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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 10, 2008 -> 04:19 PM)
He seems too much like Darin Erstad for me. A guy who will play more than he should, plus he's not the defender he used to be. I still don't understand why Pie would be non tendered. I don't think he's eligible for arbitration.

I meant Pie has no options left.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 10, 2008 -> 04:25 PM)
So when he's sold as the savior in SD and he hits .175 because the park is tough to hit in and he can't hit anyway, they can't even send him to the minors without putting him through waivers. Classic.

I may be off on that, but I read somewhere that both Marshall and Pie were out of options.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 10, 2008 -> 04:34 PM)
It truly is amazing how much junk Hendry can trade for good players. Like fathom said, he must have naked pictures.

The fact is, they probably are going to have to let one of those three go at some point this season, so teams who trade for them now are pretty much retarded. Fukucrappy is already penciled in for CF, Theriot and Derosa/Fontenot are in the MI and Marshall is going to be a possible LOOGY/Long man for them.

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MLB.com has an article "An interview with Ozzie Guillen". It's credited: Courtesy of FastScripts by ASAP Sports. It's from Ozzie's winter meeting press conference. Who ever transcribed this thing isn't familiar enough with baseball or Guillen to translate what Ozzie really says into what he really says. Its pretty funny.


Right now I'm excited about this ballclub that we have. I talked to Kenny. We went through the team, and I still think that we have a pretty good team to compete. We have a Jay, Pauly, Thome and Dye, and the Quentin, and we have to add Owens and Anderson, and hopefully Josh Fields.


They will do the job they are supposed to do. The question mark is at second base, who is going to be the second baseman right now? Right now, I would like to see Katz in that position.

I think a Jay is AJ, and Katz is Chris Getz. We all know who the Quentin is.


We talk about it and we don't worry about that. To give him the load to carry this ballclub, I think he's still young. I don't want to give him the responsibility to carry this ballclub. A few of my coaches would like to see him batting third. I think Quentin should be batting third with Tommy and Konerko and Dye. But I think it's too much responsibility to give this kid.

Tommy? I'm guessing Thome.


It was great. I don't know why somebody told Jamie about, I don't want this kid and I don't know why Kenny signed this kid for. I live in Miami, and in Miami, there's not any bad Cuban players. Everybody from Cuba, they are good players. (Laughter.) It's kind of funny, because everybody from Cuba, you go: "He's a great player."

I don't know who the hell he was talking about. I can't get to Dayan Viciedo starting from Jamie.




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You can't entirely blame people for beginning to get upset. I know we're supposed to take anything KW says with a grain of salt, but he's been saying for a while now that we are cutting payroll. And we haven't been tied to any free agents. So, a lot of us know not to take KW at his word, but quite a few will believe him when he says that we won't be adding any big contracts.


I, for one, think we'll end up signing a relatively expensive free agent (I really think we'll end up with Dunn) and/or trading for a quality MLB player. But if we don't, you better believe I'll be angry because you simply cannot raise ticket prices and cut payroll drastically.

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Wow Rosenthal is reporting the following:

Sources told FOXSports.com's Ken Rosenthal that the Mets could be close to landing J.J. Putz in a three-team deal also involving the Indians.

Rosenthal has Aaron Heilman, Endy Chavez, Mike Carp and Franklin Gutierrez in the deal, but doesn't know who is going where. We're guessing that Heilman would go to Cleveland as the return for Gutierrez, who would be penciled in as Seattle's center fielder. Chavez and Carp would likely go to Seattle as well. Chavez is no asset at his salary, but Carp is an intriguing first base prospect and Gutierrez has quite a bit of upside. It still doesn't seem like enough of a return for Putz.


Guitirez is a lot to give up for Heilman, although he should have some value for the Tribe. Still Franklin is a very toolsy guy who still has upside despite this past seasons trouble. Endy Chavez really isn't much of a catch though for the Mariners and while Carp is a decent prospect, I don't see the point considering they are stuck with Jeff Clement (#3 overall pick a couple years back) who is pretty much a first baseman at this point.

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