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Sergio Miranda Interview


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Interview with Sergio Miranda, 13th round pick in 2007. He spent 2008 between Low A Kanny and High A Winston-Salem. Here is a link to his AAP page, for background.


Here is my interview with him...




What's your thought process when facing a pitcher you've never seen before?


I like to watch the pitcher warm up and see what types of pitches he throws. Sometimes I’ll take the first pitch to see his speed. It’s all about having confidence in yourself and knowing you’re going to hit the ball.


How do you adjust from at bat to at bat over the course of the year?


Well I have been a hitter that usually starts slow even coming up from college and knowing that, my adjustments are just to keep swinging until I get were I want to be. I really haven’t had to make any big adjustments because luckily so far I’ve been somewhat successful. I just want to try and make sure I only swing at good pitches.


How do you try to get out of a slump?


I believe slumps can be tricky and no one every wants to be in one. I learned a lot about myself this past year as a baseball player. I learned that is it possible to get out of a slump if you keep working at it. It’s hard to stand in front of a pitcher and not have the confidence to hit the ball. I learned that it is possible to overcome it and get back to being a good hitter. You can’t control the game, but you can control your work ethic. You never want to give up.


Any superstitions?


Well yes I am a very superstitious guy, let me see if I can tell you one that I doesn’t sound like I’m crazy …

... If I am doing good I usually try to do everything I did that day before I go to the field; even eat the same food. Ha Ha


I'd like to hear his perspective on the difference between the pitchers in the Sally and the Carolina League... big difference? Little difference? Anything in particular stand out about difference is their stuff?


You know what, there is not a big difference. I started off the season very slow and people might think well that’s because the league may be harder, but that’s not the case. In some ways I think its harder, but its really not the pitching overall. The biggest difference to me is that there are only 8 teams in the Carolina League and pitchers get to see you more often. But this goes both ways and as a professional player is when you have to step up and make adjustments. I really didn’t feel over powered, I just started slow and when I was getting better it just happened that the organization thought that it was better for me to go down one level. Well I went down, did my job and earned another shot to prove I can handle the Carolina League.


How do you feel about all of the middle infield competition that you are facing now, with guys like Silverio and Beckham getting lots of money from the White Sox?


Ha Ha Ha I knew that question was coming. I think it’s great for the team. I can’t worry about how much money they have or anything. We are all the same when we are on the field and it’s about getting the job done. I am up to the challenge. I am going to play where ever the organization wants me to or think they need me. We are all working to make it up to the big show and to get there we have to put up the numbers. All I can worry about it playing my best and do whatever I can to help my team and organization.


At the beginning of this past season, you struggled a bit with High A pitching with Winston-Salem. But after going back to Kanny, and back up to W-S again to finish the season, it looked like you “figured it out”. What adjustments did you make to get back on track?


This year was tough for me, but I was able to overcome it. I’m not too sure what I figured out. I don’t think the pitching is any harder in high A. I just wasn’t on my game. I have never been in a slump before so this was a learning experience for me. I had to learn how to get my head back in the game. Mostly stop trying so hard to get out of it. I knew it would come back to me. Next year I want to work more on my hitting so hopefully this does not happen to me again. I just want to swing the bat more and hopefully the baseball gods will give me some love!


Years from now when your career is said and done what will be enough for you to be satisfied with yourself?


Honestly, I don’t even want to think about that. Baseball is my life and all I want to do. So many people in my life told me this was impossible for me to accomplish this goal and all I want to do is prove them wrong. So many people in this country want to be in my position and all I can do is give it 200%. Later in my life I want to look back at this and make sure I gave it my all.


How do you feel about playing in an organization that has such a deep and important history of having hispanic middle infielders on the Big League level?


It is a good feeling. It’s great to see how Latino players made their way up to play in the league I love so much. I hope to be like the many great Latino players and reach what they have reached.


Do you pay attention to the action at the big league level? Any specific players on the Sox you follow?


It’s hard to pick just one guy. I pay attention to a lot of them. They are all awesome players and I look up to them a lot. Its nice to meet a lot of them during spring training. I was blessed to play a few games with them. It felt great being part of the team.


What are your plans for this off season?


Its nice to have some time off to recuperate and to get my body healthy. We have a very long season. I will get to see my family. I haven’t seen them in 7 months so it will be great to see them. I miss them a lot. This winter I will be playing winter ball in Puerto Rico. This is a great opportunity for me because it will give me the chance to play with top players. This off season it is extremely important for me to work hard and to get ready for the season coming up.


Where do you see yourself in the Sox system at this time next year?


Well I would like to say the big leagues ha ha. I put high expectations on myself and set big goals. I would like to see myself playing at a higher level. It will take a lot of work, but I’m up for it.


Who has been the biggest influence on your career? Who are your idols? What players do you most try to emulate with your play?


The biggest influence in my life is my dad. I am the person I am today because of him. He has given up and done so much for me since I was a baby. He is the reason why I got into baseball. I started playing when I was 3 years old and he was there every step of the way driving me to all of my practices and games. The player that I emulate the most is Robert Alomar. Since I was little I have always tried to be like him. He is an amazing player and I admire him greatly. I like to take some of his ideas and how he plays to make me a better player.


What manager or coach has been the biggest influence on your career so far, and why?


This is an extremely difficult question for me to pick. I have had so many coaches throughout my baseball experience that have shaped me into the player I am today. Each of them have their own way of coaching and own way of doing things. They are all the biggest influence on me. I have respect for all of them.


You've got to see a couple of the Sox affiliates, tell us about the differences at the various levels (ie, coaching/fans/city/equipment).


Well the higher you are the better it gets. The coaching is all good, but at the higher levels it is a little better. I think it has to do with experience. The fields are a little better and more fans go to the games. Everything has been a positive experience for me.


Which stadiums that you have played at are your favorites? Least favorites?


There have been a few good ones. I enjoyed playing at the Blue Claws field in NJ, and the field in Mexico during spring training was unreal. I think the worst field was Augusta. That was really bad.


If you weren't a baseball player, what would you being doing with your life?


I don’t know life without baseball ha-ha. I am not too sure what I would do. I would finish school and maybe do something with criminal justice because that is my major. I would also like to get into coaching maybe. I always want to be doing something with baseball. That is my life.


Who was your favorite baseball team going up?


The Cubs were my favorite baseball team growing up ha-ha. Don’t hate me. My dad grew up in Chicago and I still have family there. I have become a bigger baseball fan now and like many different teams. I do not have a favorite team right now.


What has been your greatest baseball moment so far in your young career?


I have been very lucky in may baseball career so far. Getting a full scholarship to play baseball in college was amazing. There I was able to grow and become a better player. I broke many records there that were great. I also was able to make it very far in the CAA’s in my last season. Next was getting drafted by the Chicago White Sox. That has always been a big dream of mine to play professional baseball. Hopefully I will experience more of these goals in my baseball career in later years.


Who is the biggest prankster that you have seen in the Sox system?


They are some but the one I know more is Francico Hernandez. He is very funny and love to play jokes on guys a lot but. But he is a awesome guy.


Thanks for giving me this opportunity I had fun doing it. I know it took me a long time to answer and I am sorry for that. Wish everyone a Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



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