Are you Jewish? Do you have family over there? They have a valid concern. You or any other democrat on here that isn't Jewish or has no connection or background over there, has no business saying s*** on the topic. I know you all need to jump and defends "The One" everytime you think he is being wronged, but all it shows is your ignorance when you have nothing to back it up except...look at these bad republicans and what they're tyring to say.



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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 2, 2008 -> 03:26 AM)
Remarkably similar to the people running around saying a McCain win would cause a racewar... don't you think? Damn, I will be glad when the election is over and you quit posting this low brow baiting crap.



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It is different. If there was a mailer saying hawkish, poor leadership would lead to slavery that was sent to the black population, that would be a similar example. And lol at acting like the title is any different than is being actually said by the mailer. Of course it's different, it always is.

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The point is that Obama's surrogates have been preaching the same kind of hate the whole election cycle. I'm not condoning what McCain or his surrogates did or said, but yet, Obama always has to be portrayed in this pristine, glowing light and I'm so sick of the defense of everything this man and his campaign does as rose smelling s*** that I can just vomit all over the rose s***.


It makes me totally disrespect Obama, and those of you who blindly follow this idiot I can thank for that. At least when all of this began, I could respect the guy but not like his policy. Not anymore after watching all of this unfold. The hatred for the other side is just obscene.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 2, 2008 -> 08:02 PM)
It is different. If there was a mailer saying hawkish, poor leadership would lead to slavery that was sent to the black population, that would be a similar example. And lol at acting like the title is any different than is being actually said by the mailer. Of course it's different, it always is.



If McCain had some old KKK guys or KKK sympathizers as friends and there was a mailer from the rainbow coalition sent to the black population saying you need to be concerned about these friends and then listed those friends. Then that would be a similar example. Once again in the typical defend "the one" at all costs attitude, you speak where you have no grounds to speak. If this is a valid concern for even pro Obama Jews, then it's certainly going to be highlighted by Republican Jews and rightfully so. Not everyone has this blind trust that you have. Some people have looked at Obama's associates and past words to make their decisions. Now if you see some lies in those flyers...feel free to point them out, but if you're just here to keep the halo shining bright above Obama's head...at all costs, save that for the concert at Grant Park. Stock up on Bics I'm sure you'll go through a few in the first 25 minutes.

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 1, 2008 -> 08:26 PM)
Remarkably similar to the people running around saying a McCain win would cause a racewar... don't you think? Damn, I will be glad when the election is over and you quit posting this low brow baiting crap.

I haven't seen or heard anything of this sort. Certainly, its not coming from any party organizations that I've seen. Feel free to prove me wrong.


But I agree, I'll be glad this election is over so that we can all be spared the pathetic, desperate wingnut attacks we're seeing from both parties. Its been clearly worse coming from the GOP, IMO, but that doesn't mean the Dems have been squeeky clean or anything like it. Much of the reason the GOP stuff has been worse is simple math - they're behind and desperate. The Dems would have their wingnuts come out and do some similar B.S. in the same situation.


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QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 2, 2008 -> 07:02 PM)
It is different. If there was a mailer saying hawkish, poor leadership would lead to slavery that was sent to the black population, that would be a similar example. And lol at acting like the title is any different than is being actually said by the mailer. Of course it's different, it always is.


How about being told that "they" were going to do everything to "steal" your vote? I don't know, I think people promoting the FEAR of racewars are just as bad as someone promoting the FEAR of racewars. But maybe that is just me.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:07 AM)
How about being told that "they" were going to do everything to "steal" your vote? I don't know, I think people promoting the FEAR of racewars are just as bad as someone promoting the FEAR of racewars. But maybe that is just me.

Again, someone show me an instance where a Dem party or Obama campaign entity was out there doing this. It might have happened, I don't know, but I have seen nothing of the sort.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:38 AM)
Again, someone show me an instance where a Dem party or Obama campaign entity was out there doing this. It might have happened, I don't know, but I have seen nothing of the sort.

The Dem party doesn't HAVE to do iot because they have a million columnists and reporters saying it for them. They can just sit back and smile because they have their 'hands clean'. Every day there is some new bozo telling us how if you don't vote Obama you are racist, and it is only because you can't bring yourself to vote for a black man, and how this will set back race relations for years to come. An oBama loss will mean riots in the street due to another 'stolen election', as if they ONLY way he could lose is thru deceit. I will be so glad when this is over.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:41 AM)
The Dem party doesn't HAVE to do iot because they have a million columnists and reporters saying it for them. They can just sit back and smile because they have their 'hands clean'. Every day there is some new bozo telling us how if you don't vote Obama you are racist, and it is only because you can't bring yourself to vote for a black man, and how this will set back race relations for years to come. An oBama loss will mean riots in the street due to another 'stolen election', as if they ONLY way he could lose is thru deceit. I will be so glad when this is over.


Who are these people out there that are saying that if you don't vote Obama you are racist? I can't say I've been hearing that.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:41 AM)
The Dem party doesn't HAVE to do iot because they have a million columnists and reporters saying it for them. They can just sit back and smile because they have their 'hands clean'. Every day there is some new bozo telling us how if you don't vote Obama you are racist, and it is only because you can't bring yourself to vote for a black man, and how this will set back race relations for years to come. An oBama loss will mean riots in the street due to another 'stolen election', as if they ONLY way he could lose is thru deceit. I will be so glad when this is over.

OK, so we blame the actions of various idiots in the media on Obama and the Dems (who have no control over those entities), because they are writing/speaking on their "side" of an issue? That is absurd. And if we want to use that line of logic, then I guess we should also say the same of all the various right wing columnists, writers, radio host, etc. Everything they say is what the GOP wants. Right?


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:44 AM)
Who are these people out there that are saying that if you don't vote Obama you are racist? I can't say I've been hearing that.

Eh, I am sure there are some whack jobs saying it here and there. I think its hilarious that its somehow the fault of the evil Democratic party, though.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:45 AM)
Eh, I am sure there are some whack jobs saying it here and there. I think its hilarious that its somehow the fault of the evil Democratic party, though.


Well according to Alphadog there are millions of columnists saying this. I must have been sleeping under a rock or something to have missed that.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:44 AM)
OK, so we blame the actions of various idiots in the media on Obama and the Dems (who have no control over those entities), because they are writing/speaking on their "side" of an issue? That is absurd. And if we want to use that line of logic, then I guess we should also say the same of all the various right wing columnists, writers, radio host, etc. Everything they say is what the GOP wants. Right?


That has been posting style for months when it comes to Republicans, right?


I probably just shouldn't post back here and leave this for the next couple of days. I have mostly stayed away from it because it has been so ridiculous and counterproductive, but sometimes it becomes so completely one-sided that SOMETHING needs to be said. This election has been by far the worst cycle I have ever seen. Not only has the top of BOTH tickets just been two faced and nasty, but I have never seen the people at the bottoms levels be so nasty and two faced as well. I know I have been sucked into the mud at times, because I have gotten sick of the most inane stuff not getting challenged. It is probably a mistake on my part, but hey. Remember when the big back and forth happened over the Democratic hate thread? THIS is the EXACT type of stuff that got the bitter feelings started towards it. A person can only here their belief system ridiculed so many times before it pisses them off. The complete lack of respect for anything but one's own point of view from Obama and McCain all of the way down to hear has been by far the most gauling thing about this last two years. It has been just downright embarassing.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:54 AM)
That has been posting style for months when it comes to Republicans, right?


I probably just shouldn't post back here and leave this for the next couple of days. I have mostly stayed away from it because it has been so ridiculous and counterproductive, but sometimes it becomes so completely one-sided that SOMETHING needs to be said. This election has been by far the worst cycle I have ever seen. Not only has the top of BOTH tickets just been two faced and nasty, but I have never seen the people at the bottoms levels be so nasty and two faced as well. I know I have been sucked into the mud at times, because I have gotten sick of the most inane stuff not getting challenged. It is probably a mistake on my part, but hey. Remember when the big back and forth happened over the Democratic hate thread? THIS is the EXACT type of stuff that got the bitter feelings started towards it. A person can only here their belief system ridiculed so many times before it pisses them off. The complete lack of respect for anything but one's own point of view from Obama and McCain all of the way down to hear has been by far the most gauling thing about this last two years. It has been just downright embarassing.

Oh I completely agree. The extent to which the people on both extremes have gone in this cycle is horrible, and that includes some posts in here.


All I was trying to point out was, IMO, there is an important difference between what a candidate and their campaign do, and what their followers do. I do not apply the idiocy of the wingbats to either candidate, because there is nothing good that can come from that.


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