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Obama's Cabinet and Staff


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QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 01:34 PM)
It appears that will happen. I'd like to know more about Bob Gates, he seems to have no ego, or rather, a non-politician forced to work with politicians. Just a man very good at his job that cares about how it's done.


Huge supporter of Boy Scouts of America. :headbang Was President of the National Eagle Scout Association. I had the pleasure of meeting him twice and he is the most genuine person you could imagine.


I heard a story where after accepting the position he honored a prior commitment he made to attend a camping trip with his son and the rest of the Troop. They were the safest Scouts anywhere that weekend with Secret Service behind every rock. :)

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 02:41 PM)
I really dislike the idea of keeping that notion around that Democrats can't be trusted on defense and they need a GOP type daddy to take care of them otherwise the mean military will hurt them. I understand that's not the only reason for keeping Gates around potentially, but it's so deeply ingrained in the media that I'd really like to see that be the one position given to a Democrat in the cabinet. That and energy. No Republicans for energy.

He is flat-out the best option for the job IMO, if he will take it. I couldn't care less about party affiliations.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 01:41 PM)
I really dislike the idea of keeping that notion around that Democrats can't be trusted on defense and they need a GOP type daddy to take care of them otherwise the mean military will hurt them.

It's not that at all. It's really to help with the transition during a time of war. Not that they need "help". It's more like they want him to work closely with his possible replacement.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 02:48 PM)
I think it's critical that Obama picks Gates. Bush's presidency died at the hands of Groupthink within his staff.

If Gates was there instead of Rumsfeld I think more people would've respected Powell and taken him seriously, which could've been a decent administration as opposed to a flaming, miserable failure.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 01:48 PM)
Is that good or bad?

Dimon took over Bank One (now Chase) somewhat reluctantly, and made a lot of changes that worked well. Also, JPM Chase is probably the least scathed by the financial crush, which says something. I'd say he's a solid choice.


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QUOTE (Soxy @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 02:30 PM)
Lisa Madigan--AG.

No, we need another (D) Senator to replace Obama, and a viable (D) Governor to run Blago out of office next term.


I don't think the senator with be Jesse Jr, as many have speculated. And there's not a whole lot of "talent" to draw from.


I can't see Duckworth being appointed to the senate without winning an elected office in her career, but outside of Madigan, and Jr., there's not a whole lot of exciting names in the (D) bullpen. It's a bunch of Wassermans and Logans out there.

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So what exactly is the role of Chief of Staff?

There is none, its all relative to the President. It only came into existence with FDR, or Wilson... I forget exactly who.

Edited by DukeNukeEm
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QUOTE (Texsox @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 08:43 PM)
Huge supporter of Boy Scouts of America. :headbang Was President of the National Eagle Scout Association. I had the pleasure of meeting him twice and he is the most genuine person you could imagine.


I heard a story where after accepting the position he honored a prior commitment he made to attend a camping trip with his son and the rest of the Troop. They were the safest Scouts anywhere that weekend with Secret Service behind every rock. :)


in light of new information regarding Bob Gates, I recommend not putting him in the Sec. of Defense position

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 08:58 PM)
There is none, its all relative to the President. It only came into existence with FDR, or Wilson... I forget exactly who.


I'm fairly certain it was Eisenhower.

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Hey Duke, Rahm Emanuel's last name only has one m. Not trying to be a smartass, I'm sure it was just a typo, but yeah. And isn't Emanuel jewish? Could this pick in small part, especially with as quick as it was made, be something that attempts to ease the fear of how Obama will be towards Isreal and people of Jewish background?

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 01:21 PM)
Hey Duke, Rahm Emanuel's last name only has one m. Not trying to be a smartass, I'm sure it was just a typo, but yeah. And isn't Emanuel jewish? Could this pick in small part, especially with as quick as it was made, be something that attempts to ease the fear of how Obama will be towards Isreal and people of Jewish background?

Jews still voted like 75-25 in favor of Obama IIRC without looking again.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 03:58 PM)
If we're talking about bipartisan type picks...Fitz for AG. You even get the Illinois connection, and hopefully you can shut down the concept of "Politicizing the DOJ" in the way that our current disaster has chosen to do.


I would fully support that, although we could use Fitz around these parts with as crooked as it is. Then again, he could spend the rest of a natural life that lasts until he's 90 years old working here and he still probably would miss out on getting to quite a few of the crooks.

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So, I'm really hoping we see a decent number of conservative types apart of Obama's cabinet. Same for if a Republican wins president in the future regarding liberals. I like the idea of Presidents having a good mix of both viewpoints rather than only his party's. I really don't know much about Obama's possible choices. Is it looking like my hope for a somewhat bi-partisan cabinet is feasible?

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I think you are more likely to see conservatives in his cabinet, but I just kind of doubt that members of the republican party would join the cabinet. Obviously people like Chuck Hagel might work, but for the most part I think people would find that disloyal to their party. So in terms of economics, you might fight conservatives in there, but I don't know if they will be conservatives OF the republican party.

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