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Blalock is so good. I still laugh at the Cubs for not dealing Cruz and another prospect for him.


They could of had Blalock and Vidro if they weren't so afraid of moving Cruz and Bobby Hill.


What have they done for the Cubs this year anyway?


Oh well, there loss. Any shot of dealing Crede for Hank or Textierra?

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Blalock is so good.  I still laugh at the Cubs for not dealing Cruz and another prospect for him. 


They could of had Blalock and Vidro if they weren't so afraid of moving Cruz and Bobby Hill. 


What have they done for the Cubs this year anyway? 


Oh well, there loss.  Any shot of dealing Crede for Hank or Textierra?

Only way we acquire Tex or Hank for Crede is if we throw in Mark B.


:P :P :P :P

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Blalock is so good.  I still laugh at the Cubs for not dealing Cruz and another prospect for him. 


They could of had Blalock and Vidro if they weren't so afraid of moving Cruz and Bobby Hill. 


What have they done for the Cubs this year anyway? 


Oh well, there loss.  Any shot of dealing Crede for Hank or Textierra?

Only way we acquire Tex or Hank for Crede is if we throw in Mark B.


:P :P :P :P

I dunno, Billy Botch could be quite attractive. Lets just change his name to Botch and tell the Rangers they are getting the pitching prospect they've been looking for. Say he'll be the next Dontrell :lol:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
The only goof that gets confused by player names is KW  :rolleyes: .


Nice try though Jason  :bang

yeah .. and btw whatever happened to barry/berry :huh: :huh: :huh:

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Seems like everything turns out right for Soscia in the end, that or he is a f***ing genius.

There are alot of managers like Scioscia in the ML's. It's just that we have been subjected to JM and his sleepy ways for years now. The only things JM brings to managing is tinkering, lefty/righty and righty/lefty match-ups, and an utter lack of BP knowledge.

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imo It was great that Blalock (whose team is nowhere near the playoffs) had a huge say in this game and where home field advantage will be. I think most people thought that it would be a negative effect from players on losing teams. Personally I think that "players on losing teams wont care" thing is BS. Of course all the players want to have a good game and showoff to the fans.

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imo It was great that Blalock (whose team is nowhere near the playoffs) had a huge say in this game and where home field advantage will be. I think most people thought that it would be a negative effect from players on losing teams. Personally I think that "players on losing teams wont care" thing is BS. Of course all the players want to have a good game and showoff to the fans.

That's exactly the point. The players have always played hard in All-Star games. The last thing they want to do is embarass themselves on a national stage.


The thing that needed to be changed were the way the game is managed and the players expectations of how many innings they were or were not going to play. The "home field advantage" seems to have accomplished just that, however it was not necessary. There were other ways to fix the problem.

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