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Something I would hope we can all agree on


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This country NEEDS Barack Obama to do exceedingly well at his job. The last 8 years (moreso the last 6 years, but you know what I mean) have not been good at all. In fact, it could be argued (I think this is the case) that the Bush administration is the biggest reason for the incredible gains the democrats made tonight. However.....


We NEED Obama to succeed. Our country needs somebody to help bring improvement. All of us who consider race to be irrelevant in regards to who a person is need Barack Obama to do well, because every black/biracial politician for the rest of our lives will be compared to him. Barack Obama as president shatters many racial barries, but I think Barack Obama as a GOOD president would shatter almost all of them, and that is something that I consider very important. We need him to continue to use his gift of public speaking to win over world leaders and help us gain some respect out there. We need him to be willing to compromise and realize that things need to get done that will require both parties support.


I know where I stand in that I disagree with some of the things Barack Obama believes and plans to do. But one thing that wasn't overstated or overrated in this process was that this is as important an election as we've had in decades. And I for one hope and pray that Barack Obama proves the doubters (like me) wrong. And although I know he'll need help, I hope he can be the leader that helps us dig out of the holes built throughout this decade. I would never enjoy eating crow more than if that happens.

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Thank you for this post.


I hope you all can appreciate, that I am in a scary time in my life. I am facing the real world, with no clear picture. With what I'm entering into being the most tumultuous economy in 7 decades. And for me, I needed hope to win out. Beyond policies and all of this, it is important and obvious that a president is so much more. We look to him or hopefully soon Her for guidance, for trust and for stability. I needed to hear the yes we can, not the world will end. This election was very special to me.

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