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Official: White Sox sign Colon


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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 09:13 PM)
The Sox won't tolerate a 6+ ERA from Colon. He'll either be put on the DL or released, because there's virtually no way Poreda/Marquez/Richard/Broadway/Egbert can't duplicate a 6+ ERA or so.



Exactly. They did that with Loaiza and I thought signing him was agod option at the tiem also. If he doesn't have it he doesn't have it and they will release him. My guess is it won't take that long either to see what he can deliver.

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QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 01:47 PM)
Exactly. They did that with Loaiza and I thought signing him was agod option at the tiem also. If he doesn't have it he doesn't have it and they will release him. My guess is it won't take that long either to see what he can deliver.

Do we know for certain this is a deal such that he can't be sent to the minors?

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I'm not sure why anybody would exactly rule out Garcia coming back right now anyways. If they get him for a deal similar to Colon's, it'll be cheap and well worth the risk. It's becoming more and more obvious that a trade of Dye just isn't that likely, and the only real downfall I think that comes of it is that Owens may be the opening day CFer simply because he is currently the best fit for "leadoff hitter," though I'd prefer Thome leading off over Owens.

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The top of the order is the only real question mark, but it's almost annually been a question mark in the Williams era. There are no longer many CFers available to fill the hole, and the only move that would really piss me off is if KW traded for Pierre. One risky move that I wouldn't be opposed to is the Sox trading for Willie Harris. The Nationals outfield is absolutely stacked and Harris has the most service and the least amount of upside. However, he does get on at a pretty decent clip and he can probably play an adequate CF. That would be about Plan C, but with Plan D being Owens, I'd take it.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 06:11 PM)
The top of the order is the only real question mark, but it's almost annually been a question mark in the Williams era. There are no longer many CFers available to fill the hole, and the only move that would really piss me off is if KW traded for Pierre. One risky move that I wouldn't be opposed to is the Sox trading for Willie Harris. The Nationals outfield is absolutely stacked and Harris has the most service and the least amount of upside. However, he does get on at a pretty decent clip and he can probably play an adequate CF. That would be about Plan C, but with Plan D being Owens, I'd take it.


As would I. He's also versatile enough to where Ozzie would keep him on the roster since he could play those multiple positions. I've always wondered why we didn't bring him back. He has decent plate discipline, a good OBP, and is speedy. And one more thing, he doesn't suck like Owens.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 06:01 PM)
I'm not sure why anybody would exactly rule out Garcia coming back right now anyways. If they get him for a deal similar to Colon's, it'll be cheap and well worth the risk. It's becoming more and more obvious that a trade of Dye just isn't that likely, and the only real downfall I think that comes of it is that Owens may be the opening day CFer simply because he is currently the best fit for "leadoff hitter," though I'd prefer Thome leading off over Owens.


It's iffy with Garcia. I'm pretty sure the organization wants to bring him back, and he wants to come back, but we also don't want to stunt anyone's growth. I'm pretty sure the Sox could capture the division if they were to sign FG34, but would they be good enough to contend for a WS and would losing in the playoffs be worth losing development time. I'm for signing FG and winning the division at least one more time and letting the dominos fall in the playoffs as I don't think Poreda is ready yet(should be in bullpen for a year), Richard is capable enough(as a starter), and Marquez is ready yet(I don't know if I would put him in the bullpen or not).

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 06:16 PM)
It's iffy with Garcia. I'm pretty sure the organization wants to bring him back, and he wants to come back, but we also don't want to stunt anyone's growth. I'm pretty sure the Sox could capture the division if they were to sign FG34, but would they be good enough to contend for a WS and would losing in the playoffs be worth losing development time. I'm for signing FG and winning the division at least one more time and letting the dominos fall in the playoffs as I don't think Poreda is ready yet(should be in bullpen for a year), Richard is capable enough(as a starter), and Marquez is ready yet(I don't know if I would put him in the bullpen or not).


The question in the playoffs always becomes whether the pitching staff is good enough. If both were healthy come playoff time, I imagine one of Garcia and Colon would man up to go along with the big 3, but the lack of development time does suck. We'll have to see what comes up in the upcoming weeks.

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QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 06:38 PM)
The question in the playoffs always becomes whether the pitching staff is good enough. If both were healthy come playoff time, I imagine one of Garcia and Colon would man up to go along with the big 3, but the lack of development time does suck. We'll have to see what comes up in the upcoming weeks.


It's tough because if the Sox go the vet way, and make the playoffs, it stengthens the casual fan base which are the ones most likely to drive merchandise and tickets up. If the Cubs fail again next year, you would see more fans jump to the Sox side as the Cubs are expected to contend once again, the Sox are supposed to be a team rebuilding and hopefully on the rise(again, not my opinion, but ask a casual baseball fan and that's what they think).


All depends on the health of the vets and how well the youngsters do.

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QUOTE (Princess Dye @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 04:03 PM)
What i want to know is what the heck happens if Owens gets hurt? Wise? I still dont see a #1 or #2 hitter!!!! aaaaah



I really have to believe that a move is coming up. KW wouldnt really go into a year this thin at several positions.

Getz/Lillibridge have produced minor league numbers that would make them reasonable backup options for the #1 slot. Yes, I know minor league numbers don't translate, so don't point that out...as a backup plan, it's not the worst thing in the world.

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QUOTE (Princess Dye @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 07:03 PM)
What i want to know is what the heck happens if Owens gets hurt? Wise? I still dont see a #1 or #2 hitter!!!! aaaaah



I really have to believe that a move is coming up. KW wouldnt really go into a year this thin at several positions.

Getz or Lillibridge

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 07:00 PM)
I prefer Getz. I really like how he looked at the plate in limited action last year. I think he could become sorta like Marcus Giles for Atlanta before he and Prior injured each other.


you mean before PED testing

Edited by kyyle23
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Kenny might not be done : GM Kenny Williams is apparently willing to give some young position players (3B Josh Fields, CF Jerry Owens, 2Bs Jayson Nix and Chris Getz) a chance to show what they can do this season.

But when it comes to pitching _ particularly the starting rotation _ Kenny prefers experience.

That was evident on Thursday, when Bartolo Colon signed a one-year deal to step in as the No. 4 starter.

And don’t be surprised if Freddy Garcia agrees to a similar deal within the next few days.

As reported in the Daily Herald Thursday, Garcia is strongly considering returning to the White Sox.

When asked, indirectly, if the addition of Colon completes the starting five, Williams coyly said: “We’ll see.”

That is code for no, but Garcia might get a better offer from the Mets, Yankees or Rangers.

Either way, Colon’s presence probably means Jeff Marquez (acquired from the Yankees in the Nick Swisher trade) is likely headed for Class AAA Charlotte, which is the right spot.

If Garcia heads elsewhere, Marquez, Aaron Poreda and Clayton Richard are positioned to compete for the fifth starter’s spot.

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I mean, even when you rely on a guy to not get injured, you're still making the type of leap of faith move that paid off for us in 2005, w/ Pods, Gooch etc.


So in short, to win, you need a few of those to work out, no matter who you are and what your payroll is.

Edited by Princess Dye
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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 10:10 PM)
Wrap yourself around this


A question mark player becomes a low risk high reward type signing when he signs for ONLY $1,000,000 :wacko:

Pocket change right?


Think of it this way.

Colon will make less than 1% of last year's payroll unless he meets his incentives.

He will make 1.2 million less than Hall and 3.5 million less than Uribe did last year.

Colon will make 1/10 of what Contreras will make to rehab.

You could sign 14 Colon's for the price of one Zito.

If Buehrle wins 14 games, he will earn a million dollars per win. By those standards, Colon only needs to win one game.

Colon will make what Ben Davis made to go to the minors when the Sox signed AJ.

Timo Perez earned 1 million in 2005.


I see your point about the money being out of whack with the average person.

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QUOTE (103 mph screwball @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 10:42 PM)
Pocket change right?


Think of it this way.

Colon will make less than 1% of last year's payroll unless he meets his incentives.

He will make 1.2 million less than Hall and 3.5 million less than Uribe did last year.

Colon will make 1/10 of what Contreras will make to rehab.

You could sign 14 Colon's for the price of one Zito.

If Buehrle wins 14 games, he will earn a million dollars per win. By those standards, Colon only needs to win one game.

Colon will make what Ben Davis made to go to the minors when the Sox signed AJ.

Timo Perez earned 1 million in 2005.


I see your point about the money being out of whack with the average person.


Exactly. Salaries are so out of whack I saw he signed for a million and wondered if that was MLB min :lolhitting

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QUOTE (TheBigHurt @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 09:07 PM)
The idea of a rotation possibly with Garcia AND Colon is just laughable.


I'm sure you also think the idea of Richard/Marquez is laughable. Sorry, Cole Hamels and Tim Lincecum aren't available. But you can continue to cry, b****, wine, moan, ect if it makes you feel better.

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