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One more thing. Do folks on the left laugh as hard when one of their oxen is being gored? ( no pun intended)

I lambast the assholes on the left quite a lot. [Tipper Gore, Joe Lieberman, Al Gore for different reasons than the GOP...the fact that he told African countries ravaged with AIDS that they could not get generic anti-AIDS drugs because medicine companies wanted more money...]


Hell I've watched stuff from the PMRC Congressional hearings and laugh my ass off when Tipper Gore says that there is nothing on this CD cover saying it's not for children to which Frank Zappa retorts "I think the buzzsaw between the guy's legs makes it pretty obvious it's not for little Johnny." Or after the Arkansas school shooting, Lieberman called himself as an expert to discuss the "vile music" like Marilyn Manson etc. Very funny stuff.

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