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Season Ticket Invoices are out


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QUOTE (klaus kinski @ Nov 24, 2008 -> 09:27 AM)
I cant believe they are this insensitive to the economic conditions-What harm would come if they held the line a year? Guess the rich people are trying to recover stock market losses from us.


The interesting thing is that the 2007 payroll was 109 million and it went to 120 million in 2008. That increase? 10%.


As I have been saying for years, the Sox are a zero sum organization. Whatever comes in, goes out. Its the price we pay for having the 5th highest payroll in baseball last year.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 24, 2008 -> 10:58 AM)
The interesting thing is that the 2007 payroll was 109 million and it went to 120 million in 2008. That increase? 10%.


As I have been saying for years, the Sox are a zero sum organization. Whatever comes in, goes out. Its the price we pay for having the 5th highest payroll in baseball last year.

I highly doubt they would increase prices 10% if they didn't have most of their season ticketholders held hostage by having all their non refundable playoff money already. But it does indicate payroll should go up further.

Edited by Dick Allen
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Kind of funny that the Sox have a higher payroll than the Cubs and Dodgers. I'm calling a bit of BS on that though as I believe the Sox payroll was significantly less than that. I'm thinking they are somehow factoring all of Griffey's contract into the Sox and some other things. I believe it was much closer to 100M when you factor in the cash and everything (but I could be completely wrong).

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Best job in world: Baseball player.

Worst job: Working stiff (non rich) fan.

Baseball player can drink tons of beer get chubby and still excel at the game while chubby.

Can drink beer in clubhouse after the game for free and take a limo home.

Fan can drink beer if he'll pay 7.50 a beer. It'll be warm, he'll get fat and have the wife yell at him for getting drunk at the game. And he may get a DUI on the way home.


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I'm sure that 11% increase will be more than enough to fund the precious new Gate 5 that is under rennovation. Not that there was anything really wrong with the old Gate 5, but hell, can never have enough gift shops and concessions.


I'm still waiting to see what the team is doing from all the extra revenue that the Jim Beam Club was supposed to rake in. :huh


We have seen increases every year since 2005, but this is by far the most

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QUOTE (watchtower41 @ Nov 24, 2008 -> 02:58 PM)
I'm sure that 11% increase will be more than enough to fund the precious new Gate 5 that is under rennovation. Not that there was anything really wrong with the old Gate 5, but hell, can never have enough gift shops and concessions.


I'm still waiting to see what the team is doing from all the extra revenue that the Jim Beam Club was supposed to rake in. :huh


We have seen increases every year since 2005, but this is by far the most


I am pretty sure that the Gate 5 stuff has to be be coming out of the ISTA money, or out of the US Celluar endorsement money. There are very specific rules about park improvements and how those can be funded. I don't believe that gate money goes to that stuff, unless something recently changed.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 24, 2008 -> 03:00 PM)
I am pretty sure that the Gate 5 stuff has to be be coming out of the ISTA money, or out of the US Celluar endorsement money. There are very specific rules about park improvements and how those can be funded. I don't believe that gate money goes to that stuff, unless something recently changed.

Its ISA money, that was mentioned in the thread on this topic (Gate 5).


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QUOTE (chiguy79 @ Nov 24, 2008 -> 05:04 PM)
They have us hostage this year they had to push through the increase now because they probably won't be able to jack prices up again for 2-3 years. If the team doesn't perform this year I think a lot of ST holders will not be renewing for 2010.



Well, it's only logical...if they had missed the playoffs, and didn't have the renewals/deposits attached to that...and the "good feelings" from the offseason rather than an overwhelming sense of disappointment and "what might have been" (surrounding Quentin)...then it would have been impossible to pull this off. You have to strike while the iron is not. Heck, even in this economy, the Dodgers will still be asking $90 for some of their ST tickets in the new facility.

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Raising ticket prices and cutting payroll won't fly if they don't win. Barry Rozner says they will be cutting payroll.


From the Daily Herald:

When the top athlete on the planet loses a big endorsement deal with Buick, as Tiger Woods did Monday, and unless you've had the door to your cave slammed shut the last few months, then you know things are kinda tough out there.


So, yes, the White Sox will be trimming payroll this winter.


That news, via Sox GM Ken Williams, came Monday, because unlike the very few teams in sports who are immune to recessions, the Sox will need to keep an eye on expenses.


Those who live for the chance to criticize the South Siders will no doubt enjoy hearing that the Sox won't be spending as much as they did in 2008, when they were fifth in baseball at $121 million.


"First of all, it's a continuation of a plan to get younger that started two years ago,'' Williams said Monday from Arizona. "But secondly, this was going to be needed anyway as a result of the economy.


"We can't hide from it. At the end of the day, the bottom line is you can't spend a dollar if you only have 75 cents, and we're talking about millions here.


"These are serious issues and we can't live with our heads in the sand.''


Williams has already subtracted $25 million in the form of Orlando Cabrera, Nick Swisher, Juan Uribe and Joe Crede, and you have to think he'd like to get Javier Vazquez and his $11.5 million off the books, though it doesn't help that Vazquez has a limited no-trade blocking deals to N.L. West and A.L. West teams.


As for the 2009 payroll, Williams said, "The number will depend on what we do over the next few weeks. Jerry (Reinsdorf) just tells me to break even and try to win the World Series.


"I'm charged with making sure we can keep the lights on, and do it in a competitive way.''


It's difficult to argue with Williams' results over the past eight years.


"It's pretty evident that I'm trying to continue on with a plan to turn the roster over and infuse the team with young talent,'' Williams said. "In the meantime, we'll continue to monitor where revenues are and keep having dialogue, but I'm more focused on how to put the best team on field that's more athletic and younger.


"So my goals, aside from the economy, were going to result in a lower payroll anyway.''


Meanwhile, some sports teams around the country may see a 25 percent drop in ticket sales next year, though we're not suggesting that could happen on the South Side.


"How can sports not be affected by it?'' Williams asked. "People work hard for their discretionary dollars and entertainment is often the thing that's cut first.


"But we survive in sports for times just like this, when people need a little break from real life for a few hours a day, when they can be passionate about their teams.


"We have a responsibility to keep our sport healthy, and I have to do my part to make sure of that.''


It does appear KW has a quarter more to work with, 75 cents vs. the old 50. but isn't it hypocritical to be using the economy as a reason to cut payroll while at the same time raising ticket prices 10%?

Edited by Dick Allen
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It does appear KW has a quarter more to work with, 75 cents vs. the old 50. but isn't it hypocritical to be using the economy as a reason to cut payroll while at the same time raising ticket prices 10%?


Sort of.

But I don't think many fans have a problem with going younger and hopefully a little faster on the basepaths.

But they probably shouldn't be raising ticket prices in this economy. Baseball ticket prices are so out of whack it's amazing. I guess some people have the money.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 26, 2008 -> 01:39 PM)
Sort of.

But I don't think many fans have a problem with going younger and hopefully a little faster on the basepaths.

But they probably shouldn't be raising ticket prices in this economy. Baseball ticket prices are so out of whack it's amazing. I guess some people have the money.



I grow tired of the whoa is me KW crap all the time. 11% ticket increase but yet payroll will be cut.

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My guess is that advertising prices will be way down this year as businesses attempt to cut back. I can only imagine how many millions it costs the team when corporate sponsors pull out. The ticket increase is an attempt to offset those losses.

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