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The SPAWN cartoon on HBO a few years back was f***ing TIGHT! Too bad they f***ed SPAWN up with that incredibly s***ty movie.

I've got every episode, I met Todd McFarlane at an Oilers hockey game. He's from near here.

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Speaking of crappy comic book movies, who can forget that 80s pile of monkey love, The Punisher?  Jesus H. Christpunchers did that movie suck ass.  Here's to hoping the 2004 one is much better.


The Batman movies started out pretty good.  I loved the first one but as they got more and more sequels it became about marketing the name and making money hand over fist instead of making a quality movie.

Why do people keep trashing Dolph Lundgren? I liked that movie though, it was about all one could expect,. I used to buy comic untill they killed Spiderman, I bought the first three in that sries and never bought another one since, plus they're too expensive now.

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