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SN Report: Sox Make Offer To Daal


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How will it cost us? He wont cost us any players like Ritchie did. Its only a small fee in baseball terms. We could use Daal. He would be a cheap David Wells. Good pitching (well, Wells didnt do that but Daal will!) while possibly teaching something to our youngsters... GREAT DEAL!!!!!!!

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The way I see it, 3 mill a year for a pitcher and the Sox aren't really tied up. I mean Jose makes more then that, as did Royce "The Choice" Clayton.


The Sox could easily package him if out of the race and get good value in return for him. Daal is a battler that will go deeper into games and should really help stabalize the rotation.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

The way I see it, 3 mill a year for a pitcher and the Sox aren't really tied up.  I mean Jose makes more then that, as did Royce "The Choice" Clayton.


The Sox could easily package him if out of the race and get good value in return for him.  Daal is a battler that will go deeper into games and should really help stabalize the rotation.


Not only is he a battler that goes deep, but he can be used out of the bullpen....he is, what you would call, versatile.


I'm thinking Lilly in Oak-town would cost next to frickin nothin. They already got Zito and Mulder with Rincon in the bullpen, plus they gotta have another lefty somewhere along the line. If we got Harang from them, we may as well get Lilly in the process, though I'm not a supporter of getting Harang....Dan Wright only slightly better if you ask me. Lilly is a cheaper version of Daal. My only beef with Lilly is that he uses all arm when he pitches. That is s***ty...it will f*** up his arm badly over time. That was a big reason why he spent a ton of time on the DL this year...like 2 months or so(I would know cuz I had the bastard in one or two of my fantasy leagues).


Daal, Lilly...s***, go out and sign Jamie Moyer for christ's sake...we were interested in him. Sure he's older than dirt, but he's a pretty good pitcher.

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Originally posted by theoldroman

How will it cost us? He wont cost us any players like Ritchie did. Its only a small fee in baseball terms. We could use Daal. He would be a cheap David Wells. Good pitching (well, Wells didnt do that but Daal will!) while possibly teaching something to our youngsters... GREAT DEAL!!!!!!!


We will get good pitching from Daal, no doubt, but I am not sure he will teach the youngsters much of anything. Wright is about as good as he will get right(no pun) now, he will only gain consistency. Garland is learning how to pitch basically on his own, or if not on his own, with the help of Cooper. Buehrle knows everything he needs to know, or atleast enough to make him a great pitcher, Rauch already knows how to pitch as does Ritchie. That would be a decent rotation right there(keyword being decent) even without Daal. I'm not sure how much better he can make it with his knowledge...and I wouldn't go to him about mechanics. He has got the most f***ed up windup since Luis Tiant.

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Well I'm one of the few that thinks Wright can turn into an 18 game winner or so.


I think he has tremendous stuff and a great arm and could turn into a workhorse on the staff. I'm saying workhorse, not ace.


As far as Daal goes, I think he probably isn't really going to teach much other then the fact that he could talk to Ritchie and tell him to forget about all the games he lost. Remember Daal lost 19 once and then turned it all around. If you dump that season then he's well over .500 in his career.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

turned what around.. hes had two good years... one with 16 wins and one with 13 wins and they werent consecutive...... the others have sucked royal.....i dont think hes anyone to be telling ritchie anything........

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Jason, as I said, I didn't say Wright was going to get any better as a pitcher...I said his consistency was going to improve. I look at getting better as a pitcher meaning going from a consistent pitcher with a 4.50 ERA to a consistent pitcher with a 3.50 ERA, or an inconsistent pitcher with a 4.50 ERA to an inconsistent pitcher with a 3.50 ERA. Look at Jason Schmidt. He is pretty inconsistent, but is still damn good. I think Wright will become a more consistent pitcher as his career lengthens...I think his ERA will drop not because he becomes a better pitcher but rather because his consistency improves...catch my drift? I think he will go from his 5.18 ERA this year to about a 4.32 or so ERA next year with an increase of quality starts...unofficially, he had 18 QS(unofficially because I counted them :) ). I would expect that number to increase to about 22 or 23 or maybe even 25 next year...that means he had 7 or 8 bad outings instead of the 14 or 15 he had this year. That would be atleast enough to make his ERA that low.


Not better, more consistent. Now Garland...I see a good future for him. He will get both more consistent and become a better pitcher. I think he can have a low 3.00 ERA or even an ERA below 3.00 as he matures. He will become one hell of a pitcher as he grows older. Remember, he had a 12-12 record this past year with a 4.58 ERA at the young age of 22. Not only that, but Garland also had a number of stretches where he would be really hot and then he'd be cold for about a month, and then he'd have another hot stretch, one right at the end of the year. Kip Wells is going to be 26 this April...and Garland is 3 years younger than him, and I believe that Kipper is just now starting the prime of his career. Garland has 3 years to get there and improve over that time....and I think he will be butte(not butter like Parque, but you get the picture).


I sure hope to hell you understand what I mean, because I just did a lot of explaining and rambling on and kind of ran away from the point at the end.

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

turned what around.. hes had two good years... one with 16 wins and one with 13 wins and they werent consecutive...... the others have sucked royal.....i dont think hes anyone to be telling ritchie anything........


Michelle....... he's a lefty......he can go 200 innings a year.........reaching his prime......proven double digit winner..... this is a no brainer on the sox part.


Lets not forget....Having a Lefty Righty Lefty Combination like this throws off the other teams line-up from game to game.... something also valuable to have.



1 more thing..... does anyone know that Daal isn't a leader? I've never heard anything of the sort.... lets stop assuming things.... cause you know what that does.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

if this is what great leftys are made of then i say hell with it lets stay with parque....... hes about the same as daal....stats wise that is.. if you take into consideration that daal has had many more years on parque and is a bit over the hill.....

1993 LA 47 0 0 0 35.1 36 20 20 5 21 19 2 3 0 7 1 5.09

1994 LA 24 0 0 0 13.2 12 5 5 1 5 9 0 0 0 3 -- 3.29

1995 LA 28 0 0 0 20.0 29 16 16 1 15 11 4 0 0 4 1 7.20

1996 Mon 64 6 0 0 87.1 74 40 39 10 37 82 4 5 0 9 4 4.02

1997 Tor 9 3 0 0 27.0 34 13 12 3 6 28 1 1 0 0 -- 4.00

1997 Mon 33 0 0 0 30.1 48 35 33 4 15 16 1 2 1 3 2 9.79

1997 -- 42 3 0 0 57.1 82 48 45 7 21 44 2 3 1 3 2 7.06

1998 Ari 33 23 3 1 162.2 146 60 52 12 51 132 8 12 0 1 -- 2.88

1999 Ari 32 32 2 1 214.2 188 92 87 21 79 148 16 9 0 0 -- 3.65

2000 Phi 12 12 0 0 71.0 81 40 37 9 30 51 2 9 0 0 -- 4.69

2000 Ari 20 16 0 0 96.0 127 88 77 17 42 45 2 10 0 0 -- 7.22

2000 -- 32 28 0 0 167.0 208 128 114 26 72 96 4 19 0 0 -- 6.14

2001 Phi 32 32 0 0 185.2 199 100 92 26 56 107 13 7 0 0 -- 4.46

2002 LA 39 23 0 0 161.1 142 73 70 20 54 105 11 9 0 1 -- 3.91

Total -- 373 147 5 2 1105.0 1116 582 540 129 411 753 64 67 1 28 8 4.40

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From ChicagoSports.Com


The Cubs also are seeking a left-hander for the rotation and were among the first to ask about Los Angeles' Omar Daal, who is seeking a three-year deal. Daal, 31, was 4-19 only two seasons ago with Arizona and Philadelphia, but he rebounded in 2001 with a 13-7 record and 4.46 ERA with the Phillies, then went 11-9 with the Dodgers in 2002 with a 3.90 ERA as a sixth starter/reliever.


"Omar is definitely interested in the Cubs," said Daal's agent, Peter Greenberg. "Jim called early in the process and said he has interested

The White Sox are among the other teams interested in the left-hander, but Greenberg said the Sox only want to give Daal one year and an option for 2004.


"At this point, it wasn't even worth talking about," Greenberg said.



Doesn't Sound like Daal is even considering our offer. Sucks.....Sucks big time.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well when your getting up there in age like he is its better to hold out for a guarenteed couple of years in the same spot than to be a one year rent a pitcher .......cant blame him for that.........

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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG
Originally posted by RedPinStripes

Decent curve?????? He has one of the nastiest around. He just needs to learn when to throw his other pitches.


Rauch's curve is far superior to Biddle's. I'd take that Yakker anyday over Biddle's.


O hell yeah! I've seen Rauch from behind home plate. It looks like a wiffle ball. He needs to learn to get his other pitches accross and when to throw that hook. All part of being young.


They say Zito's curve is nasty. How the hell will anyone catch up to Rauch's when it starts a foot over their head? LOL!

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Originally posted by Murcielago

From ChicagoSports.Com


The Cubs also are seeking a left-hander for the rotation and were among the first to ask about Los Angeles' Omar Daal, who is seeking a three-year deal. Daal, 31, was 4-19 only two seasons ago with Arizona and Philadelphia, but he rebounded in 2001 with a 13-7 record and 4.46 ERA with the Phillies, then went 11-9 with the Dodgers in 2002 with a 3.90 ERA as a sixth starter/reliever.


"Omar is definitely interested in the Cubs," said Daal's agent, Peter Greenberg. "Jim called early in the process and said he has interested

The White Sox are among the other teams interested in the left-hander, but Greenberg said the Sox only want to give Daal one year and an option for 2004.


"At this point, it wasn't even worth talking about," Greenberg said.



Doesn't Sound like Daal is even considering our offer. Sucks.....Sucks big time.


of course daal is goona laugh art our offer...because williams has no int ention of bettering this team...he will do this all off season...make low ball offers to potential free agents he knows wont even consider signing with us..then he can say oh well i tried but it didnt work out..



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