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Winter of '09 television season thread


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QUOTE (Disco72 @ Feb 8, 2009 -> 10:26 AM)
The great thing about Burn Notice is that they know what the show is and don't take it too seriously. It's consistently entertaining.

next week looks good. sam's gotta save mike from a bank robbery. Looks like the agent from early in the 1st season is a hostage with Michael.

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QUOTE (Disco72 @ Feb 8, 2009 -> 09:26 AM)
The great thing about Burn Notice is that they know what the show is and don't take it too seriously. It's consistently entertaining.

It's just a f***ing cool show. They know they're not reinventing the spy thriller, they're just trying to put together one badass episode after another. They found a formula that works, Jeffrey Donovan round house kick to the head of a bad guy = badass, Bruce Campbell doing anthing (preferably with a shotgun) = badass, throw in some cool homemade gadgets, a few explosions, some gunfire, a person in need and a long con and you have a very entertaining show.


My only complaint with the show is the actress who plays Fiona, she has to weight about 70 pounds and it looks like she struggles to move her lips because her face is so tight, she's also not much of an actress. But that's a very small gripe.

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I know at least one other person on the site likes Smallville. Last Thursday's episode was very good and emotional. In my opinion it was either the saddest, or 2nd saddest ending in all 8 seasons.


I just started to get back into it recently (I was a big fan a couple years ago, tailed off on it, and now am back on the bandwagon though I missed a s***load of episodes) and yes, that was a very sad episode, but a good one. (Still glad to see Kruek looking as sexy as ever though. :))

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QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 9, 2009 -> 05:45 AM)
It's just a f***ing cool show. They know they're not reinventing the spy thriller, they're just trying to put together one badass episode after another. They found a formula that works, Jeffrey Donovan round house kick to the head of a bad guy = badass, Bruce Campbell doing anthing (preferably with a shotgun) = badass, throw in some cool homemade gadgets, a few explosions, some gunfire, a person in need and a long con and you have a very entertaining show.


My only complaint with the show is the actress who plays Fiona, she has to weight about 70 pounds and it looks like she struggles to move her lips because her face is so tight, she's also not much of an actress. But that's a very small gripe.



I got to say Fiona should be in more bikinis.....



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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 08:31 AM)
I can't believe people still tune in to MTV. I don't even have it programmed in my favorites anymore.


My wife watches that crap and i just leave the room or get on the computer when she does. I just dont understand it, it is the worst programming possible.

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QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 12:15 AM)
Those new shows on MTV last night have reached a new low, utter crapola

I enjoyed Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory, basically because it was just Rob & Big with Lamar Odom replacing Big.


Other than that, I don't watch MTV. My wife will sneak in an episode of the Hills, Real World, or that RW/RR competition, and I make fun of her until she's guilted to switching to Jon & Kate Plus 8, which makes me cringe as well.

Edited by Steve9347
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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 09:44 AM)
I enjoyed Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory, basically because it was just Rob & Big with Lamar Odom replacing Big.


Agreed, there is something about Rob that is just so entertaining. He is the type of person that I would have as a friend in real life. On the next show some guy looks like he got his s*** broken on that ramp really bad, yep looking forward to that.

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QUOTE (juddling @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 08:48 AM)
Well...as promised in a couple different interviews...on Heroes last night we lost a hero. I just didn't think it would be

Daphne. Though it was cool to see Matt flip out and use his powers against the bad guys.

I dont think she's dead, we see her in the future so she cant be dead, it uses the same logic she used with Hiro.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 03:19 PM)
I dont think she's dead, we see her in the future so she cant be dead, it uses the same logic she used with Hiro.


Good point...but if she is dead, it is typical Heroes in not killing off any "original" characters, no matter how annoying and insufferable they may be (and I like the show).

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In regards to Heroes:


Once Hiro gets his time traveling powers back he may go back and save Daphne (much like she saved him).


I think Daphne needed to die so that Parkman would fulfill his role as the prophet/leader and stop being a nice guy.


The new question of: "Who is Sylar's father" should be interesting because it seems like an entire story line is developing around it. So the answer must be a shocker.

Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE (shipps @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 12:42 PM)
Agreed, there is something about Rob that is just so entertaining. He is the type of person that I would have as a friend in real life. On the next show some guy looks like he got his s*** broken on that ramp really bad, yep looking forward to that.

Agreed on all counts.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 02:25 PM)
In regards to Heroes:


The new question of: "Who is Sylar's father" should be interesting because it seems like an entire story line is developing around it. So the answer must be a shocker.


Well it wont be a person we already know, cause they announed the actor who will play him a while ago:



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QUOTE (Cali @ Feb 11, 2009 -> 12:51 AM)
Well it wont be a person we already know, cause they announed the actor who will play him a while ago:





Bottom of that page there is a link to a interview with B. Fuller. One part of that interview i found a bit intriguing was--


Matt’s wife [Janice] comes back. We’ll find out what happens when you have a superbaby. haha....SuperBaby!!!!!!!!!



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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Feb 11, 2009 -> 04:44 PM)
Did I see Julian McMahon with a tit implanted in his body? Yikes.



well..he IS suffering from stage 2 breast cancer so he very well could have implants now. Man....between Smallville, Scrubs, AI, Nip/Tuck, and Leverage...my Tuesdays are crowded

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