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The indoctrination starts already


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As someone who volunteers, and whose wife and son also volunteer, we hate people who are FORCED to volunteer. They don't want to be there and couldn't give two s***s about whatever job they are doing and just want it over. You spend more time supervising or watching them than you do getting actual work done. And if you are FORCING them to do it, they will resent it. And how long until some program pop up to take care of these community service obligations that involve politics? Nothing like a little political indoctrination while they are young to ensure success throughout the years. This program subordinates individual freedom to the collective. THAT IS NOT AMERICA!


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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:25 AM)
We have become a country of lazy, self-centered, fatasses who couldn't careless about our fellow citizens. I welcome community service. However, I disagree on the college part. Middle school and high school is ok with me.

So what? Liberals complain about the government getting involved in our personal lives all the time. Well, here they are getting involved big time. get the f*** out of mine and my kids lives. They are not available for slave labor.

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I never had to do community service in high school and I'm glad I didn't. I volunteer now, though.


I like the concept of "calling on" Americans to do things though. No problems with that at all.

Edited by lostfan
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So now getting people involved in their communities for a couple weeks a year and to help their fellow neighbors is considered a bad thing? I'm not a religious person but it seems like there's too many people today complaining about doing things the bible taught people to do.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 10:35 AM)
wait, "calling on" isnt slave labor? oh might wanna tell Alpha that.

I mean just trying to inspire people to do it and provide incentives. Mandatory community service in school is a step further. Whether it's a good idea or not is debatable (personally I don't like it but it's because I was also one of those lazy self-centered people at that age).

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:35 AM)
wait, "calling on" isnt slave labor? oh might wanna tell Alpha that.

My son is FORCED to do 50 hours of community service just to graduate high school. For him, it is a good thing that he hasbeen doing it for years, so he has no problem with it. But if youare forced to do it against your will, what else would you call it? The flowery language might say 'call upon', but you know that it will somehow be manditory in order to graduate, or get governemtn benefits, or some other form of whip to make you do it.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:34 AM)
So now getting people involved in their communities for a couple weeks a year and to help their fellow neighbors is considered a bad thing? I'm not a religious person but it seems like there's too many people today complaining about doing things the bible taught people to do.

Forcing them to do it when they dont want to is a bad thing. yes.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:40 AM)
My son is FORCED to do 50 hours of community service just to graduate high school. For him, it is a good thing that he hasbeen doing it for years, so he has no problem with it. But if youare forced to do it against your will, what else would you call it? The flowery language might say 'call upon', but you know that it will somehow be manditory in order to graduate, or get governemtn benefits, or some other form of whip to make you do it.



Aren't HS'ers "forced" to take a foreign language to graduate? It's not like you need it, heck you may never even use it, and I don't think it helps shape you as a person... but I do believe community service does. JMO.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:40 AM)
Forcing them to do it when they dont want to is a bad thing. yes.



A lot of them don't want to participate in phys ed either. Probably why we have the most unhealthy youth in the world for a nation as advanced as we are.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:35 AM)
wait, "calling on" isnt slave labor? oh might wanna tell Alpha that.



Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.



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When I was in High School, I was forced by the despots at my school to take algebra, geometry, and two years of a foreign language in order to graduate, and I was forced by the totalitarian state to take drivers' ed in order to get my license. Lord knows I've never been the same.

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QUOTE (Steff @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:47 AM)
A lot of them don't want to participate in phys ed either. Probably why we have the most unhealthy youth in the world for a nation as advanced as we are.

she do gym class and community service when you can be bunkered up in your bedroom playing War Craft for 4 hours?

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Slippery slope, here. Gov't "forces" us to do community service for 50 hours. Wait, this isn't working, let's "force" them to do a hundred. Then, people get used to idea of being forced to do things by the gov't, and it keeps getting worse. I like the idea of helping volunteers who dedicate 1 or 2 years of service to the nation, in whatever form, get substantial assistance in acheiving their educational goals.

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While in college, as part of the requirements of being in my fraternity, each individual is required to do 25 hours of comm service per semester. Its not a lot and being done with it I'm glad i did it, but requiring 100 hours per year is ridiculous. In college, i was busy with 2 majors, often taking 18 credits per semester, was in a couple clubs and i tutored on campus (for money so that didnt count). Community service options are often limited to daytime/weekends. Often times we'd have people half assing it b/c they were tired, hung over, etc and it was obvious. That is a ludicrous amount of hours to force a college student to do.


This is just an idea and I havent seen it anywhere before but from this website, so i dont know how much the Obama camp has even said about this, but this is just a terrible idea. Why would anyone want to be forced into serving? All that is going to do is frustrate people. People forced to do a task they dont want to usually results in it being done incorrectly, haphazardly, non chalantly etc.


I have no problem with the encouragement to join such groups and respect each and every person who devotes themselves to such things. However, forcing people who dont want to do it, to do it, IMO, is ridiculous.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 10:02 AM)
While in college, as part of the requirements of being in my fraternity, each individual is required to do 25 hours of comm service per semester. Its not a lot and being done with it I'm glad i did it, but requiring 100 hours per year is ridiculous. In college, i was busy with 2 majors, often taking 18 credits per semester, was in a couple clubs and i tutored on campus (for money so that didnt count). Community service options are often limited to daytime/weekends. Often times we'd have people half assing it b/c they were tired, hung over, etc and it was obvious. That is a ludicrous amount of hours to force a college student to do.


This is just an idea and I havent seen it anywhere before but from this website, so i dont know how much the Obama camp has even said about this, but this is just a terrible idea. Why would anyone want to be forced into serving? All that is going to do is frustrate people. People forced to do a task they dont want to usually results in it being done incorrectly, haphazardly, non chalantly etc.


I have no problem with the encouragement to join such groups and respect each and every person who devotes themselves to such things. However, forcing people who dont want to do it, to do it, IMO, is ridiculous.


Yes, but you CHOSE that being in the fraternity was worth the community service. You weren't forced to do it.

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QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 10:54 AM)
When I was in High School, I was forced by the despots at my school to take algebra, geometry, and two years of a foreign language in order to graduate, and I was forced by the totalitarian state to take drivers' ed in order to get my license. Lord knows I've never been the same.





That is nowhere near the same thing.


By that logic, I am forced by the evil government to stop at stop signs and not punch random people in the face if I want to stay out of jail.



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From the same website:


Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Obama and Biden will establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.


How dare they give college students the OPTION to perform community service.

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QUOTE (YASNY @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 11:04 AM)
Yes, but you CHOSE that being in the fraternity was worth the community service. You weren't forced to do it.



My point was to illustrate being "forced" to do something results in inadequate work/performance and people getting upset. I sometimes ramble and never check what i write on message boards, it may have come across poorly.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 10:07 AM)
My point was to illustrate being "forced" to do something results in inadequate work/performance and people getting upset. I sometimes ramble and never check what i write on message boards, it may have come across poorly.


And that is a valid point. I just saw an opportunity to make another point off of your post.

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