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SN Report: Sox Make Offer To Daal


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This sounds like a start to me. I really like the fact that Daal can throw innings, provides a second left handed arm, and is a true veteran that has a pretty tough mental state.


I don't know if he'll get 3.5 mill a year, but anyway you look at it, that means we could lock him up for 3 mill a year, and to me thats cheap compared to what guys like this would of cost the Sox in previous years. And to think Jose Valentin makes 4.5 million a year....yuck.

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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG



I'd ink him ASAP.


If Im Kenny Williams...... I know I am not getting Clemens, Glavine, Moyer, or Maddux...... so 2nd tier wise..... Daal is the best of the best! ink him give him 3 years...... perfect stop gap for Honel and co.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

oh yeah were getting another todd ritchie only with a few more wins to his credits.... whoopie..........im so excited.......not........save the 3.5... he aint worth it.........

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

oh yeah were getting another todd ritchie only with a few more wins to his credits.... whoopie..........im so excited.......not........save the 3.5... he aint worth it.........


Maybe we should save the 9.99 cause you aint worth it!!!


Omar Daal.........Savvy!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

so tell me what has he done that was so outstanding in his career??? or what would warrent us spending 3.5 mil on him??? the time to win is now... im sick of waiting on this or that.... we are never going to get to the big game if we keep settling for mediocre........daal isnt all that great..........certianly nothing more than what we already have here anyhow.... and certianly not worth 3.5 and 3 years watching his arm fall off in our pitching program.........

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

so tell me what has he done that was so outstanding in his career??? or what would warrent us spending 3.5 mil on him??? the time to win is now... im sick of waiting on this or that.... we are never going to get to the big game if we keep settling for mediocre........daal isnt all that great..........certianly nothing more than what we already have here anyhow.... and certianly not worth 3.5 and 3 years watching his arm  fall off in our pitching program.........


Daal is better than wright, Ritchie, Rauch, Biddle, at this point.


If we get him it fills out the rotation


Buehrle Garland Daal Wright (Best of the rest)

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ok so i guess i didnt put this question right the first time... why would you spend on him and not just go after a colon type in the first place ... espically if you were serious on your statement that you wanted to put a winning team on the field.....(well not you exactly but if you were kw....that is what he stated).......

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Well I think at sometimes..... we are unfair to Kenny... He really is handcuffed financially. Daal is not going to command alot in this new era of the diminished salary. I am the biggest supporter of obtaining Colon. But I cant see JR giving Colon a 3 year deal worth 21 mil when time comes. SOOOOOOOO thats why we get Daal and thats why we build from within (Diaz Malone Honel) while Daal racks us up 13-17 wins and a era near 4.

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Now here is where i am gonna bash kenny.......


If you get Lidle AND Daal.... then your looking pretty foulkin good.


But for whatever reason..... we didnt see it fit to get this guy and now he is going to tear it up in Toronto..... I can feel it.


The worst part of that.... we coulda ditched MJ. Now he's gonna be here another year.

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HSC, that is a pretty dumb question. why go after Daal and not Colon?


hmmm, I could name 3 reasons.


1. is what Mark said, KW isn't in the best financial position. although he is quite good at opening JR's pockets, he has an unsigned Buehrle waiting for a contract and an unknown Frank Thomas who is likely to return. those two contracts right there could mean 8 million in 2003, OR it could mean 2-3 million. we or KW simply don't know.


2. With a Daal, you are talking about having him for possibly 2 years, maybe 3 (if they offer him another year). as opposed to Colon who is only signed for one year and will want 10 mil a year after that (if he even wants to sign with us). so the difference is 2.5 mil, it's 2.5 mil this year, plus another year or two and about 7 mil less a year in those years.


3. is that in order to get Colon, we would have to deal for the value of Colon. so we can get Daal and spend 3.5 million dollars and have him for a few years without losing anyone else. OR, we can go out and trade 3-4 guys for Colon, pay him 6 million and lose him after this season.


of course, I would love to get Colon, but the fact is just because you don't get Colon doesn't mean you should forget about smaller deals, and just because you are working on a smaller deal, doesn't mean you won't get Colon.


And as mark said, Daal would improve this rotation. he won't be this dominate pitcher, but he can be a solid #3 guy that will put us back into contention with the Twins.

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Originally posted by Murcielago

Well I think at sometimes..... we are unfair to Kenny... He really is handcuffed financially. Daal is not going to command alot in this new era of the diminished salary. I am the biggest supporter of obtaining Colon. But I cant see JR giving Colon a 3 year deal worth 21 mil when time comes. SOOOOOOOO thats why we get Daal and thats why we build from within (Diaz Malone Honel) while Daal racks us up 13-17 wins and a era near 4. 


Plus, Colon is going to cost a heck of a lot more then 7 mill a year if you sign him long term.


I think the fact is KW doesn't have that much money that he can spend. It looks as if Frank will come back, but their is also a slight shot that he will go to Baltimore.


I think KW is getting a good pitcher who throws a lot of innings and has pretty decent career numbers.

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Originally posted by RedPinStripes

I  dont know about this. Daal reminds me of another Ritchie. Just a little better. There is a HUGE difference between AL and NL lineups. Guys like Ritchie are figuring that out. Cheap route as usual for the Sox. 


I don't know, RPS. I remember Ritchie's first month when he was just blowing everyone away. I think Ritchie will pan out, and Daal would be a nice addition.

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I do agree with you 100% in regards to the whole NL-AL thing. I don't think many guys can make the change and I think you have to have a wait adn see approach on it, but Ritchie's problem had nothing to do with the lineups, but himself.


his location was awful, he was reluctant to use his curveball, and seemed to lose his fastball early on.


Like Cereb said, Ritchie started off good in 2002 and like Cereb I think Ritchie can still be a good pitcher. I don't think I can predict 15 wins as I did so confidently last season, but he could pull out 10-12 wins, as can Daal and Wright.


I think the key is to get a rotation going into ST that won't have to put too much faith in the hands of a Rauch. I think Rauch can start, but not in 2003.


Buehrle, Garland, Daal, Wright, and Ritchie would be a strong rotation in my opinion. wouldn't be great, but we won't have to bring in all these spot starters and we should get consistent innings every night. plus, our bullpen will be stronger and our offense should have more energy with guys like Crede and Jimenez in the offense daily.

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Biddle can be in the pen. He's not a starter in my book. Rauch and Ritchie are ahead of him on the depth chart, imo.


Biddle throws hard, has a decent curve but hasn't shown me anything to say that he should be out their.


Has Ritchie, not really, but he was pretty damn dominate at the start of last year, plus he can go much deeper into the game. Plus, I think Biddle is better suited for the pen anyway because he doesn't have enough pitches to be a true starter.

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Ritchie quit throwing his curve about a month and a half into the season. He was going fastball, slider and thats when he was getting ripped.


His mechanics were terrible, something I remember bringing up throughout the first half of the season.


Still, if he works back on using his curve, and yes its a good curve and then mixing it with the fastball and slider he should do much much better.


Plus, Cooper worked with him on solving the big wrap he has in his delivery, which was the biggest cause for him to struggle last season. His release point was different every pitch and thats not a key to sucess.

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I love this idea! Daal would be great...


For anyone opposed to the whole idea, a few things to point out:


- Hes cheap.


- He can eat innings and give you a strong second starter.


- Which one would you rathe have, Buehrle Wright Garland Ritchie Rauch or Buehrle Daal Wright Garland Rauch? Ill take the latter...


Ive always been one of Daals biggest fans. Id support KW hardcore if he made this deal.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

and all this coming from the guy who fell in love with the skins.... fairweather .........i dont like this idea cause it will cost us in the long run... i want a winner now im sick of waiting .. time to s*** or get off the pot.. go get us a quality number 2 now.............

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