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You know what I hate?


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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 10:42 AM)
As I woke up earlier this morning to get ready for the day, I had on WSCR, and they had Doug Plank on the show. He did something I really hate, talked like a dumb, old meatball. Not to sound like Dan Bernstein here, but Plank was talking about how "the important part of football is being more physical and hitting hard and having a plan to dominate" and that is just so damn stupid. EVERYBODY in football is physical and hits hard and has a plan, teams win and lose games because of talent and not making mistakes. Don't talk to me like I'm stupid Mr. Plank.


LOL, I just had the same argument on talkbears about "lets hire all the 85 bears OMG!!!"


Because, you know, as long as there is a representative on the team then they will win the superbowl. And we also need Ditka because of his fire and passion

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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 11:46 AM)
LOL, I just had the same argument on talkbears about "lets hire all the 85 bears OMG!!!"


Because, you know, as long as there is a representative on the team then they will win the superbowl. And we also need Ditka because of his fire and passion

Ugh I hate "fire and passion" vs. "players coach" arguments. The fanbase always seems to want the one they don't have when they're losing, and they always love the version they have when the team is winning.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 10:47 AM)
Ugh I hate "fire and passion" vs. "players coach" arguments. The fanbase always seems to want the one they don't have when they're losing, and they always love the version they have when the team is winning.


As always, the truth lies in the middle. You are best off having a coach who has "fire and passion" when he needs it (which isn't a lot, but on occasion) and is a "players coach" in my opinion. It's definitely possible to do too as I think both coaches in this years Super Bowl fall into the category of being both of those things. You don't want a boring stiff as your coach, but you don't want a crazy screamer either.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 05:35 AM)
-People who act like idiots when they're around people of the same nationality. For example, there's an Irish bar in Chicago Ridge called Jack Desmonds that I sometimes go to for adult beverages. EVERY TIME I've been in there I've had to deal with drunken micks who act obnoxious, loud, and seem to think because they're parents are off the boat it gives them an excuse to act belligerent. If you're asking yourself, "how do you know who's Irish," that's easy -- they're usually wearing some rugby or soccer jersey from a foreign team, singing a song from the Emerald Isle, and they can't be above 5'9. They're like leprechauns. I'm half Irish and all, but these are the idiots that make me want to vomit with rage. I know SouthSideIrish71 despises these people as well, and if he says it about his own kind then that's all I need to hear.

You wouldn't have liked me last night (being in a bar with 300 other Aussies on Australia Day) then. :aussie: :D

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QUOTE (shipps @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 11:41 AM)
I forgot the one thing that is number one on my list....people that chew with their mouth open. I havent ate dinner with my dad in years because of this, you can hear every chunk of food moving around in his mouth.

People trying to talk with food in their mouth also.


Chew and Swallow People!!

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I hate minivan drivers who do not know how to drive, BMW Drivers who drive like they own the world, people who think they are entitled, teenagers, boneheaded baseball moves, bikes who do not stop at stop signs like the laws say, and budweiser beer, except for bud light in the alumninim bottle, thsoe are cool.


I guess the closer you get to thirty, the grumpier you get!



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QUOTE (BurlyMan56 @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 04:11 AM)
College Edition


- ugg boots

- north face jackets

- big sunglasses

- people calling me, im'ing me, texting me, facebooking me to tell me how drunk they were, their stories from the weekend and how they're never drinking again

- tough frat guys

- hot girls that fall for frat guys and their tricks

- hot girls that know their hot

- bars that charge covers/overcrowded bars

- unoriginal 80's cover bands

- bars with only 2 urinals

- guys yelling the number of the repetitions out while working out

- people having long conversations the entire time in a lecture hall

- hour long wait cab rides

- hour long walk from the bar to home

- guy that is standing outside the bar flagging a cab while throwing up on himself

- town cops that give out 250 dollar tickets

- kids that raise their hand at least 5 times a class to either ask a dumb question or answer a question before anyone else can

- student loans

- worrying about having a job post graduation

- group presentations

- interning for free 48 hrs a week thus making me quit a job I was getting paid for

- when the sox are on wciu and I can't watch the game

- having your cell phone on your lap, getting out of the car, dropping it in a dorm parking lot, not having it returned

- having a keg and no one shows up

- having a keg and too many show up

- eating the same thing every week because you can't cook a full out meal (hot dogs, sandwich, frozen pizza, spaghetti, ramen)

- girls that are teases

- homework being the number 1 cockblock

- country music in bars

- hangovers on sunday

- losing in beer pong

- keystone light

- buying a cup at a party and the keg goes dry within 5 minutes of you buying that cup

- the typical college posters found in apartments

- walking to class in the cold

- affliction t-shirts

- getting added as a friend after you met someone one time

- wasting money on food when i'm intoxicated

- when i don't get free papa john's at the basketball games

- bad pizza in town

- re-designing your resume/cover letter for each job you apply to

- interviewing

- getting ripped off by apartment companies

- people with no permit in your apartment parking lot

- hearing your roommates conversation with a female between the walls "I'll take my pants off if you take your pants off"

- having a roommate wear his cubs jersey to class everyday

- people that wear shorts to class, flip flops to class or just a t-shirt to class in below 0 weather (trying to prove a point?)

- having to pay 25 bucks to apply for graduation



I'm not a negative person, I swear.


Why do you even go to college? You don't seem to enjoy a single thing about it.

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I don't like people who actively dislike kids.


The thing with the movie theaters was mentioned earlier, and I agree that there are some movies that no matter what time of day, it's just inappropriate for kids to attend. However, if you must bring a child, have a quick exit planned, understand that you may not make it throught the movie, and have some consideration for people around you. If you do that, I don't really have a problem with you bringing your kids to the theater.


I hate when people without kids (either never had any, or theirs are grown now) act out when my kids misbehave. Believe me, I'd rather not have my kids make a scene, it's stressful, and getting disapproving looks or head shakes from people doesn't make it any better. What, your kid never acted like a jerk in public? The worst is when it's in church or a restaurant, and the person observing the scene keeps looking over and making faces, etc. I can understand if it's going on for a long time unchecked, but if you see that the parent is making an effort to control the situation, turn around and give the parent a chance to control the situation.


That said, I was listening to a podcast of "Dave Dameshek on Demand" on iTunes, and he tells a story of how he dealt with a similar problem on a flight he took. Dameshek is a former sideman on the Adam Carolla Radio Show, and his podcast is sports themed, and it can be hit or miss, but his retelling of this conflict is excellent. It's on the 12/30/08 episode, and the story starts at the 1:01:55 mark. Get it quick because I'm pretty sure it will be deleted in a few days as his newer shows are added.


Speaking of planes, I hate that the people in the back of the plane start filling up the aisle and moving forward before the people in front move out.

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Guys who wear suits that look like this...




It's bad enough that you wear baggy clothing every normal day of the week, but when it comes time for something formal and you still decide to look like a d-bag, that really pisses me off.


Also, I don't hate the type of person I'm about to talk about b/c I have cousins, some friends, etc that do this. Rather, I just don't understand them... guys that spend 30 minutes on their hair before they go out at night. Honestly, girls aren't going to "get" with you b/c your hair looks like you stuck your finger in an electrical outlet. Just go natural, or combing your hair is fine if it takes about 1 minute.

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QUOTE (dasox24 @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 11:56 AM)
Also, I don't hate the type of person I'm about to talk about b/c I have cousins, some friends, etc that do this. Rather, I just don't understand them... guys that spend 30 minutes on their hair before they go out at night. Honestly, girls aren't going to "get" with you b/c your hair looks like you stuck your finger in an electrical outlet. Just go natural, or combing your hair is fine if it takes about 1 minute.

Me too on this one, my roommate takes at least an hour from time he gets in the shower until the time he is ready to leave. I have no idea what takes so damn long. It's quite annoying. I am dead serious when I say that it takes me 8 minutes from the time I get in the shower until I am ready to leave.

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QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 05:21 PM)
Why do you even go to college? You don't seem to enjoy a single thing about it.


I'm a big fan of college, I just hate the things mentioned above. I'm pretty sure many people don't like/hate most of what I put on there. Sorry if you feel different.

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QUOTE (BurlyMan56 @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 04:17 PM)
I'm a big fan of college, I just hate the things mentioned above. I'm pretty sure many people don't like/hate most of what I put on there. Sorry if you feel different.

I agreed with you on 90% of them.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 26, 2009 -> 08:50 AM)
-People who drive with their brights on down unlit streets that bend

Yeah I hate that too, it's almost as bad as those people who drive with their windshield wipers on when it's raining

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Waiting forever in line in the left turning lane...............then FINALLY the arrow comes on and you miss making the light, and then have to wait another light because some lady in a mini-van or SUV isn't paying attention because of yakking on the cell-phone, scolding her kids, or worrying about which radio station to play.

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Walking into a store like Wal-Mart on a cold day, and as soon as you enter, the person in front of you decides to STOP STAND and BROWSE at a sale item, and there is no room to get by them in order to walk around them. Why?? Because their are 3 other people that were in front of him/her that decided to do the same friggin' thing!

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- ugg boots

- big sunglasses

- people calling me, im'ing me, texting me, facebooking me to tell me how drunk they were, their stories from the weekend and how they're never drinking again

- tough frat guys

- hot girls that fall for frat guys and their tricks

- hot girls that know their hot

- bars that charge covers/overcrowded bars

- bars with only 2 urinals

- guys yelling the number of the repetitions out while working out

- people having long conversations the entire time in a lecture hall

- town cops that give out 250 dollar tickets

- kids that raise their hand at least 5 times a class to either ask a dumb question or answer a question before anyone else can

- when the sox are on wciu and I can't watch the game

- eating the same thing every week because you can't cook a full out meal (hot dogs, sandwich, frozen pizza, spaghetti, ramen)

- girls that are teases

- homework being the number 1 cockblock

- country music in bars

- hangovers on sunday

- losing in beer pong

- buying a cup at a party and the keg goes dry within 5 minutes of you buying that cup

- the typical college posters found in apartments

- walking to class in the cold

- affliction t-shirts

- getting added as a friend after you met someone one time

- wasting money on food when i'm intoxicated

- bad pizza in town

- people that wear shorts to class, flip flops to class or just a t-shirt to class in below 0 weather (trying to prove a point?)



These. Especially that last one. Also: $350 underage drinking tickets and bars being so expensive.

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I hate this and I believe it's one of the biggest, most fundamental differences between men and women.

Women never, ever, ever adjust the EQ on their car stereos and never let you to do it for them either. So you're stuck in the car listening to a flat shrill with absolutely no bass to it.

Every man, on the other hand, is an amateur sound engineer when he's in his car. We adjust everything from song to song, sometimes even within the same song.

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QUOTE (3E8 @ Jan 27, 2009 -> 09:46 PM)
Yeah I hate that too, it's almost as bad as those people who drive with their windshield wipers on when it's raining

It's totally not the same thing. There's no reason for you to be coming in the opposite direction of me at 6 pm with your brights on, it's not that f***ing dark, really. If it really is that dark, when you see my headlights coming (and you will), then turn them off so you don't blind me, less you want to risk running into me head-on because I couldn't see anything.

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QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 02:52 AM)
I hate this and I believe it's one of the biggest, most fundamental differences between men and women.

Women never, ever, ever adjust the EQ on their car stereos and never let you to do it for them either. So you're stuck in the car listening to a flat shrill with absolutely no bass to it.

Every man, on the other hand, is an amateur sound engineer when he's in his car. We adjust everything from song to song, sometimes even within the same song.

The irony?

Both of these are immensely annoying.

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QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 03:52 AM)
I hate this and I believe it's one of the biggest, most fundamental differences between men and women.

Women never, ever, ever adjust the EQ on their car stereos and never let you to do it for them either. So you're stuck in the car listening to a flat shrill with absolutely no bass to it.

Every man, on the other hand, is an amateur sound engineer when he's in his car. We adjust everything from song to song, sometimes even within the same song.

lol that's me all the way. The only reason I don't do it on my new radio is because it's not convenient to.


Another difference between men and women is when it comes to home improvements... Give a couple 10,000 dollars and ask them separately what they want to do with it. The man will say he wants to do something functional and necessary, but not necessarily aesthetically pleasing e.g. a furnace or a roof. The woman will say she wants to remodel the bathroom regardless of what condition it's in or do some major redecorating like putting new siding on the house.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 07:15 AM)
I hate people who are too lazy to wipe off the snow off their back window. Seriously, it will take you no more than 5 seconds to just dust off! God forbid, you can see out your back window when you drive on the highway, thats what they make them for!!!


I hate the people who leave the 4 inch sheet of snow on their roof and drive on the highway only to have it all come off as one large piece and nail the person behind them(and you dont even have to be in the same lane or remotely close, those sheets of snow float like kites for a few seconds).


Completely dangerous.


And I despise people who pull up to pay-tolls and throw in a nickel at a time, and never look at how much they are supposed to throw in.

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