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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:41 AM)
On a similar not, I hate the tools who, even after the several reminders on screen, forget to turn the ringer off on their phones and/or take calls during a movie. One of these days I'm going to snatch someone's phone out of their hand and toss it to the front of the theater.

We'll miss you.


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:38 AM)
Movies are very loud at the theater. Chances of a baby sleeping throughout are slim.



Off the top of my head that I can remember Bri slept during The Dark Knight, Hellboy 2, and Indiana Jones without even waking for a bottle.

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QUOTE (Steff @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:44 AM)
Off the top of my head that I can remember Bri slept during The Dark Knight, Hellboy 2, and Indiana Jones without even waking for a bottle.

Nothing against you personally. It's just my personal preference to attend R rated movies minus the babies/toddlers.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 10:38 AM)
Movies are very loud at the theater. Chances of a baby sleeping throughout are slim.



QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 10:42 AM)
Babies are a bit more resilient to noise than you think.



You'd be surprised what babies can sleep through especially when they're infants.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:34 AM)
Call me a prude but I don't see any scenario where it's cool to bring toddlers and babies to R rated movies.


I'm with you here. I get very upset when people talk during movies; a crying baby is even worse. I understand that they don't all cry and some will sit, sleep or whatever in silence the entire time, but it's not worth the risk. Parents make a lot of sacrifices when they have kids, this isn't too much more to give up here. Get a babysitter or simply don't go to the movies and ruin it for everyone else. At the very least, make them pay for the baby at even a PG flick so they can think twice about the chances of ruining it for everyone there, regardless of what time they're there.


There aren't enough 18+ only movie theaters in this country.

Edited by BobDylan
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 10:29 AM)
Ads for "male enhancement" (penis enlargement) pills, which are very obviously a scam, it's mind-numbing to me that these commercials are even allowed on TV since they're overtly advertising fraudulent business practices. There is no such thing, they may as well be advertising a one-dose AIDS remedy.


On the same subject, ads for ED-related pills that come on constantly during sporting events. However, at least these are legit.


Graphic, or descriptive ads for sexual enhancement pills (also legit at least) that come on the radio when it's not late at night. Come on now, I have kids in the car sometimes. 100% inappropriate, and they come on so often.

Mr room-mate bought some of those last weekend, and got 2 adult movies chucked in for free (the pills arrived on Saturday).


When asking how much larger in size it would make his penis, the salesman said and I quote "Sir, I guarantee that these pills will make your penis larger".

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 11:23 AM)
Mr room-mate bought some of those last weekend, and got 2 adult movies chucked in for free (the pills arrived on Saturday).


When asking how much larger in size it would make his penis, the salesman said and I quote "Sir, I guarantee that these pills will make your penis larger".

And by room-mate of course you mean yourself. :P

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The health club post:


- Guys who do everything naked in the locker room (shave, blow dry hair, etc).

- The creepy guys who seem to be in the locker room (sometimes naked) for hours. They'll be hanging around when you get there and still be putzing around in the locker room after you work out and shower.

- People who don't bring a towel to wipe equipment after they use it.

- People who just sit on one machine and take 5 minutes in between sets.

- Women who look like they're dressed up to go to a night club with their hair all done up and tons of makeup.

- People who are only there to get phone numbers/hook up.

- The New Year's resolution crowd that overcrowd the gym for the first 3 weeks of every single year.


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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 02:28 PM)
- Women who look like they're dressed up to go to a night club with their hair all done up and tons of makeup.

Although there is no logical reason whatsoever for women to be doing this, I can't say I have a problem with it when I see it. :D

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:42 AM)

I refuse.

I love to write checks at the grocery store. Love, love, LOVE it.


Of course, I do fill everything out in advance so all that has to be entered is the amount.

If that takes too long for you, there's always the self-checkout.


May I ask why? I very rarely write checks anymore. The only times I write a check is if I can't use my debit/credit card or it's a bill that can't be paid online.


I can't tell you how many times I've had a check cashed for the wrong amount because somebody at the bank can't seem to read/type either.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 01:28 PM)
The health club post:


- Guys who do everything naked in the locker room (shave, blow dry hair, etc).

- The creepy guys who seem to be in the locker room (sometimes naked) for hours. They'll be hanging around when you get there and still be putzing around in the locker room after you work out and shower.

- People who don't bring a towel to wipe equipment after they use it.

- People who just sit on one machine and take 5 minutes in between sets.

- Women who look like they're dressed up to go to a night club with their hair all done up and tons of makeup.

- People who are only there to get phone numbers/hook up.

- The New Year's resolution crowd that overcrowd the gym for the first 3 weeks of every single year.



I hate when naked dudes start conversations with you. It really makes for an awkward situation.


I hate when people talk on the phone while they run. How do you even talk?

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QUOTE (Steff @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:22 AM)
I took Bri to many rated R movies over the summer. I'm saying there should be a time cutoff. If you aren't in Kill Bill at 2 in the afternoon why can't I go see it with her?


I agree. It's not the rating, it's the time of day *and* if the parent has the common sense to move to the lobby of the baby can't be quieted in a few seconds.

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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 01:44 PM)
May I ask why? I very rarely write checks anymore. The only times I write a check is if I can't use my debit/credit card or it's a bill that can't be paid online.


I can't tell you how many times I've had a check cashed for the wrong amount because somebody at the bank can't seem to read/type either.

For me, it's spending control.

A debit card would make it far too easy for me to overspend on things I want but don't need.

If I have to make the committment to take out a check, fill it out, and hand it to someone, I'm much more likely to stop the urge to spend needlessly.

I know my self-control limits and I have to work within them.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:38 AM)
Movies are very loud at the theater. Chances of a baby sleeping throughout are slim.

Often times it is the transition times that will wake them up. Either really noisy to suddenly quiet or the reverse. But over all babies can sleep through anything.


This debate is almost always along the lines of those with babies and those without.

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QUOTE (mreye @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 10:11 AM)
I hate people that, when I'm holding the door open for them, put their hand on it to "hold" it open. Apparently they think I'm only tricking them and plan to slam it shut on them just as they walk into the doorway!

That's a good one! I absolutely hate that.


In regards to driving, I hate people that don't wave when I let them in my lane. Is it that hard to show some courtesy, especially when I saved you from being the jackass who held up everyone in the other lane b/c you couldn't get over?


I hate soxtalk b/c I'm so addicted that it takes away from my school work... Maybe that shouldn't be in green ;)

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The Downtown Chicago edition...


-Cab drivers


-Bus drivers


-People who feel the need to walk two or more people straight across with other people coming


-People who keep their umbrellas up while walking under awnings or other forms of cover.


-Drivers who push into crosswalks with people in them.


-Is there anything more worthless than a traffic cop standing on the corner watching?


-Building construction which dictates that narrow passages have to be constructed on the sidewalk, making navigating the crowds impossible.


-Groups of people who stop to chat in the middle of the sidewalk instead of moving to the sides.


-The people handing out flyers for random businesses


-The people working for random organziations who harass you about taking surveys under guises such as "saving the enviornment" or "caring about your world".


-The guy in McDonalds who stares at the menu board like he has never been in a McD's before.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 01:49 PM)
Often times it is the transition times that will wake them up. Either really noisy to suddenly quiet or the reverse. But over all babies can sleep through anything.


This debate is almost always along the lines of those with babies and those without.


Also depends on what your baby is used to.

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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 01:49 PM)
For me, it's spending control.

A debit card would make it far too easy for me to overspend on things I want but don't need.

If I have to make the committment to take out a check, fill it out, and hand it to someone, I'm much more likely to stop the urge to spend needlessly.

I know my self-control limits and I have to work within them.


I'm the exact opposite. I only spend money when I really have to. Even when I get a gift card or something I’ll take forever deciding what to use it on.


I did spend $5 on a shirt that I didn't really need a week ago or so. :P

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When you pull into a drive-thru, order one or two things and they give you you're total and tell you to pull around before reading the order back to make sure it's right or even asking if you're done ordering.


More and more I've just decided to skip the drive-thru completely because of this.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 02:28 PM)
The health club post:


- Guys who do everything naked in the locker room (shave, blow dry hair, etc).

- The creepy guys who seem to be in the locker room (sometimes naked) for hours. They'll be hanging around when you get there and still be putzing around in the locker room after you work out and shower.

- People who don't bring a towel to wipe equipment after they use it.

- People who just sit on one machine and take 5 minutes in between sets.

- Women who look like they're dressed up to go to a night club with their hair all done up and tons of makeup.

- People who are only there to get phone numbers/hook up.

- The New Year's resolution crowd that overcrowd the gym for the first 3 weeks of every single year.


Does that count for people wearing sweatpants?

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