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Sox in WBC; Danks Declines


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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 02:05 PM)
I don't have pride in my country because I think the WBC is silly and contrived? I just don't see that. I'm currently going through the process to see if I will be accepted as an FBI agent, which is time consuming and I have to put my life on hold for no guarantee that I'll be accepted, but I guess since I don't like the WBC that cancels that service I want to do for my country out.


Being proud of your country isn't all about flag waving. Also, IMO the MLB World Series is clearly the true championship, there's no need for the WBC. MLB has the best players in the world, minus some Japanese players who are under their rigid contract system and some other obscure examples I'm missing that others will try and argue, for a full season and a playoff system.


Not all the best players are in the US as you have admitted. The WBC championship is for country pride. It is to see, who has the best talent. As you saw last time, US did not. And it's ST that these players will be missing. Are you seriously concerned with players missing spring training? And keep in mind, these players keep themselves in shape(baseball shape) year round for the most part. And, these players would be swinging a bat in ST if not a real game in the WBC. The pitchers would be getting as much work in ST, so the whole myth with injury is untrue. If a guy is unlucky enough to blow out his arm in WBC, chances are, he would've blown it out in ST as well. I rather have them face real competition earlier than later. And WBC does not interfere with the actual season. Again, soccer fans have a bigger complaint as their players leave mid season. Hell, WNBA has a bigger gripe. Baseball fans should not, so I find the complaining useless.


Again, I am happy guys like Danks, Quentin, etc are getting recognition as among the best baseball players.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 04:19 PM)
Again, I am happy guys like Danks, Quentin, etc are getting recognition as among the best baseball players.


Would you still be happy if Q goes down with an injury during a meaningless "pride" exhibition game?

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QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 04:46 PM)
Would you still be happy if Q goes down with an injury during a meaningless "pride" exhibition game?


As happy as I would be Q going down in a meaningless spring training game. And one more thing, why do we follow teams? Why do baseball players play? As fans, the ultimate prize in any sport is the championship tropy/banner. What do we get out of that? We certainly don't receive money from it. We don't receive a ring, or anything. All a championship, in any sport, any league, is is a symbol of pride. The same goes for a ring.


Are you saying, a local team's pride is more important than pride on a worldwide basis?

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 11:51 PM)
Yep, because in spring training he wouldn't have gotten injured in that whole 6 innings he'll probably pitch in the WBC. Wow.


i swear, people on this board think that these guys are out pitching complete games on back to back days in the WBC.

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No, the fact is, pitching any amount of competitive innings when your arm isn't ready, is a lot different and a lot more stressful than just getting ready for the season by pitching spring training. I hate having any of our pitchers in this stupid thing(yes, I think it's stupid) especially a guy who is as important to our team as John Danks.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 04:50 PM)
As happy as I would be Q going down in a meaningless spring training game. And one more thing, why do we follow teams? Why do baseball players play? As fans, the ultimate prize in any sport is the championship tropy/banner. What do we get out of that? We certainly don't receive money from it. We don't receive a ring, or anything. All a championship, in any sport, any league, is is a symbol of pride. The same goes for a ring.


Are you saying, a local team's pride is more important than pride on a worldwide basis?


Yes, I am. I don't care about this WBCrap. Will A-rod play for USA or Dominican, OMG!!!! Will he won't he will he won't he?!!! Who cares, I sure as hell don't.


As was stated earlier, save for a few Japan players who have contracts equivalent to being chained in a basement, we already have the WBC....every damn October. The best players are all already in the MLB, I don't need to see a guy who can't even speak his country's language running around with a Dominican/Mexican/Venezuelan/etc flag on his back like he's some hero to his "country".


The difference between the WBC meaningless games and ST meaningless games is that the WBC is not necessarily while ST is. I want the players on my team to play as few meaningless games as possible, not more.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 21, 2009 -> 01:09 AM)
I think Sox fans are still spooked from the 2006 debacle (all the tired arms from the playoffs/WBC).


All 6 innings of Freddy Garcia injured him? Wow. And again, I don't see how you people consider a WBC championship worthless, while an MLB championship is the most important thing. WOW

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 08:05 PM)
No, the fact is, pitching any amount of competitive innings when your arm isn't ready, is a lot different and a lot more stressful than just getting ready for the season by pitching spring training. I hate having any of our pitchers in this stupid thing(yes, I think it's stupid) especially a guy who is as important to our team as John Danks.


Which is why baseball players keep themselves in baseball shape year round. Also, I'm sure players are not notified a day or week before they are supposed to pitch for the WBC. Most importantly, the players want to play in it, it's not like players are mandated to participate. The best players are asked, and if they want to, they accept.

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I love the extremist opinions.


It's very simple...sure, Danks will "only" pitch 6 competitive innings, but at the same exact time, that's 6 more competitive innings than he'll pitch until April, and that's 6 competitive innings he will be pitching when his arm is not in shape.


At the same exact time, it IS only 6 innings, and assuming he's keeping himself in shape, it shouldn't have a big effect on him in the long run. You do also have to consider that these guys are doing workouts and what have you to make sure that they are in game shape as well.


Be concerned but be a proud American (or whatever country of origin you are cheering for). A player from the Sox wants to represent his country, and this is one way that he feels ballsy enough to do it.

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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 21, 2009 -> 05:59 PM)
All 6 innings of Freddy Garcia injured him? Wow. And again, I don't see how you people consider a WBC championship worthless, while an MLB championship is the most important thing. WOW


You honestly care more about some stupid exhibition tourney for a couple weeks over a 162 game season? Its pointless

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QUOTE (WSoxMatt @ Jan 20, 2009 -> 09:42 PM)
Christsake these guys want to restore pride back to this country and their baseball team...they were embarassed 2 years ago losing to Mexico...I dont mind any of them playing at all!!

eh, what pride needs to be restored? The whole world knows the best baseball is played in the USA, thats never going to change. The WBC doesnt mean much really.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 22, 2009 -> 03:47 PM)
The whole world knows the best baseball is played in the USA

Thats a tricky statement. Is the best baseball played IN America? Yes. But is the best baseball PLAYED by Americans? No.


And national/ethnic pride is so important to every country in the world but America. It's a bit disturbing. How is the WBC less important than winning a World Series? Would you rather represent a city you have no ties to or a country that you love? Hmm...tough one.


I agree with nite 1000000% on this one. If America liked soccer at all, this silliness wouldn't even be discussed.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2009 -> 03:05 PM)
Thats a tricky statement. Is the best baseball played IN America? Yes. But is the best baseball PLAYED by Americans? No.


And national/ethnic pride is so important to every country in the world but America. It's a bit disturbing. How is the WBC less important than winning a World Series? Would you rather represent a city you have no ties to or a country that you love? Hmm...tough one.

I would never judge someone's love or pride for their country by whether or not they chose to play a sport for it or how many flags they wave. A person's true love for their country should be gauged on how they follow and support the way of life and freedoms the country represents.


I think the WBC is silly, and I don't feel one iota less patriotic than you or anyone else who loves it.


So are you going to boo Danks now because he doesn't love his country?

Edited by SoxFan562004
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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jan 22, 2009 -> 04:10 PM)
I would never judge someone's love or pride for their country by whether or not they chose to play a sport for it or how many flags they wave. A person's true love for their country should be gauged on how they follow and support the way of life and freedoms the country represents.


I think the WBC is silly, and I don't feel one iota less patriotic than you or anyone else who loves it.


So are you going to boo Danks now because he doesn't love his country?

I'll never boo Danks because he won't play for the USA. Serbia doesn't play baseball, so I have no reason to boo.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2009 -> 03:13 PM)
I'll never boo Danks because he won't play for the USA. Serbia doesn't play baseball, so I have no reason to boo.

Do you think those of us from the U.S. who you are "disturbed" by should boo him because he doesn't play?


I'm an attorney, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution, should you report me to the Illinois Bar because I don't like the WBC?

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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jan 22, 2009 -> 04:16 PM)
Do you think those of us from the U.S. who you are "disturbed" by should boo him because he doesn't play?


I'm an attorney, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution, should you report me to the Illinois Bar because I don't like the WBC?

What are you talking about? When did I say anything about booing anyone? I think, as does the majority of the world, that playing for your country, FAR outweighs playing for a domestic league.

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2009 -> 03:18 PM)
What are you talking about? When did I say anything about booing anyone? I think, as does the majority of the world, that playing for your country, FAR outweighs playing for a domestic league.

You are saying you agree with nite who is saying Americans don't have pride and that it's disturbing that the U.S. doesn't have national/ethnic pride then using the WBC as an example. That's far more than saying you agree with the rest of the world, it's attacking people from the U.S. who don't like the WBC

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