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Iraqi "journalist" throws shoes at Bush

Gregory Pratt

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Dec 14, 2008 -> 11:50 PM)
Someone finally did what 70% of Americans have wanted t do for a long tine now.

Not everyone is filled with such hatred for the man as you as to want to throw shoes at him. Just because they don't 'approve' of him doesn't mean they want to throw their Birkenstocks at him.

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How did he miss President Bush's ears? They're almost like Lillibridge's. I'm not sure, but even MacDougal might have had a 50/50 chance of being on target in that situation.


Speaking of fun around SoxTalk, who's up for another Willy Taveras thread??? Can SOMETHING/ANYTHING please happen soon to discuss!!!!



I'll give an example from today's KC Star. Usually Joe Posnanski is one of the best (and funniest) writers out there, but he tried a little too hard today.


OK, I’m convinced now. Fire everybody. Fire Carl. Fire Herm. Fire Gunther. Fire the players. After that game, there’s really nothing to say but: Fire them all. And they should not stop there. The Chiefs should hire Greg Robinson back just so they can fire him again. They should call John Mackovic just to remind him that he got fired. They should bring in Donald Trump to walk through Arrowhead’s coaches offices and the locker room, just so everyone will fully understand what’s going on.


Nine positives to be taken from Sunday’s loss to San Diego.


1. Nobody set themselves on fire.


2. Nobody’s pants fell down; and that’s a full four quarters of pants-up football.


3. The Chiefs players did not start punching each other on the sidelines.


4. All the Chiefs players remembered to wear helmets and shoes.


5. Nobody set themselves on fire … oh, wait, used that one already.


5. Not one Chiefs player was abducted by aliens (the last concerns were relieved when rookie defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey was spotted running off the field in the fourth quarter).


6. The Chiefs sacked San Diego quarterback Philip Rivers three times on Sunday — that’s a season high. That gives the Chiefs nine sacks for the season, and five of them were sacks of Rivers.


7. No Chiefs player, at last check, contracted measles.


8. Herm Edwards did not try to trade an open Senate seat for campaign contributions.


9. Carl Peterson did not draft Trezelle Jenkins again.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (G&T @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 06:34 AM)
I'd say it's a high risk low reward signing in that he assaulted the President of the United States and will likely not see the light of day for a long time.


And I don't know how much throwing he'll get to do in the Iraqi Penal league.

even when it happened in Iraq?

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QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 11:55 AM)
Do the sox have a minor league team down in Gitmo?


I think you're on to something here.


We need to introduce baseball into the middle east.


Give them something to spend their time on rather than killing each other.


Although I could picture the crowds at an Israel vs. Iran game getting a little ugly.





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It was a strange sight to see a 50 something gym teacher hitting fungoes to Thai students on my way home from university this afternoon.


Actually, most of the kids throw hardest underhand (like fast-pitch softball), but there were some really talented players for such a young age. They are/were terribly lacking in fundamentals (things like backhanding a groundball to your right if you field with your left hand, they couldn't turn their gloves...getting down on grounders and putting the glove down and then bringing it up instead of stabbing down at it...getting in front of the ball instead of the 'ol Juan Uribe ole style of playing it off to the side...catching with two hands...getting a running start into a flyball instead of catching it flat-footed or backpedalling) but it was interesting to watch practice for 30-45 minutes.


The kids are running around without any shoes on, in uniforms/skirts...well, it's like nothing you would ever see in the US.

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The sad thing is now, I think when a lot of people in the future look back at George W. Bush's presidency, they're going to remember this incident as how people felt about him.


I found it funny how this wasn't even on the front-page in a lot of newspapers. Show how far Bush has slipped in terms of popularity and how no one cares about him anymore.

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QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 11:55 AM)
Do the sox have a minor league team down in Gitmo?


Seriously, I don't care what you think of the current president... I hope this guy is missing a few toenails right now.


I seriously hope you are kidding. The guy threw a pair of shoes at GWB in a symbolic protest of his aggression, indifference and arrogance toward the people and culture of Iraq. I do not care what country he supposedly leads, he is an unremarkable human being. Throwing shoes at him does not merit any more than 24 hours in the cooler. To suggest this reporter deserves to be tortured at Gitmo clearly illustrates why this nation (ours, not Iraq) is in such terrible shape morally. The entire world is celebrating the end of the Bush regime and whether you are conservative or liberal, it is difficult to defend this president in any way, shape or form.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 08:25 AM)
President Bush.


Signing will be announced at US Cellular Field on Tuesday, as soon as US State Department background checks are approved and a visa is issued.


Kennny Williams had a brief statement for the media at 702 CST:


"That guy can bring it! And he's not afraid to throw at people to get them off the plate. In the past, Ozzie had problems with Sean Tracey and Jon Garland decking opponents. Well, we like this guy's long arm motion, extension and wrist snap, and feel that with a few adjustments, we can get his fastball up into the mid 90's. If he can throw a pair of shoes at speeds of 73 MPH (our JUGS assessment from video analysis), just think what he'll be able to accomplish with an offseason of tuturing with Don Cooper? We're already at the breaking point with our payroll, and, after looking at what the Pirates did in creatively assessing the pitching market and signing two former Indian national team cricket players, we think we're opening up a new Middle Eastern Pitching Pipeline, just like our vaunted Cuban Connection. Not to mention that our White Sox logo has been recently showing up on Iraqi hip hop videos as well as Al-Jazeera broadcasts. It just seemed like a good fit in terms of merchandising, and Brooks Boyer agreed that bringing more Islamic fans to Comiskey could be just the revenue stream (the Cubs just announced a plan to allow fans to skate for $10 at Wrigley Field on January 4th http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...,0,65793.story) we needed to let us go out and add a Willie Taveras/Gathright/Gomez burner type that might really put us over the top in terms of competing once again for the AL Central title." The unnamed prospect will sign a one year deal for the major league minimum. "The last time I signed someone strictly from watching video, it was Tad Iguchi. We feel this guy can have a similar impact down the line for us," offered the always-interesting Williams.


Ozzie Guillen, relatively a White Sox expert on political affairs, and someone who's been unafraid to take on fellow countryman Hugo Chavez had this to say.


"We can't really go wrong with this pick-up. It's classic KW, low-risk, high-reward. He's always joking with me about our team being the United Nations. With the president's approval rating at all-time lows, we felt that the attendance boost alone by putting him out there on the mound instead of Marquez might be beneficial to our bottom line. We anticipate a walk-up gate of 5,000 plus on the nights when he pitches." Guillen had just gotten off a conference call with local Birmingham McDonald's franchisees, having forwarded a picture of Cuban 3B prospect Dayan Viciedo with a promise to send ANY cashier a $100 voucher for White Sox merchandise in return for refusing to serve Dayan any combo meal, even medium size.


Good stuff. The news has been sparse and it is nice to see something new to discuss, even if in jest. Thanks for the levity.

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