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GOP - Obama Win Could Lead To Second Holocaust


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Can't forget Murtha claiming his whole distric is a bunch of non-Obama voting racists.






ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Ohio — Senator Barack Obama lost the Ohio Democratic primary by 10 percentage points and the West Virginia primary by a whopping 40 points last spring — a sign, to some Democrats and political analysts, that many whites in the Rust Belt would not vote for a black man for president.
How about maybe they don't agree with his views and that color has nothing to do with it?






And can't foeget Alcee Hastings words, “anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks" No race-baiting there. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...-jews-to-obama/


FYI, there was a Senator and a congressman quotes in there with racially tinged quotes. And that's all I have time to find for you now, since I know your google-fu doesn't work if the object is to find anything disparaging of The One.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:29 AM)

Here's the thing--I agree when SS2K5 says it--he's been good about staying above the fray in here. But you are just as bad as the Obamafanboys around here. You mock the beliefs of the more liberal posters on here who aren't Obama fanboys (or girls), so I feel for some of the more respectful Republican posters who are very respectful. But when half of your posts are baiting or over the top reactionary, please don't expect sympathy.

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 02:33 AM)


If McCain had some old KKK guys or KKK sympathizers as friends and there was a mailer from the rainbow coalition sent to the black population saying you need to be concerned about these friends and then listed those friends. Then that would be a similar example. Once again in the typical defend "the one" at all costs attitude, you speak where you have no grounds to speak. If this is a valid concern for even pro Obama Jews, then it's certainly going to be highlighted by Republican Jews and rightfully so. Not everyone has this blind trust that you have. Some people have looked at Obama's associates and past words to make their decisions. Now if you see some lies in those flyers...feel free to point them out, but if you're just here to keep the halo shining bright above Obama's head...at all costs, save that for the concert at Grant Park. Stock up on Bics I'm sure you'll go through a few in the first 25 minutes.


Yes, I just have to cry for the poor conservatives on this site who've had a tough time with Obama supporters.


Give me a break. Was there a more obnoxious, more baiting, personally attacking post in this entire thread than this one? Not even close. Now if


"They" are going to steal your vote is = to this how? Voter suppression is real. Voter registration is real. In my opinion, one is much more effective in f'ing our process than the other, but they are both wrong. ANd so when the conservative media shoves acorn down our throats - they are righteous and patriotic in their defense of the american electoral system. But when liberal media brings up how this anti-acorn movement has brought on lawsuits that are voter suppression, its race baiting.


Its a joke. A million columnists in it for the dems, how about the million conservative columnists acting like the themes you are talking about are happening when its just not true, or not a national theme. Is the fact that people are legitimately still hypothesizing about the bradley effect, more Arlen Specter proposing it as reason that JSM could win PA not proof that race is a legitimate theme in this election. When people as in-tuned right now as NS need links, that means there was never a big story on it, a big example during this election of what you are talking about. I have no doubt you'll be able to find links, but with thousands of media outlets across the country, lets not act like this has been an overarching theme.


Democrats have a good candidate they like in this election. Republicans don't. It's a role reversal of 04. So don't act like when democrats praise or defend their candidate they are sheep, and when you all criticize Obama while saying McCain sucks you are the crazy political independent that don't drink the kool-aid.



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QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:17 AM)
Yes, I just have to cry for the poor conservatives on this site who've had a tough time with Obama supporters.


Give me a break. Was there a more obnoxious, more baiting, personally attacking post in this entire thread than this one? Not even close. Now if


"They" are going to steal your vote is = to this how? Voter suppression is real. Voter registration is real. In my opinion, one is much more effective in f'ing our process than the other, but they are both wrong. ANd so when the conservative media shoves acorn down our throats - they are righteous and patriotic in their defense of the american electoral system. But when liberal media brings up how this anti-acorn movement has brought on lawsuits that are voter suppression, its race baiting.


Its a joke. A million columnists in it for the dems, how about the million conservative columnists acting like the themes you are talking about are happening when its just not true, or not a national theme. Is the fact that people are legitimately still hypothesizing about the bradley effect, more Arlen Specter proposing it as reason that JSM could win PA not proof that race is a legitimate theme in this election. When people as in-tuned right now as NS need links, that means there was never a big story on it, a big example during this election of what you are talking about. I have no doubt you'll be able to find links, but with thousands of media outlets across the country, lets not act like this has been an overarching theme.


Democrats have a good candidate they like in this election. Republicans don't. It's a role reversal of 04. So don't act like when democrats praise or defend their candidate they are sheep, and when you all criticize Obama while saying McCain sucks you are the crazy political independent that don't drink the kool-aid.

Except, most Republicans don't like GWB. Kerry was just that bad, IMO.


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 11:29 AM)
Except, most Republicans don't like GWB. Kerry was just that bad, IMO.

They don't like him now. But I seem to remember him being rather popular around these parts in 2004. I also think it's interesting that this election has been a reversal of a lot of 2004. In 2004, there were a lot of Republicans posting in the democrat thread stirring stuff up. In 2008, the opposite is true. People get really annoying when they're winning, and get awful sensitive when they're not.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:13 AM)
Here's the thing--I agree when SS2K5 says it--he's been good about staying above the fray in here. But you are just as bad as the Obamafanboys around here. You mock the beliefs of the more liberal posters on here who aren't Obama fanboys (or girls), so I feel for some of the more respectful Republican posters who are very respectful. But when half of your posts are baiting or over the top reactionary, please don't expect sympathy.

Soxy, as he posted, mine is just a reaction to finally being pissed off at seeing the constant belittleing from the other side. Until I started my anger thread (which was actually a response to a Dem poster who insisted that only repubs were filled with anger), I had stayed away from most of the baiting types, at least in regards to Obama. I did post things, but I didn't follow them up with "hahaha, see, the Dems suck balls!" or anything like that. Posting an article on Obama fundraising issues isn't baiting. Following it up with a snarky comment (or twenty) is. Yeah, lately I am as guilty as the few Obamatrons on here, but I condsider myself provoked into such displays because I am weak willed. It has been coming from the other side since day 1 this cycle.

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And I think you are probably wrong on the 'support' for GWB. Unfortunately, most people I know were once again voting for the lesser of two evils, not for the choice they really wanted. I have defended GWB on some things in the past because I was tired of seeing him constantly attacked. I didn't defend him in everything, because there is alot I didn't and don't like. I just thought Kerry would have been worse. I am not saying nobody wanted GWB, I just think most people DIDN'T want Kerry. Or Gore.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 11:44 AM)
And I think you are probably wrong on the 'support' for GWB. Unfortunately, most people I know were once again voting for the lesser of two evils, not for the choice they really wanted. I have defended GWB on some things in the past because I was tired of seeing him constantly attacked. I didn't defend him in everything, because there is alot I didn't and don't like. I just thought Kerry would have been worse. I am not saying nobody wanted GWB, I just think most people DIDN'T want Kerry. Or Gore.

I'm just saying on this website that's what it's like. I'm not going to generalize to the real world because, frankly, I don't come into tons of contact with republicans any more. But I remember tons of 4 more years!!!! threads around here. And easily as much swiftboating of Kerry as there was of negative stuff about McCain. Again, when people feel like they're going to win they get annoying fast.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:44 AM)
And I think you are probably wrong on the 'support' for GWB. Unfortunately, most people I know were once again voting for the lesser of two evils, not for the choice they really wanted. I have defended GWB on some things in the past because I was tired of seeing him constantly attacked. I didn't defend him in everything, because there is alot I didn't and don't like. I just thought Kerry would have been worse. I am not saying nobody wanted GWB, I just think most people DIDN'T want Kerry. Or Gore.



QUOTE (Soxy @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:46 AM)
I'm just saying on this website that's what it's like. I'm not going to generalize to the real world because, frankly, I don't come into tons of contact with republicans any more. But I remember tons of 4 more years!!!! threads around here. And easily as much swiftboating of Kerry as there was of negative stuff about McCain. Again, when people feel like they're going to win they get annoying fast.

You're both right on the money with your points.


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QUOTE (Soxy @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:36 AM)
They don't like him now. But I seem to remember him being rather popular around these parts in 2004. I also think it's interesting that this election has been a reversal of a lot of 2004. In 2004, there were a lot of Republicans posting in the democrat thread stirring stuff up. In 2008, the opposite is true. People get really annoying when they're winning, and get awful sensitive when they're not.


I remember saying at some point I would have considered voting for the Democrats if their ticket had been reversed. Turns out with Edwards that would have been even more scary for me personally.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 01:31 PM)
I remember saying at some point I would have considered voting for the Democrats if their ticket had been reversed. Turns out with Edwards that would have been even more scary for me personally.

I don't care what party they are if they are closer to what I believe in. Party doesn't mean anything to me.



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All I know was that in 04, when I was in Illinois, there was lots of Bush excitement. You can see it in youtube videos of his rallies. Meanwhile, as Kerry supporters all that could be made was that BUsh was awful, and most of Kerry's policies were merely to say "Bush, please stop". This was only 1 year into the war, still fresh in 9/11, and he was riding high, as seen by getting over 50%. Now, when I visit home (conservative naperville) I see no McCain stickers on cars. In Mo, i'm in Columbia, but there is no visual McCain support, and most debates in classes lead to why Obama shouldn't be president, not why McCain should, it's very similar in my experiences, though admittedly I have no experience here in 04.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 01:48 PM)
All I know was that in 04, when I was in Illinois, there was lots of Bush excitement. You can see it in youtube videos of his rallies. Meanwhile, as Kerry supporters all that could be made was that BUsh was awful, and most of Kerry's policies were merely to say "Bush, please stop". This was only 1 year into the war, still fresh in 9/11, and he was riding high, as seen by getting over 50%. Now, when I visit home (conservative naperville) I see no McCain stickers on cars. In Mo, i'm in Columbia, but there is no visual McCain support, and most debates in classes lead to why Obama shouldn't be president, not why McCain should, it's very similar in my experiences, though admittedly I have no experience here in 04.

I think that's the biggest mistake of McCain. If the election is a referendum AGAINST someone, you're going to lose way more often then not. This is a referendum AGAINST Barack Obama... which is a bit strange to say. Therefore, McCain will lose.



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It's interesting that's for sure. One in the McCain called Obama the virtual incumbent, and it seems that kind of rings true in coverage, but in the way he meant it, that the undecideds will flow to McCain much to the way undecided flow to non incumbent in races will be interesting think to see.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 02:49 PM)
I think that's the biggest mistake of McCain. If the election is a referendum AGAINST someone, you're going to lose way more often then not. This is a referendum AGAINST Barack Obama... which is a bit strange to say. Therefore, McCain will lose.


I think I can honestly say that it works sometimes. This just isn't one of those elections.


It worked in 06.


It worked for Bush in 04. I encountered too many "but it would be even worse with Kerry" voters.


It was the lynchpin of both candidates in 2000.


It doesn't work when you've got a candidate who people really can rally around. It wouldn't work with Reagan. It doesn't work with Obama.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 02:04 PM)
It's interesting that's for sure. One in the McCain called Obama the virtual incumbent, and it seems that kind of rings true in coverage, but in the way he meant it, that the undecideds will flow to McCain much to the way undecided flow to non incumbent in races will be interesting think to see.

Well, I just don't see the undecideds "flooding" to McCain, yet, I'm sure Sean Hannity will tell you that McCain's got it in the bag. rolly.gif



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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 02:16 PM)
I think I can honestly say that it works sometimes. This just isn't one of those elections.


It worked in 06.


It worked for Bush in 04. I encountered too many "but it would be even worse with Kerry" voters.

It was the lynchpin of both candidates in 2000.


It doesn't work when you've got a candidate who people really can rally around. It wouldn't work with Reagan. It doesn't work with Obama.

Yea. Count me as that.


And yes, I do agree with what you're saying in general here.




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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:17 PM)
Well, I just don't see the undecideds "flooding" to McCain, yet, I'm sure Sean Hannity will tell you that McCain's got it in the bag. rolly.gif


I don't know about flooding, that seems to be more of a house/senate phenomenon, but I wouldn't be surprised with a 60-40 McCain break.

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