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Longer school year?


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What do all of you think of this, espicially teachers or administrators?


I had heard that U.S. test results were always skewed because the U.S. tested everyone why a lot of other countries tested only select students. Then I heard that's the way it should be compared because those are the students who the U.S. are competing with. I know nothing about the education system so would love to hear opinions on that as well.

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I dont know about longer school years, but I'd be open to year round schooling. i work for a church / school and I knwo the school has toyed wth the idea, but we are synced in wth the local school districts... and rely on their bus service... so we cant change unless they do.


I knwo the teachers love having 2-3 months off during th summer, so there might be a little bit of an uproar there, but nothing major. The summer is a great time to regroup and retool cirriculum. With that being said, the school I work for does testing 3 times a year to track academic progress and better aim their teaching (if a class is more advanced, they can step up to a harder level), and the September testing (after summer break) is always lower than the May testing (end of school year). The only logical reason is that students forget a lot over the summer and have to relearn some material.. and recalibrate to the school environment.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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In general, I think it is a good idea. It won't really be "full year" schooling since there will likely be significant breaks between terms, just not one long break in the summer.


However, there are a lot of non-education related issues that would result from this change... how about businesses that rely on students on break for season employment? Or students that rely on summer money? (maybe less of an issue in high school, but still an issue) Many high schools are not air conditioned and are already miserably warm by the time school lets out - will we have to add A/C to every school in the US?


I could see a solution where the school year end date goes further into June and starts earlier in August, still providing a 5-6 week break including all of July.

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In my opinion, it's the length of the school year that is the problem, it's the lack of incentives to become teachers. Teachers need to make more $$, so that more people see teaching as a career. Once teachers get the money they deserve, brighter people will decide to teach and the education system will benefit. I for one would hate having no summer; that is when you go to camp, enjoy the weather and such. I see no reason to change the school year, just give teachers money.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 03:25 PM)
How about a longer school day in high school?


7am to 3:30pm.


Just like a real job.

When I was in High school the end of the day I just stopped caring, adding 2 hours to that day would've really made me not care at the end.



Don't say well thats how life is in the real world because you don't get paid to attend high school.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 04:49 PM)
When I was in High school the end of the day I just stopped caring, adding 2 hours to that day would've really made me not care at the end.



Don't say well thats how life is in the real world because you don't get paid to attend high school.

It would be longer classes, and a longer day.


It's like that in college.



Mon-W-Fr can be English for 1 1/2 hr, Science for 2 hours, History for 1 1/2 hr, Math for 1 1/2 hours, 1 hr gym, two 15 minute breaks, 1 30 minute lunch.


Tu-Th can be electives.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 01:25 PM)
How about a longer school day in high school?


7am to 3:30pm.


Just like a real job.

Ugh. We always started at like 7:30 and that was just too bloody early, even given that I was coming in for practices before school. Your brain just doesn't wake up that easy when you're a kid. Now I have coffee to help with that.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 07:03 PM)
It would be shorter classes, but a longer day.


It's like that in college.

Uhhh, what college did you go to? Classes are an hour long, thats similar to a usual high school class. Plus, college you may have up to 18 hours a week of class (maybe more with labs and such) but your class hours are very different from high school hours.


A 7am start time would ruin high schoolers, you cant compare work to high school, its different people doing different things. In high school, it is recommended to get 9.5 hours of sleep a night to function clearly, so a person would need to go to bed at 8:30 if they were to wake up an hour before school starts (6 am). What high school student can do that? After homework, sports, clubs, activities, your looking at an impossible schedule.


Colleges and parents are expecting to much out of high schoolers when it comes to athletics and volunteering as it is, to expect them to have even less time to do so is just ridiculous.



Edit: in response to your schedule:


No way you have tired ass high school students in math/science/english classes for more than an hour. They would just lose interest and/or fall asleep.

Edited by bigruss22
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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:11 PM)
Uhhh, what college did you go to? Classes are an hour long, thats similar to a usual high school class. Plus, college you may have up to 18 hours a week of class (maybe more with labs and such) but your class hours are very different from high school hours.


I changed my thought.


In high school, there's no time for learning because an hour is barely enough time to cover everything.


Re: tired, go to bed like an adult and you won't be tired.



If there's a longer day, there's a shorter year.


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QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:18 PM)
Don't know where you went to high school or for how long you went but i went from 7:50-2:50...that was long enough.

Mine was 7:45 to 2:20, but if the day is longer, there's less of a chance for kids to get in trouble after school and more of a chance for teachers to actually teach.



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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 05:03 PM)
It would be longer classes, and a longer day.


It's like that in college.



Mon-W-Fr can be English for 1 1/2 hr, Science for 2 hours, History for 1 1/2 hr, Math for 1 1/2 hours, 1 hr gym, two 15 minute breaks, 1 30 minute lunch.


Tu-Th can be electives.

Not true college I go from 9-4 on Monday but I usually get out around 3, and have a 1.5 hour break from 12:30-2, Tuesday/Thurdays I go from 12:35-1:50 and 3:35-4:50, and on Wednesday and Friday I go from 9-11


So basically

Monday- 7 Hours

Tuesday/Thursday- 2.5 hours

Wednesday/Friday-2 hours


I spend way less time in class in college then I did in high school



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:11 PM)
Ugh. We always started at like 7:30 and that was just too bloody early, even given that I was coming in for practices before school. Your brain just doesn't wake up that easy when you're a kid. Now I have coffee to help with that.

You could always just do it for juniors and seniors. A bit of college prep.



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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 05:23 PM)
Mine was 7:45 to 2:20, but if the day is longer, there's less of a chance for kids to get in trouble after school and more of a chance for teachers to actually teach.

Clubs/Activites/Sports keep them out of trouble, and with college admissions now if you plan to go they're are a must as you need them on your application to compete with other applicants.


With those all those after school activities some kids wont finish until 8pm and with dinner, then homework some wont end up sleeping until 1 or 2 in the morning if not later. Making it almost impossibly to get up at 6-7.

Edited by kev211
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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 05:03 PM)
It would be longer classes, and a longer day.


It's like that in college.



Mon-W-Fr can be English for 1 1/2 hr, Science for 2 hours, History for 1 1/2 hr, Math for 1 1/2 hours, 1 hr gym, two 15 minute breaks, 1 30 minute lunch.


Tu-Th can be electives.

The earliest classes in college start at 8am. The longest non-lab class periods are 75 minutes. I had 90 minutes classes in high school with the block schedule, but it would have been impossible to have earlier classes and stay later. I was in sports broadcasting in high school and sometimes the out of school hours would consume an entire day. I would get done at 9 or 10 and go to bed not long after and still be sleep deprived having to wake up at 7am. The problem isn't the amount of hours, or the length of the school year. My high school was one of the highest rated in the state, mostly because the parents had money (but that's a different argument), and I feel confident in the quality of my education there. Compared to what a bunch of the other kids at school with me now had coming into college, I had a huge leg up. Like maggs said, if the teachers are good you will learn more and be prepared for college.


Also, did he think about the kids in poorer economic situations that have to work to get by and the summer is their chance to make more money?

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:27 PM)
Clubs/Activites/Sports keep them out of trouble, and with college admissions now if you plan to go they're are a must as you need them on your application to compete with other applicants.


With those all those after school activities some kids wont finish until 8pm and with dinner, then homework some wont end up sleeping until 1 or 2 in the morning if not later. Making it almost impossibly to get up at 6-7.

There can be exemptions for athletics and music students who do after school activities.


The gym hour can slide to the last hour of the day and can be used as practice time.

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QUOTE (kev211 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:27 PM)
Clubs/Activites/Sports keep them out of trouble, and with college admissions now if you plan to go they're are a must as you need them on your application to compete with other applicants.


With those all those after school activities some kids wont finish until 8pm and with dinner, then homework some wont end up sleeping until 1 or 2 in the morning if not later. Making it almost impossibly to get up at 6-7.

Exactly my point. And its unconsidered unhealthy or bad for college if all you do is study and then go to bed. Plus, for prepping for college and work you need to be able to communicate with others, extracurriculars are a great way to prep for that.


And really, when you get home from work at 5pm or so, what other work do you have to do? Maybe once in a while you have some work to take home, but for the most part youre work is done for the day. When students get home, they are still students. They still have homework and obligations for classes to take care of.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:32 PM)
And really, when you get home from work at 5pm or so, what other work do you have to do? Maybe once in a while you have some work to take home, but for the most part your work is done for the day.


I take it that you don't have a family?




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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:32 PM)
There can be exemptions for athletics and music students who do after school activities.


The gym hour can slide to the last hour of the day and can be used as practice time.

How many sports have practice before school? How many teams only practice for an hour? In your case, even if they are given that hour to practice, then they may get out at say 5pm, then eat till 6 ish, then homework for the rest of the night. They are only given about 3 hours for homework if they are to get an appropriate amount of sleep, and I know that if you are in AP classes, honor classes etc, 3 hours is not very much.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:35 PM)
I take it that you don't have a family?

I take it that I am a student who lived with a family whose parents came back from work, made dinner, ate, and relaxed afterwords while I went to do homework.


Plus this just proves my point more, you want your child to have any family time during the week? Then you need to cancel out extracurriculars or school time, because it just wont fit in otherwise.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:39 PM)
How many sports have practice before school? How many teams only practice for an hour? In your case, even if they are given that hour to practice, then they may get out at say 5pm, then eat till 6 ish, then homework for the rest of the night. They are only given about 3 hours for homework if they are to get an appropriate amount of sleep, and I know that if you are in AP classes, honor classes etc, 3 hours is not very much.

Last I checked, sports was an elective. It's not part of the curriculum.


If they practice from 2:45 to 5:00, eat for 30 minutes, homework from 5:30-9, there's still 2 hours before 11pm and 7 hours of sleep witha 6am wake up.


Sports are their choice.


On elective days, they can practice at 1:00 if they want.


Tuesday and Thurs would be Art, Music, Shop, Athletics, Computers, Business, Drama, etc.



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High school students who want to go to a good college are expected to:


-take AP classes

-be in some type of leadership position

-be in some type of volunteer group

-be in some type of sport

-get excellent grades

-get plenty of sleep so they can stay attentive in class

-spend time preparing for college (essays, etc)

-write essays for scholarships

-if you dont have money, work a job

-Then theres the whole family time issue (many people have siblings to watch after, family members get sick, etc)


Its jsut not sane to ask for already loaded down students to perform at such a high level at so many levels while adding more time to the school day and having the same expectations. Many collegebound students are already at the brink of breaking because their schedules are so packed.


Im sorry, but unless you have gone through the pressures of today's high school experience, then you wont understand it. Too many people forget how it was for them, or dont understand the new pressures of students in today's world and only know their situation.

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QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 06:45 PM)
Last I checked, sports was an elective. It's not part of the curriculum.


If they practice from 2:45 to 5:00, eat for 30 minutes, homework from 5:30-9, there's still 2 hours before 11pm and 7 hours of sleep witha 6am wake up.


Sports are their choice.


On elective days, they can practice at 1:00 if they want.


Tuesday and Thurs would be Art, Music, Shop, Athletics, Computers, Business, Drama, etc.

7 hours was a treat for me when my school went from 740-230. And ask alot of kids why they play sports, how who pushed them to start sports and you'll see that it isnt an elective for a lot of kids. Yes, its a game that many kids love to do, but a lot of kids are expected to play some type of sport during high school.


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