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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 09:16 AM)
Every few weeks? Every few days, she changed shells with the poll numbers. Sometimes she was more than one person at a time.


This was a Clinton trait long before Hillary ran for President. Bill perfected this a long, long time ago.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 05:25 AM)

Depending on the selection of the person and the authority granted to them, that sounds like a very, very good idea. The tech regulatory market has been a disaster the last 8 years, we've fallen behind the rest of the western world on all sorts of things from internet penetration to broadband access to communications costs, and that's a direct function of the regulatory environment and the fact that we just hand the biggest couple companies whatever they want.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 11:15 AM)
Depending on the selection of the person and the authority granted to them, that sounds like a very, very good idea. The tech regulatory market has been a disaster the last 8 years, we've fallen behind the rest of the western world on all sorts of things from internet penetration to broadband access to communications costs, and that's a direct function of the regulatory environment and the fact that we just hand the biggest couple companies whatever they want.

In my opinion, a Tech Czar has several tasks in the next 4 years.

1) broadband deployment

2) digital health records

3) insure network neutrality


what others am I missing? I know there has to be others.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
In my opinion, a Tech Czar has several tasks in the next 4 years.

1) broadband deployment

2) digital health records

3) insure network neutrality


what others am I missing? I know there has to be others.

Hell, over a period of 4 years? God only knows, with the rate at which some things have been advancing.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 09:01 AM)
I had the opposite reaction, for the most part. She showed a duplicitous quality that made me ill. It was really borderline personality disorder - she was a different person every few weeks, depending on what seemed to be working for her.


If it wasn't for the gender specific references here, I would swear you were talking Obama.

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QUOTE (YASNY @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 03:02 PM)
If it wasn't for the gender specific references here, I would swear you were talking Obama.

See, I completely disagree.


Every politician, every one, will change their stance, at least subtly, on some issues.


But I am not talking about issues here. I am talking about the behaviors and words that make a person who they are - their leadership and communicative style, if you will. Obama was remarkably consistent in this manner, IMO. Clinton was the opposite.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 03:07 PM)
See, I completely disagree.


Every politician, every one, will change their stance, at least subtly, on some issues.


But I am not talking about issues here. I am talking about the behaviors and words that make a person who they are - their leadership and communicative style, if you will. Obama was remarkably consistent in this manner, IMO. Clinton was the opposite.


Then we will have to agree to disagree.

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Hillary's been offered the Job


President-elect Barack Obama offered Sen. Hillary Clinton the position of Secretary of State during their meeting Thursday in Chicago, according to two senior Democratic officials. She requested time to consider the offer, the officials said.


Multiple reports have indicated that Clinton was under serious consideration for the nation's top diplomatic post, in addition to Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, the Republican Senator from Nebraska.


The offer shows that the Obama team is, in fact, serious about bringing all types of political officials -- former foes included -- into its governing tent. During the Democratic primary, Clinton was often accused by aides to Obama of inflating or over-dramatizing her foreign policy experience.


As for Clinton, the Secretary of State post offers her tremendous responsibilities as well as a national platform from which, theoretically, she could launch a second White House run. But it also takes her away from the domestic issues, like health care reform, that she seemed poised to tackle as one of the Senate's leading Democrats.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 03:20 PM)

Smart move, even though I think Richardson or Lugar or Kerry might be better qualified. Not only does it embrace his team of rivals concept, it also helps neutralize any attempt on her part later to set up a 2012 run against him. Hard to do that when you work for him. But if she waits for 2016, he could be in a position to help her out.



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QUOTE (YASNY @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 04:25 PM)
Since Obama has offered the SoS position, doesn't that justify her foreign policy qualifications? That is, if you respect Obama's decisions.

They weren't ever really in question, it was just funny to watch her exaggerate it when she didn't even need to and call unwanted attention to herself.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 01:28 PM)
Smart move, even though I think Richardson or Lugar or Kerry might be better qualified. Not only does it embrace his team of rivals concept, it also helps neutralize any attempt on her part later to set up a 2012 run against him. Hard to do that when you work for him. But if she waits for 2016, he could be in a position to help her out.

The potential issue though...most of the time, there's a lot of cabinet turnover mid-administration, especially in the SOS position.

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Interesting note from CNN (Blizer and Carville)... Clinton being offered the SOS is legit.


Normally, if the story was even remotely false or misleading, they'd get phone calls from people VERY high up in the Clinton or Obama organizations telling them it's 100% false and to "shut up". Neither Carville, nor Blitzer has gotten a phone call like that.

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HIllary CAN'T take a position in the Obama administration. If she wants to run in 2012, she needs Obama to fail, or fail at least enough to justify a change. If he does just that, she can't have the stench of a failed Obama admin on her and needs to be as far away from it as possible so she can say "See? I told you so!" If she breaks down and does take a job in the admin, then she has given up all hope of being President herself.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 05:56 PM)
HIllary CAN'T take a position in the Obama administration. If she wants to run in 2012, she needs Obama to fail, or fail at least enough to justify a change. If he does just that, she can't have the stench of a failed Obama admin on her and needs to be as far away from it as possible so she can say "See? I told you so!" If she breaks down and does take a job in the admin, then she has given up all hope of being President herself.

Obama could be the 2nd worst administration in history and he'd still wind up with his party's nomination. Just look at our current Head of State.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 07:56 PM)
HIllary CAN'T take a position in the Obama administration. If she wants to run in 2012, she needs Obama to fail, or fail at least enough to justify a change. If he does just that, she can't have the stench of a failed Obama admin on her and needs to be as far away from it as possible so she can say "See? I told you so!" If she breaks down and does take a job in the admin, then she has given up all hope of being President herself.

No, she's given up all hope of being President in 2012. she'd still be very much in play in 2016, potentially.


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 15, 2008 -> 05:35 PM)
Or, maybe just maybe Obama doesn't fail, gets re-elected, finishes his 2nd term relatively popular the way Bill did, and she has a major advantage going into 2016.


QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 03:28 PM)
Smart move, even though I think Richardson or Lugar or Kerry might be better qualified. Not only does it embrace his team of rivals concept, it also helps neutralize any attempt on her part later to set up a 2012 run against him. Hard to do that when you work for him. But if she waits for 2016, he could be in a position to help her out.

Must be an echo in here.




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