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Rod Blagojevich officially facing federal corruption charges


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 09:45 PM)
Interesting thought. But its wrong for the same reason its wrong for executives (which I have seen you yourself complain about) - you are rewarding bad behavior.


I'll pass.


Somehow this feels different than a CEO.

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So did Obama lie, or did Emanuel lie to Obama?




Emanuel talked directly to gov: source

DEEPER ROLE? | Pushed Jarrett for Senate seat

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December 18, 2008


BY NATASHA KORECKI Federal Courts Reporter [email protected]


President-elect Barack Obama's incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had a deeper involvement in pressing for a U.S. Senate seat appointment than previously reported, the Sun-Times has learned. Emanuel had direct discussions about the seat with Gov. Blagojevich, who is is accused of trying to auction it to the highest bidder.


Emanuel talked with the governor in the days following the Nov. 4 election and pressed early on for the appointment of Valerie Jarrett to the post, sources with knowledge of the conversations told the Sun-Times. There was no indication from sources that Emanuel brokered a deal, however.


A source with the Obama camp strongly denied Emanuel spoke with the governor directly about the seat, saying Emanuel only spoke with Blagojevich once recently to say he was taking the chief of staff post.


But sources with knowledge of the investigation said Blagojevich told his aides about the calls with Emanuel and sometimes gave them directions afterward. Sources said that early on, Emanuel pushed for the appointment of Jarrett to the governor and his staff and asked that it be done by a certain date.


At least some of the conversations between Emanuel and Blagojevich were likely caught on tape, sources said.


After Jarrett took herself out of the running in mid-November, Emanuel submitted a list of suitable names to the governor's camp that didn't include her name.


Emanuel, who has refused to comment on the issue, is not accused of wrongdoing.


In portions of conversations released in a criminal complaint against Blagojevich, he can be heard complaining that Obama wouldn't give anything in return for a Jarrett appointment.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 07:32 AM)
You must sing this (at least in your head) while reading to the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen":


Get packin', Rod Blagojevich

The state's in disarray

The Tribune wants you unemployed

At least by Christmas Day

The TV pundits want your head

Could there be pay to play?


O Tidings of Comfort and Joy,


O Tidings of Comfort and Joy


Good riddance, Rod Blagojevich

Your Elvis look's inane

The Senate's mad, so's Lisa's dad,,

You drive us all insane

Our transit's broke, the state's a joke,

The Tollway's one big pain


O Tidings of Comfort and Joy


O Tidings of Comfort and Joy


Good luck old Rod Blagojevich

The feds have quite a place

Fitzgerald's poked his nose around

And if he has a case

George Ryan's moving stuff around

Creating extra space


O Tidings of Comfort and Joy


O Tidings of Comfort and Joy



:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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The soap opera rolls on...






CHICAGO -- Embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich plans to name Roland W. Burris, the former attorney general of Illinois, to fill the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by President-elect Barack Obama, a person familiar with the matter said.


Gov. Blagojevich plans to make the announcement Tuesday afternoon. The choice is likely to face intense scrutiny because the governor faces federal corruption charges. The governor appears to be thumbing his nose at critics who have said the process allowing him to choose Mr. Obama's replacement should be circumvented.

[Rod Blagojevich]


Rod Blagojevich


The governor was arrested Dec. 9 and accused of conspiring to sell Mr. Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder, among other allegations. He has denied any wrongdoing and vowed to stay in office while fighting the charges.


Mr. Burris is a 71-year-old African-American with many years of experience holding statewide offices in Illinois. The Democrat is a lawyer, registered lobbyist and a principal at Burris & Lebed Consulting LLC, a political and government-affairs consulting firm in Chicago. He served as state attorney general from 1991 to 1995. In November, Mr. Burris said he would accept an appointment to the Senate seat if chosen by the governor.


But amid the cloud over Gov. Blagojevich, it's unclear whether Senate leaders would accede to the choice.


The move also would represent an about-face for the governor. On Dec. 18, his criminal-defense lawyer, Ed Genson, said the governor would not appoint someone to fill the vacant seat.



* Lawyer Claims Lack of Evidence to Impeach

* Discuss: Obama's response to the Blagojevich scandal?

* Complete Coverage: Rod Blagojevich


"[senate majority leader] Harry Reid said that they're not going to accept anybody he picks," Mr. Genson said at the time. "Why would he do that?"


Sen. Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, said earlier this month that he backed efforts to circumvent the process allowing Gov. Blagojevich to make the appointment. He said, "it is clear that anyone Gov. Blagojevich appoints to the Senate will fairly or unfairly be tainted by questions of impropriety" and that a different process must be put in place.


Mr. Burris ran unsuccessfully against Gov. Blagojevich in the Democratic primary race for governor in 2002.


Mr. Burris, who hails from Centralia, Ill., became the first African-American elected to a statewide office in Illinois in 1978 when he became Illinois comptroller.


Write to David Kesmodel at [email protected] and Douglas Belkin at [email protected]

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Blagojevich is going to defy basically everyone out there and name a person to that Senate Seat it apperas. Roland Burris.


The Senate Dems have already unanimously said that the would refuse to seat anyone named to that spot by Blagojevich, so he's now putting them on the spot it would appear.


Wonder how much it cost.

Gov. Blagojevich today is expected to name former state Comptroller and Attorney General Roland Burris to Illinois' vacant U.S. Senate seat, a knowledgeable source said this morning.


A news conference is scheduled for 2 p.m.


Former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris, 71, had lobbied the governor for the position in recent weeks.


Burris made a previous attempt at the Senate seat in the past -- unsuccessfully. In 1984, he was beat out for the Democratic nomination by Paul Simon.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 12:44 PM)
They may not be able to legally.


And frankly, if this guy isnt one of the prospective candidates named in the investigation, they shouldnt stop it. Illinois should have full Senate representation.

Well, the impeachment panel is still out. They may be able to impeach the Governor before he formally makes his nomination, depending on how long things take. If he is impeached, its possible that Illinois law makes the governor legally impotent to make the nomination or do anything else.


Its like a race.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 12:56 PM)
Well, the impeachment panel is still out. They may be able to impeach the Governor before he formally makes his nomination, depending on how long things take. If he is impeached, its possible that Illinois law makes the governor legally impotent to make the nomination or do anything else.


Its like a race.


Even if blagojevich isn't impeached in time to stop a senate nomination, I don't see the senate Democrats taking the selection. It would be a public relations disaster

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 01:16 PM)
At least bow out gracefully Blago, you are such an idiot.

There is no graceful exit anymore. And remember, this guy still thinks if he'd indicted that he'd have a future political career at the national level. He's narcissistic and delusional.


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Senate Dems still saying they won't seat anyone Blagojevich names:


Two Democratic officials tell CNN that Senate Democratic leaders are planning to block Blagojevich's appointment of Burris.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, has threatened not to seat anyone the governor appoints and has called for Blagojevich, a Democrat, to step down.


In a statement released Tuesday, Reid said it was "truly regrettable that ... Gov. Blagojevich would take the imprudent step of appointing someone to the United States Senate who would serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety."


"We again urge Gov. Blagojevich to not make this appointment. It is unfair to Mr. Burris, it is unfair to the people of Illinois and it will ultimately not stand," Reid said. "The governor must put the interests of the people of Illinois and all Americans first by stepping aside now and letting his successor appoint someone who we will seat."



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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 01:52 PM)


letting his successor appoint someone who we will seat."


Blago's crony Pat Quinn should appoint the senator? just as bad IMO. The senate should refuse to accept any appointment that comes from the Blagojevich crimal orgainzation

Edited by mr_genius
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This is probably a LITTLE over critical, but worth noting.

Rod Blagojevich's choice to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat, Roland Burris, helped raise money for the governor on multiple occasions.


Blagojevich's choice is already being met with a steep wave of skepticism, because the embattled Illinois Governor was caught by the feds allegedly trying to auction off the seat to the highest bidder. Burris' ties to Blagojevich, despite his recent criticisms of the governor, seem destined to tarnish his appointment even further.


The former Illinois Attorney General gave $4,500 to Blagojevich's campaign fund in the form of personal donations and donations from -- what appear to be -- him and his wife, according to Illinois State records. The most recent donation came on June 27, 2008, when the governor was knee-deep in charges of ethical misconduct.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 12:04 PM)
Blago's crony Pat Quinn should appoint the senator? just as bad IMO. The senate should refuse to accept any appointment that comes from the Blagojevich crimal orgainzation

If the Lt. Gov is also unqualified or corrupt, then it's the Illinois Legislature's job to remove them. The Senate can't just keep that seat vacant forever.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 10:44 AM)
They may not be able to legally.


And frankly, if this guy isnt one of the prospective candidates named in the investigation, they shouldnt stop it. Illinois should have full Senate representation.

The Senate is fully within its rights to refuse to seat anyone based on whatever criteria they choose. And regardless of whether or not this particular candidate is connected to Blagojevich's scandal or not, when the scandal first broke, within 24 hours, the Senate Dems had released a strongly worded letter signed by every single dem in the Senate saying that they would refuse to seat anyone named to that seat by Blagojevich. That was the right thing to do, and regardless of who he named, following the policy they outlined is also the righ tmove.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 30, 2008 -> 02:27 PM)
If the Lt. Gov is also unqualified or corrupt, then it's the Illinois Legislature's job to remove them. The Senate can't just keep that seat vacant forever.


A special election is the only reasonable solution to the empty senate seat

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I saw the Blago press conference I would like to commend him; political theatre at it's finest. What a great pick, the senate Dems will have to consider the pick now or be accused of denying the only African-American senator (as Burris has been appointed) a senate seat.

Edited by mr_genius
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