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Michelle vs Palin


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Cubano, if you want to see some of the media's bais against Palin, look at a bunch of the stories about her since the election, and see how many times they mention 'failed vice-presidential candidate' in reference to her. It is dwindling down now, but was pretty bad for a while. I don't recall ever seeing an article about the Goracle mentioning him as the 'failed presidential candidate'. While she may not have much of a chance in the coming years, there is something about her that scraes a large portion of the media and the rabid left, as they just can't let go of her. Now the obvious response to follow this post will be somethign to the effect of her starting a PAC and stuff, but regardless, there are those on the fringe that just can't let go.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 12:28 PM)
Cubano, if you want to see some of the media's bais against Palin, look at a bunch of the stories about her since the election, and see how many times they mention 'failed vice-presidential candidate' in reference to her. It is dwindling down now, but was pretty bad for a while. I don't recall ever seeing an article about the Goracle mentioning him as the 'failed presidential candidate'. While she may not have much of a chance in the coming years, there is something about her that scraes a large portion of the media and the rabid left, as they just can't let go of her. Now the obvious response to follow this post will be somethign to the effect of her starting a PAC and stuff, but regardless, there are those on the fringe that just can't let go.


People are scared because they are frightened at the possibility that someday someone as smart as Richard Simmons might actually run this country.

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QUOTE (Cubano @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 11:32 PM)
I rather have somebody denying that clothing controversy as oppose as having somebody representing the USA after saying she never felt proud to be an American.


How about that Harvard degree?


How about that money you made in the USA?



Somebody is little confused. Michelle, Michelle go oversees and live w/o your American dollars. Then, tell me you are not proud to be an American.


There's NOTHING wrong with saying you're not proud of America. Saying that is part of your right as an American!


Those people who try to say that people shouldn't badmouth America are actually being unpatriotic!


Blind loyalty to a country, even if it's America, is a dangerous thing, and it's actually more patriotic to excercise your right of freedom of speech by voicing your dissenting views on America, such as saying things as "For the first time in my life, I'm proud of America", or "F**k America", or whatever.


It's people like Cubano and those in the conservative media, that has a problem with Americans trashing America, that are the dangerous ones to our American values and rights. Being blindly loyal to a country, even a "great" country like America is dangerous! And a little dissention, such as publicly voicing your distaste of America, is healthy and patriotic.


If you don't like the idea of people speaking trash about America, then maybe YOU should go to a different country where it's illegal to have a dissenting view. You'll fit in perfect there.


And as for me, I don't even see anything wrong with burning American flags, it doesn't affect me as long as it's an American doing it. Plus, I too am finally proud of America for the first time after Barack Obama was elected president. After years of being embarrassed of America's belligerent foreign policies and racial inequality in this country, I am finally proud of living in a new America after seeing the large crowds of people of all races at the Obama election celebration in Chicago and the inauguration in D.C. I am finally proud, and anyone who has a problem with me not being proud of America before can just go and shove it.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 12:50 PM)
People are scared because they are frightened at the possibility that someday someone as smart as Richard Simmons might actually run this country.


There's one running the Senate right now.


come to think of it, the Speaker of the House is just as bad.

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QUOTE (Cubano @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 11:32 PM)
I rather have somebody denying that clothing controversy as oppose as having somebody representing the USA after saying she never felt proud to be an American.


How about that Harvard degree?


How about that money you made in the USA?



Somebody is little confused. Michelle, Michelle go oversees and live w/o your American dollars. Then, tell me you are not proud to be an American.


Couldnt agree with you more Cubano.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 12:28 PM)
Cubano, if you want to see some of the media's bais against Palin, look at a bunch of the stories about her since the election, and see how many times they mention 'failed vice-presidential candidate' in reference to her. It is dwindling down now, but was pretty bad for a while. I don't recall ever seeing an article about the Goracle mentioning him as the 'failed presidential candidate'. While she may not have much of a chance in the coming years, there is something about her that scraes a large portion of the media and the rabid left, as they just can't let go of her. Now the obvious response to follow this post will be somethign to the effect of her starting a PAC and stuff, but regardless, there are those on the fringe that just can't let go.

As you noted, they are dwindling for Palin, just like they did for Gore. Immediately after the election, Gore was tagged with the same line.


It's a shame the GOP just can't break into the media business. Perhaps if they were more successful in business they could have the wealth to report the news.

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I thought the media went after Palin because she was unqualified to be Vice President, and as we found out later, didn't know simple things like the fact Africa is a continent. I think the media's rush to deify Obama was pretty laughable, but I don't think they necesarily ripped on McCain/Palin unfairly.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 04:14 PM)
I thought the media went after Palin because she was unqualified to be Vice President, and as we found out later, didn't know simple things like the fact Africa is a continent. I think the media's rush to deify Obama was pretty laughable, but I don't think they necesarily ripped on McCain/Palin unfairly.


Of course they did. That is the only way some people can explain any problems with the GOP.

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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 05:14 PM)
I thought the media went after Palin because she was unqualified to be Vice President, and as we found out later, didn't know simple things like the fact Africa is a continent. I think the media's rush to deify Obama was pretty laughable, but I don't think they necesarily ripped on McCain/Palin unfairly.

I obviously think she was a joke, but the whole africa is a country thing is just the mccaain campaign folks talking s***. I'm sure she isn't THAT stupid.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 05:56 PM)
Sarah Palin was the best Republican VP candidate in the last 10 years.

I would take her over Darth Vader because compared to him she's harmless. But who was Dole's? I forgot.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 03:03 PM)
I would take her over Darth Vader because compared to him she's harmless. But who was Dole's? I forgot.

Jack Kemp.


I'm not a fan, but he's not evil in the sense of compacting evil to the density of a neutron star, and i don't think the NFL does enough brain damage to most players to put them on the Sarah Palin level, so I put the 10 year cutoff in there.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 04:56 PM)
Sarah Palin was the best Republican VP candidate in the last 10 years.


Exactly my point.


But I guess we should be use to the usual flow chart


  1. Republican screws up
  2. It gets reported
  3. Screams of media bias
  4. Nitpicking the messenger instead of the message.
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The truth is Biden is absolutely horrible as well.Unfortunately, most of this country is extremely dumb and vote based on celebrity opinion and marketing slogans. The American public demanded a stupid VP and both parties obliged. Obama needed to market his 'hard working white guy, Joe Biden'. McCain needed some evangelical lady who likes to go moose hunting on the ticket.


and oh yes, the media. Well, basically you will have the pro-Democrat new such as CNN or MSNBC on one side and FOX on the other. Of course fanatic Democrats will see no pro-Dem bias in CNN and MSNBC; their GOP counterparts will see no pro-GOP bias in FOX. Both are dumb. See Earlier portion of post.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 31, 2009 -> 05:01 PM)
I obviously think she was a joke, but the whole africa is a country thing is just the mccaain campaign folks talking s***. I'm sure she isn't THAT stupid.


I know it's probably not true, but I would just love to believe it is because I can't stand her. It's not entirely her fault that she was made a VP candidate WAY before she was ready, but I like to think it was anyways. She was a bit, well, slow though, even for a young politician in my opinion.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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