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Sapp vs. Sherman


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I thought the whole Sapp V. Strahan press conference was hillarious, Sapp doesn't take himself that seriously neither should the rest of the world. The hit was legal, not clean but well within the rules, Sapp is far from the dirtiest player so I'd be more preoccupied with those who are. The game has come a long way into our P.C. 21st. Can anyone say Jack Tattum?

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Originally posted by OfficerKarkovice

OK regardless of whether the hit was legal, cheap, whatever...that wasn't the main problem.  Sapp is a f***ing egomaniac who is more concerned with making a huge hit and showboating and making sure the cameras see him.  THE GUY COULDN'T FEEL HIS LEGS and even now he's still in the hospital with a season, and perhaps carreer ending injury.  You might say that well when he was dancing he didn't know he was hurt...well how about after the game after the guy got carried out on the stretcher and Sapp was still pumped about making the hit and bragging about it...he's a f***ing egomaniac asshole and there is no denying it.


Thats all he would of needed to say. I don't dislike Sapp, he's a quality football player and he's pretty funny at times. I think it was a joke that Favre took the dive for Stranahan.


He made a great play and as a defensive player he did his job. The dancing part was fine, he just didn't know the guy was hurt or at least thats what had to of happened.


I just can't see Sapp going out and dancing and laughing at an injured guy, he isn't that big of a clown.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I just can't see Sapp going out and dancing and laughing at an injured guy, he isn't that big of a clown. 


Oh but he's a hurricane. They are different in nature. Sapp, Ray Lewis, Jeremy Shockey, Michael Irvin, they are cut from different cloths than the rest of us. They care more about attention than class.

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i ahvent seen the hit yet (sick and busy - a bad combination :( ) but ill add this..


as a football coach who coaches middle schoolers i tell my kids to not even watch the NFL anymore because tackling has become a joke...the lague doesnt give a damn...they have john madden on monday night football saying what a great hit mike brown put on a guy when brown came flying in with his head down and hit the guy in the knees to knock him off his feet...THAT IS NOT GOOD TACKLING AND JOHN MADDEN KNOWS THIS...and so do these other comentators that look the other way..


you dont lead with your helmet when you tackle..its than simple..its dangerous for the tackler as well as the guy being tackled....there have been about 10 dbacks the past 10 years or so that have been paralyized from hits where they led with their head down(in college)...using the helmet as a weapon is dangerous...


watch the bears this sunday...count how many times you see a form tackle...thats where a defender puts his head and shoulders across the body of the ballcarrier (with his head up) at the waist then wraps up his legs and lifts and drives him to the ground...i havent seen one of those for three weeks now..then count how many missed tackles you see..the number of missed tackles by the bears are amazing...you see 2-3-4 on any single play...rarely does any bear defender these days bring a guy down one on one...the tackle is a lost art in the NFL..


its amazing to me that these defensive coaches are not fired for how their teams perform...i just cant believe how unfundemetally sound professional football players are when it comes to tackling


as fara s sapp goes....if he led with his helmet when he hit this guy then he should be held responsible for his injuries...if the hit was with his head up and with the shoulder pads then it was clean...YOU CANT LEAD WITH THE HELMET....

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Its kind of like basketball where fundementals have all went to hell. Players come in the NBA looking for the highlight dunk and can't even make free throws anymore, nor can they pass the ball or do much of anything.


Man, I remember what basketball was like. Remember the showtime Lakers, the Pistons and the Bulls all during the same time period. Man, that was basketball. Now watch that stuff and you see turnover after turnover and it isn't even a team game anymore.


Of course I still enjoy basketball, its just a different style of play. Football is slowly changing into that too, the only thing is, it won't work, because fundemental tackling is key.

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Baggio- Glad you said what you did about tackling. One of the reasons the Steelers are sucking of defense this year is because almost to a man they forgotten how to tackle properly. If they are not spearing with the head, they are attempting that pathetic arm wrap of a tackle. Runners and receivers are leaving them in the dust, or should I say the sand because that's what they play on in Heinz Field.


Chisoxfn - So you noticed that fundementals have gone to hell in the NBA too? Everybody is looking for the highlight reel dunk, so the finer arts of dribbling and passing have gone the way of the dodo bird. I love the three point shot, but it has hurt the game, spawing a generation of "gunners". I remember some of those great series between the Lakers and the Celtics in the 80's. That was basketball at its finest.

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Originally posted by doubleM23
Originally posted by OfficerKarkovice
Originally posted by doubleM23No, I'm talkin' about Sherman.  Granted, I'm not defending what Sapp did, but Sherman is an idiot.  That games moves so fast, you don't have time to sit down and logically think.  Your taught from day 1 of your football career in Pee Wee on an interception, you hit anything not in your jersey or in zebra stripes.  It's very easy, in retrospect, to break down a play in slow-mo and pick apart every single thing frame by frame.  Had Sapp gone over to the sideline and danced a jig about smashing Clifton, that's another story.


Well he didnt quite make it over to the sideline...he danced his little jig right there on the field...and then followed with these comments:


Sapp did not deny that he hunted Clifton out on the play. "Yeah, I was a heat-seeking missile," Sapp said. "Boom. Boom. Boom. And I hit him."


And regarding Sherman:


Sapp responded afterward by suggesting Sherman cursed at him and then termed the Packers coach "a lying, s***-eating hound....If I was 25 years old and didn't have a kid and a conscience, I would have given him an ass-kicking right there at the 30-yard line."


Ok wait so you need to be younger and have to personal ties to go and beat up a 55 year old guy? You're a f***ing ego-maniac asshole Sapp.


No, I think he meant that as a father, he needs to at least resemble some kind of role model to his kids. Whether or not you want to argue how poor of a role model he is, I think that's his point. I think the majority of the human population could kick Mike Sherman's ass if they wanted to.

Don't be so quick to diss the over 50 crowd. I knew a guy, who in his mid 50's had a gun pulled on him by a 20 something, proceeded to disarm him and then beat the living s*** out of him with said gun. :D
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