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Dick Allen

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On the Cubune website, the top story is eight arrests that "marred " the game. Of course, 5 were for scalping, 1 was for trying to sell access to a restricted area, 1 was for grabbing a ticket out of someone's hand, and 1 was for someone climbing in the dugout before the game looking for autographs. This is really getting ridiculous. I suppose they never have arrests for similar hanous (sp) acts at the Urinal.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
  Dick Allen said:
On the Cubune website, the top story is eight arrests that "marred " the game. Of course, 5 were for scalping, 1 was for trying to sell access to a restricted area, 1 was for grabbing a ticket out of someone's hand, and 1 was for someone climbing in the dugout before the game looking for autographs. This is really getting ridiculous. I suppose they never have arrests for similar hanous (sp) at the Urinal.

ignore it... i have heard nothing but good things on the tv news all day long....well except for the little dig wgn put in on that chick and her version of then anthem....but for the most part it all was good stuff ... how jr put on a class show ect. ect.ect....f*** the cubuine....the suntimes had a nice story in there.. read that instead......... :D

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f*** the Cubs and the Tribune. I think it's prett amusing though that they try to change the focus from the Cubs and their s***ty team and even s***tier management to what goes on on the south side. How many times have all of you heard, "At least no drunk fans run onto the field at Wrigley". This coming from fans whose teams repeatedly mortgage their farm system on trades that get them nowhere, and have no intent of ever winning because their fans are so dumb and drunk that they come out to watch there team lose all the time. I understand that the Tribune Company owns the team, but they should at least be a little unbiased when reporting White Sox news. Otherwise they should just stop covering the Sox altogether if they can't hold back some of their criticism while praising the dumb-ass Cubs :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou

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  Dick Allen said:
On the Cubune website, the top story is eight arrests that "marred " the game. Of course, 5 were for scalping, 1 was for trying to sell access to a restricted area, 1 was for grabbing a ticket out of someone's hand, and 1 was for someone climbing in the dugout before the game looking for autographs. This is really getting ridiculous. I suppose they never have arrests for similar hanous (sp) acts at the Urinal.

That was short-lived, because it isn't anywhere near a feature story on it right now. It was merely one of about 8 stories on the All-Star Game.


No big deal.

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  Ishmookie said:
the cell actually looked beautiful......it makes a difference when its full maybe we can do it more often

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


:fyou THAT! Gimme something to spend my money on..... how about just giving WHITE SOX FANS something to spend our money on..... and USCF will fill up. I refuse to pay my money on a team with a cheap owner, an idiot GM, and a tinkering manager.


After last weeks wonderful 10 game road trip, I hope USCF don't draw DICK all f***ing weekend.

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