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Nice hearing from ya, hun!  When you come back, we'll definitely have to hook up now that I have my own car.  How much longer do ya think you'll be over there?

I am going to school for communications in the fall and should be returning to the U.S. from Iraq within the next 2-3 weeks. THANK GOD I think the end is in sight. It's been 8 months and counting for me over here. I feel bad for the other guys in my unit who are stuck here till the fall at least, but there's nothing I can do about that.


If I had to guess at my next time in town it looks like the second half of August. Once I do get back to Ft. Stewart I have to turn in all of my gear & do a s***load of paperwork to clear from there.


Looks like I'll be home for 3 weeks or so in the end of August/early September time frame and then I plan on taking most, if not all, of December off before going to my new assignment the first of 2004. (I have over 2 months of vacation saved up).


BTW, Whose hawks Jersey were you wearing in the pics at the dealership?

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