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Alex Rodriguez tested postive for steroids in 2003; Admits It

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QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 10:46 AM)
Because he's the best pure hitter I've seen in my lifetime...but like you said, he does look like a PED user and there's been tons of speculation about him being on PEDs.



I'd take Frank over him, though they're obviously really really close... but at first glance I'd say the numbers actually favor Frank and since I watched almost all of his first 5,000 at bats or so I'd have to say I'm a little biased.


In my perfect world Pujols is exposed and Thomas stands alone... lol.


Fingers crossed a positive Thomas test isn't out there somewhere.



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QUOTE (daa84 @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 10:55 AM)
the truth is that nobody is 100% clean i dont think..maybe tony gwynn and ripken were...but you never know


I disagree. If I had gotten that far I wouldn't have used them... I'm sure there are a lot of players who feel the same way.

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QUOTE (wsgdf_2 @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 05:01 PM)
I disagree. If I had gotten that far I wouldn't have used them... I'm sure there are a lot of players who feel the same way.


I could see someone like J.D. Drew being 100% clean, as he has a strong religious background that frowns upon taking drugs.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 11:03 AM)
I could see someone like J.D. Drew being 100% clean, as he has a strong religious background that frowns upon taking drugs.

yeah because i've never met a religious hypocrite. what about his body breaking down?

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Kinda funny hearing Barry Larkin on the MLB Network saying how disappointed he is A-Rod. I looked up Larkin's power numbers:




1991 123 games, 20 HRs

1992 140 games, 12 HRs

1993 100 games, 8 HRs

1994 110 games, 9 HRs

1995 131 games, 15 HRs Free agent season

1996 152 games, 33 HRs

1997 77 games, 4 HRs

1998 145 games, 17HRs

1999 161 games, 12 HRs

2000 102 games, 11 HRs



It's real easy for players from the 90s to run their mouths because there is no way to go back and see if they were cheating or not.

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This is surpising to me only from that fact that if someone is taking them someone in the locker rooms starts to talk and there is some rumors.


I personally did not hear any od the A-Rod ones. He must have been very discrete about it.


As far as Puljols goes, there has been talk about him since he was drafted ala Mike Piazza. Again I'm not saying he is for sure but you hear the talk in the locker rooms.

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If Jose Canseco says somebody used steriods, it's pretty clear they did. It's sad that somebody like that is the authority on this stuff, but it's true. The only 3 guys that even can be considered clean of relevance anymore are Thomas, Griffey, and Thome. And you can't even be sure with them anymore, just pretty sure. Another guy knocked out of the hall of fame today in A-Rod.

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 11:29 AM)
This is surpising to me only from that fact that if someone is taking them someone in the locker rooms starts to talk and there is some rumors.


I personally did not hear any od the A-Rod ones. He must have been very discrete about it.


As far as Puljols goes, there has been talk about him since he was drafted ala Mike Piazza. Again I'm not saying he is for sure but you hear the talk in the locker rooms.

David Kaplan was on Comcast the other day telling a story of how he went to interview Piazza one day and Piazza had to change his shirt or something. His back was completely covered with zits.


Its dissappointing to hear about ARod, I really thought he was clean, but I do feel sorry for him in the sense that these tests were supposed to be confidential. I'm sure if they were not, most players wouldn't have taken them. Its dirty pool to leak the information now. I don't see how naming names 6 years later is really going to do anyone any good. Mark McGwire was right about one thing, its time to move forward. I'm just assuming most players used during the "steroid era", and for things like HOF consideration, the players who played in that era should be compared to the peers. Its probably not fair to the clean guys, but so be it. If Frank Thomas was clean, and we have every reason to believe he was, it makes his accomplishments more spectacular. I wasn't a fan of his attitude, but for a long while, he was a good as it gets offensively.

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QUOTE (longshot7 @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 12:03 PM)
As a side note, I think all steroids and PEDs should be legal - they make the game better.


You have the right to think that and I can definitely see a case made for your side of the debate. But at the same time, they aren't legal, and thus all of these guys that did take them are cheaters and should be looked down upon accordingly in my opinion.


On a side note, baseball and football of the last few decades are starting to look like nothing more than wrestling without the fixed outcomes (and some would even argue the last part of that statement with how officiating is at times). I saw a story on ESPN how the 1963 San Diego Chargers, who won the AFL, were the first team to really use steroids. I didn't realize it went back THAT far, and it's just sad to see these sort of things.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 12:30 PM)
You have the right to think that and I can definitely see a case made for your side of the debate. But at the same time, they aren't legal, and thus all of these guys that did take them are cheaters and should be looked down upon accordingly in my opinion.


On a side note, baseball and football of the last few decades are starting to look like nothing more than wrestling without the fixed outcomes (and some would even argue the last part of that statement with how officiating is at times). I saw a story on ESPN how the 1963 San Diego Chargers, who won the AFL, were the first team to really use steroids. I didn't realize it went back THAT far, and it's just sad to see these sort of things.

Even now, if you get busted in the NFL, you get a 4 week vacation.

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Well, that's fairly surprising I'd say. Crap.


Stay Clean, Albert.


And just to comment again...if you're testing positive in 2003...they WARNED EVERYONE MONTHS IN ADVANCE THE TESTS WERE COMING. You knew coming in to the season that you needed to clean out your system before the tests, and then you were probably fine the rest of the year, and 10% of baseball still tested positive. Idiots.


And another aspect of this story that no one has mentionned yet here...the SI writers are saying that MLBPA COO Gene Orza was directly involved in tipping off players in 2004 that additional tests were coming their way, including ARod. I wonder if he's had to testify about that enough that he might face charges if he denied doing that.

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QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 10:17 AM)
Not a surprise...I told some people on here about a story I heard how when the Yankees were visiting the Cell a few years ago, there were 3 players that asked an individual to hook them up with PEDs. 2 of those players were ARod and Giambi.

I remember. I looked back through my PMs -- you mentioned it May 7, 2007.


Honestly, though, I believe Rodriguez is going to be the player that shifts the consensus among voters that steroid users should be excluded from the HOF. He'll probably admit his mistakes (more so after the completion of his career) and spend a significant amount of time educating the youth of America. You know, bulls*** that everyone knows won't change these kids' minds about steroids; but will look good to the HOF voters.


And if Pujols is ever found to have taken PEDS (which I know I've read speculated around here), they'll have a REAL big problem keeping their moral high ground of excluding known steroid users from the Hall.

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