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You know what I hate?


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QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 04:48 PM)
Then save some time and list the things you don't hate.

I know I won't make that list.



Well, The Critic will never make a "love" list, that's for sure. Few message board posters will. But this guy on another board I go to I do think is a GREAT poster. That guy is KennyLars. He's cool.

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Gee, where to start :)


I can't stand those backpacks/carry-all with rollers on them. I'll be walking to the Union station and its impossible to get around those people and they always walk so f***ing slow.


Also hate slow drivers who drive in the right lane.


Hate people who have to wait for a big clearing to make a simple right and or left turn.


Snoring, so annoying or even loud breathing, makes me paranoid.


United Airlines commercials (the storyboard ones) too damn long.


MTV, I personally don't want to watch something that's fake. I could care less how Lauren Conrad and or the Hogans are living their lives.


I could go on but I'm sure what I'll type is repetitive from earlier posts I have not seen.

Edited by ChWRoCk2
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QUOTE (ChWRoCk2 @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 08:11 PM)
Gee, where to start :)


I can't stand those backpacks/carry-all with rollers on them. I'll be walking to the Union station and its impossible to get around those people and they always walk so f***ing slow.


Also hate slow drivers who drive in the right lane.

Hate people who have to wait for a big clearing to make a simple right and or left turn.


Snoring, so annoying or even loud breathing, makes me paranoid.


I could go on but I'm sure what I'll type is repetitive from earlier posts I have not seen.

Slow drivers are supposed to stay to the right.


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More Gym Hates for Me:

--I hate people who on the indoor track at a gym walk in the running lane. Is it that hard to move to the inner lane?!?!

--Also, the people who jog real slowly in the running because they thing they are gong fast, just move over to the jogging lane.

--People who flex and stare at themselves in the mirrors at the gym in front of everyone

--People who still use gay for anything that is stupid (I am not gay, but that just annoys me)

--People who walk god ass slow to class with two or three other slow walkers and block me from walking around them

--People who don't stop at stop signs in heavily trafficked areas. For me on my bike when I go to and from class, people need to look out for us bikers at stop signs.

I could go on and on...

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QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 09:29 PM)
People who walk god ass slow to class with two or three other slow walkers and block me from walking around them

Oh man, that's the worst. That happened to me today actually and I was running late to class, so it frustrated the hell out of me. Granted, if I hadn't been running late, it wouldn't have mattered, but still...

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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 10:21 PM)
Oh man, that's the worst. That happened to me today actually and I was running late to class, so it frustrated the hell out of me. Granted, if I hadn't been running late, it wouldn't have mattered, but still...

There is a Facebook group called "I secretly want to punch slow walking people in the back of the head." I am a member, naturally.

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College Edition


- ugg boots

- north face jackets

- big sunglasses

- people calling me, im'ing me, texting me, facebooking me to tell me how drunk they were, their stories from the weekend and how they're never drinking again

- tough frat guys

- hot girls that fall for frat guys and their tricks

- hot girls that know their hot

- bars that charge covers/overcrowded bars

- unoriginal 80's cover bands

- bars with only 2 urinals

- guys yelling the number of the repetitions out while working out

- people having long conversations the entire time in a lecture hall

- hour long wait cab rides

- hour long walk from the bar to home

- guy that is standing outside the bar flagging a cab while throwing up on himself

- town cops that give out 250 dollar tickets

- kids that raise their hand at least 5 times a class to either ask a dumb question or answer a question before anyone else can

- student loans

- worrying about having a job post graduation

- group presentations

- interning for free 48 hrs a week thus making me quit a job I was getting paid for

- when the sox are on wciu and I can't watch the game

- having your cell phone on your lap, getting out of the car, dropping it in a dorm parking lot, not having it returned

- having a keg and no one shows up

- having a keg and too many show up

- eating the same thing every week because you can't cook a full out meal (hot dogs, sandwich, frozen pizza, spaghetti, ramen)

- girls that are teases

- homework being the number 1 cockblock

- country music in bars

- hangovers on sunday

- losing in beer pong

- keystone light

- buying a cup at a party and the keg goes dry within 5 minutes of you buying that cup

- the typical college posters found in apartments

- walking to class in the cold

- affliction t-shirts

- getting added as a friend after you met someone one time

- wasting money on food when i'm intoxicated

- when i don't get free papa john's at the basketball games

- bad pizza in town

- re-designing your resume/cover letter for each job you apply to

- interviewing

- getting ripped off by apartment companies

- people with no permit in your apartment parking lot

- hearing your roommates conversation with a female between the walls "I'll take my pants off if you take your pants off"

- having a roommate wear his cubs jersey to class everyday

- people that wear shorts to class, flip flops to class or just a t-shirt to class in below 0 weather (trying to prove a point?)

- having to pay 25 bucks to apply for graduation



I'm not a negative person, I swear.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 02:18 PM)
-The guy in McDonalds who stares at the menu board like he has never been in a McD's before.

Yeah, if we're talking about the McDonalds at Union Station I'm usually that guy because they continue raising the damn price on food. I swear every time I walk in there the price of meals rise fifty cents.


Edited by Flash Tizzle
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-People who act like idiots when they're around people of the same nationality. For example, there's an Irish bar in Chicago Ridge called Jack Desmonds that I sometimes go to for adult beverages. EVERY TIME I've been in there I've had to deal with drunken micks who act obnoxious, loud, and seem to think because they're parents are off the boat it gives them an excuse to act belligerent. If you're asking yourself, "how do you know who's Irish," that's easy -- they're usually wearing some rugby or soccer jersey from a foreign team, singing a song from the Emerald Isle, and they can't be above 5'9. They're like leprechauns. I'm half Irish and all, but these are the idiots that make me want to vomit with rage. I know SouthSideIrish71 despises these people as well, and if he says it about his own kind then that's all I need to hear.


-Anyone using a variation of "should have put a ring on it" to describe someone breaking up.


-People who obsess over Boondock Saints, Natural Born Killers, or Scarface (usually the same type of person). All of these movies, in my opinion, appeal to the casual moviegoer seeking flashy action sequences, senseless violence, and "hip" dialogue that you can repeat to your friends.


-People who don't know when to stop arguing. I've worked numerous large concerts at Toyota Park and Soldier Field and it's honestly a humbling experience. I understand people pay a large sum of money to enjoy themselves at these events, but arguing with me about the lack of port-o-johns on the bottom floor or the lack of access ramps is useless. I'm not a damn engineer or involved with guest services. And it's usually the same complaints, the same arguments for the entire duration of the concert.


I honestly believe when people enter these type of events they feel privileged, and as such, everything must be given to them. They came to have a good time, drink, get in a fight, and no one --especially a lowly security guard -- will stop them. Although, if there's one benefit to working in this environment for three years it's the ability I've developed to deal with difficult people.


-Leaving voicemail messages. People have caller Ids and the ability to receive text messages. If it's important I'll call back again or leave a text.


-When people go through this whole act of not accepting gifts by suggesting "No I can't accept this," which is replied with, "Yes, I insist." It goes back and forth between gift giver and receiver. Idiot, if the person offered it they want you to have it. Quit trying to act as if you're above receiving something for free.

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I'm turning into my father in that the older i get the more and more I hate being in a crowd. Wheather it's a movie theater or the mall or whereever, I don't like it..and I have no patience for long lines.


Relating to first point, i can stand these kids (and i mean people up into their late 20's at times) who have to wear the baseball cap backwards or off to the freakin' side. I want to slap it off their heads and tell them that they look like a HUGE douchbag. Though I feel they probably know it.


I hate stores like Old Navy and Ambercrombie who have their names on every piece of clothing. It's bad enough you want me to pay your inflated prices but then you expect me to walk around and be a f**kin billboard for you???? Why don't you pay me to advertise your store and maybe we'll see.


Also....people who go into the self-checkout line at the store and have no idea how to use it. STOP GETTING IN FRONT OF ME. It shouldn't take you 5 minutes to ring up one gallon of milk and pay for it...and God help me (and them) if they get confused because it's in English. If you can't read the language or speak it...go to a cashier!!!!!!!



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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 05:35 AM)
-Anyone using a variation of "should have put a ring on it" to describe someone breaking up.

People who, in general, are not creative enough to use regular language and borrow all of their language from pop culture, this being one example. I hate that too.



QUOTE (juddling @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 08:39 AM)
Relating to first point, i can stand these kids (and i mean people up into their late 20's at times) who have to wear the baseball cap backwards or off to the freakin' side. I want to slap it off their heads and tell them that they look like a HUGE douchbag. Though I feel they probably know it.

Black guys can get away with this as George Carlin said, but he also said once you're old enough to qualify for Social Security that it's time to turn that motherf***er around to the front.

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QUOTE (Cali @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 01:10 AM)
Tyler Perry.


Why do studios keep making his movies? Why does tbs give him 20 TV shows?


He is so unfunny it makes me want to puke. The people that are into him can tell you every line from his movies verbatim and its even more disgusting.

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QUOTE (shipps @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 09:43 AM)
He is so unfunny it makes me want to puke. The people that are into him can tell you every line from his movies verbatim and its even more disgusting.

Actually his plays, when you factor out the annoying gospel singing, are f***ing hilarious. The movies tend to follow the same cheesy formula and they're getting old though.


That said his TV show is just not funny to me at all, I don't even chuckle when I watch it which is hardly ever (he had to bring in Madea to make it funny which is desperation).

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 08:51 AM)
Actually his plays, when you factor out the annoying gospel singing, are f***ing hilarious. The movies tend to follow the same cheesy formula and they're getting old though.


That said his TV show is just not funny to me at all, I don't even chuckle when I watch it which is hardly ever (he had to bring in Madea to make it funny which is desperation).


I have never seen his plays because I assume Madea is in all of them and I cant stand that character. Not to mean this in a disrespectful way but it seems that his work is only for middle aged african american women to enjoy.

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QUOTE (shipps @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 09:57 AM)
I have never seen his plays because I assume Madea is in all of them and I cant stand that character. Not to mean this in a disrespectful way but it seems that his work is only for middle aged african american women to enjoy.

I think that's fair to say. More like black people in general though with an emphasis on women.

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As I woke up earlier this morning to get ready for the day, I had on WSCR, and they had Doug Plank on the show. He did something I really hate, talked like a dumb, old meatball. Not to sound like Dan Bernstein here, but Plank was talking about how "the important part of football is being more physical and hitting hard and having a plan to dominate" and that is just so damn stupid. EVERYBODY in football is physical and hits hard and has a plan, teams win and lose games because of talent and not making mistakes. Don't talk to me like I'm stupid Mr. Plank.

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I'm not gay, but for some reason homophobes really irk the hell out of me. First off homosexuality is not contagious, you're not gonna catch the gay by being near a gay person or by touching them, and they're not itching to spread this apparent "horrible disease" to you either. Secondly, just because they're gay and you're of the same gender, odds are they're probably not fantasizing about having sex with you every time they see you. Not any more than straight people would, anyway.

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