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RotoWorld Suggests White Sox should sign Jim Edmonds


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We don't need another 38 year old on this team.


I thought we wanted to get younger?



Thank you!! I mean seriously it's f***ing stupid. I love Griffey but he was in a declining stage and I would still take him over Edmonds anyday. I just read this thread and thought originally that people were agreeing to let him play full time, but I see it's just for righties and it makes it tolerable but I'm still against it. Edmonds is comming to the superior AL, in pitching, hitting, etc.. just like Griffey did, late in his career and as someone pointed out, will be a DL stint waiting to happen. I guarandamntee he will not come close to his numbers, even just against righties this season. Just give the damn job to BA and get it over with. The sox have already screwed up his development enough for trotting Erstad's ass out there. Unless Edmonds is signing for the minimum then... perhaps but even that is iffy for a guy who is probably going to decline across the board, not to mention defensively (though he is still better than Owens) ONLY for the league minimum.


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QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 05:45 PM)
Yeah, that kind of "giving up on a player" got Carlos Quentin shipped to Chicago a year ago


The Carlos Quentin situation is no way comparable to the failed Brian Anderson experiment.


At the time the Diamondbacks traded away Quentin to the White Sox, they had a crowded outfield. Kenny was savvy enough to snatch one of their surplus outfield pieces, and it just happened to be the one the Sox organization projected to have the best potential: Quentin.


If anything, I compare the way the Diamondbacks gave up Quentin to how we traded Chris Young to the Diamondbacks.


As for Brian Anderson, he's more comparable to Felix Pie, and it's sad how no one realizes it. Brian Anderson would probably benefit from a change of scenery by being traded to another team.


Comparing Anderson to Quentin is apples and oranges.

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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 07:51 PM)
Thank you!! I mean seriously it's f***ing stupid. I love Griffey but he was in a declining stage and I would still take him over Edmonds anyday. I just read this thread and thought originally that people were agreeing to let him play full time, but I see it's just for righties and it makes it tolerable but I'm still against it. Edmonds is comming to the superior AL, in pitching, hitting, etc.. just like Griffey did, late in his career and as someone pointed out, will be a DL stint waiting to happen. I guarandamntee he will not come close to his numbers, even just against righties this season. Just give the damn job to BA and get it over with. The sox have already screwed up his development enough for trotting Erstad's ass out there. Unless Edmonds is signing for the minimum then... perhaps but even that is iffy for a guy who is probably going to decline across the board, not to mention defensively (though he is still better than Owens) ONLY for the league minimum.

Wise is going to log some serious ABs in CF whether we like it or not, Brian isn't going to be given the full time starting gig. If you had to choose between the 31 year old Dewayne Wise who put up a low .800 OPS against righties over the last four seasons in AAA or the 38 year old Edmonds who put up a near 1.000 OPS against them with the Cubs last year who do you go with? Edmonds doesn't even have to match those gaudy numbers from last year, an .830+ OPS would do just fine. The idea is to find a platoon partner for Brian who is better than Dewayne Wise and Jim Edmonds should be substantially out produce him next season.

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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 07:51 PM)
The Carlos Quentin situation is no way comparable to the failed Brian Anderson experiment.


At the time the Diamondbacks traded away Quentin to the White Sox, they had a crowded outfield. Kenny was savvy enough to snatch one of their surplus outfield pieces, and it just happened to be the one the Sox organization projected to have the best potential: Quentin.


If anything, I compare the way the Diamondbacks gave up Quentin to how we traded Chris Young to the Diamondbacks.


As for Brian Anderson, he's more comparable to Felix Pie, and it's sad how no one realizes it. Brian Anderson would probably benefit from a change of scenery by being traded to another team.


Comparing Anderson to Quentin is apples and oranges.


And my point is that you undervalue Brian Anderson. Sorry you are so down on him, but I think he has a chance to be something respectable in this league, and on this team.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 06:54 PM)
And he was right.

Really? Young's put up decent power numbers but he strikes out a ton and hasn't hit for average, so his OPS has hung around .760. If you project Anderson over the same 625 at bats Chris Young got last year, Anderson puts up 28 home runs, Young hit 32. Young hasn't put together the whole package and is hanging around at "Brian Anderson" levels of effectiveness.

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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 08:49 PM)
Hurt, no. Undervalued, yes, woefully undervalued.


Woefully undervalued? That may be overstating it a bit. Javy Vazquez was a solid #2 starter when acquired. You don't get starting pitching w/o giving up something of value. By the way, Nick Swisher (.332) reached base at a higher rate than Chris Young (.315) last season - and what did we think of Swish's performance?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 08:11 PM)
Really? Young's put up decent power numbers but he strikes out a ton and hasn't hit for average, so his OPS has hung around .760. If you project Anderson over the same 625 at bats Chris Young got last year, Anderson puts up 28 home runs, Young hit 32. Young hasn't put together the whole package and is hanging around at "Brian Anderson" levels of effectiveness.


His power numbers are more than decent for a CF. He also provides plus speed and defense. Projecting what Brian Anderson could do over the same amount of at-bats is irrelevant. Chris, who has his obvious flaws, is two years younger than Brian and has shown considerably more. Brian is just flawed and has shown us nothing outside of being able to play a quality CF.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 10:24 PM)
His power numbers are more than decent for a CF. He also provides plus speed and defense. Projecting what Brian Anderson could do over the same amount of at-bats is irrelevant. Chris, who has his obvious flaws, is two years younger than Brian and has shown considerably more. Brian is just flawed and has shown us nothing outside of being able to play a quality CF.

Still, wake me up when Young actually does something statistically significant at the plate besides hit a few homers.

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I have seen some absolutely ridiculous statements made in this thread.


--I don't understand how age is an issue when it's on a one year deal. The only fear I have is that Edmonds would put up mediocre numbers, ala Griffey. Turns out Griff actually had a banged up knee, and he was still decent enough to atleast be a legitimate presence in the lineup. Edmonds is, for all intents and purposes, healthy enough to be a platoon partner. Even if he is mediocre at the plate, Edmonds can actually play a legitimate CF still. Griffey has mediocre range in RF, and he was the CF from like August 15th on. And if Bobby Abreu got $5 mill after the numbers he put up, Edmonds will probably get $2-4 mill, which means that if he completely bombs, the team can either trade him or DFA him and it wouldn't be a monstrous loss.

--To rather have Dewayne Wise as the 4th outfielder over Brian Anderson is straight up silly. Edmonds is left-handed, which is left-handed pop in the starting lineup, and Wilson Betemit is left-handed, which is left-handed pop off the bench. Stewart or Corky will be the backup catcher, and then you'd have Anderson or Wise. Unless the Sox planned on ruining defensive development for Viciedo, I honestly cannot see anyone who is right-handed that can hit for any sort of power on the bench (assuming you have someone like Lillibridge on the bench as a super-utility player, which I see as the most likely scenario, unless I am completely forgetting about someone, which is likely) other than Anderson. On top of that, Anderson's value comes from the fact that he can be a late inning defensive replacement, whereas Wise doesn't have anything close to that.

--Finally, comparing Brian Anderson to Felix Pie might actually be a legitimate comparison, because neither player has ever been given a full shot at hitting in a lineup, outside of Anderson in 2006 when he quite clearly was not ready to take on the role. As is, all the Cubs have to show for Pie AND Cedeno is Aaron f***ing Heilman. I'm not exactly s***ting my pants in fear. Brian Anderson actually showed last year that he could be a legitimate player in the majors, and if given a full year of starting, I really think Anderson could run with the job. Even if Edmonds were brought in, I'd be perfectly content with Anderson as a pinch hitter/late inning replacement/starter against lefties.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 08:33 PM)
Still, wake me up when Young actually does something statistically significant at the plate besides hit a few homers.


As I said before, Young is flawed. But if it takes you more than a tenth of a second to determine who you'd rather have between he and Anderson at this point, well, I don't know what to say.


And let it be known that I'm not at all claiming Brian is a bum and will never amount to anything. I was one of his biggest supporters during his really bad rookie season. But I soured on Brian big time after his crappy performance at AAA in 2007. It's time to stop blaming Ozzie, Kenny or whoever and hold Brian 100% accountable.

Edited by Jordan4life
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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 11:05 PM)
As I said before, Young is flawed. But if it takes you more than a tenth of a second to determine who you'd rather have between he and Anderson at this point, well, I don't know what to say.

I just don't see what everyone else sees in Young, ever since he passed the requisite number of MLB ABs to see what kind of player he is. Like I said, come wake me up if he ever actually lives up to that hype.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 11:20 PM)
So players are peaking at 25 now?

No, when did I say that? But 1401 is a lot of plate appearances don't you think? He doesn't look like anything more than a decent MLB player yet, but hearing Sox fans piss and moan about how KW f***ed up by "giving him away" or whatever you'd think he was a guaranteed perennial all-star. It gets old. I've learned to tune it out, but every 200th post or so about him I have to chime in.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 10:20 PM)
So players are peaking at 25 now?

Hes saying that so far Young hasnt lived up to the hype, and to tell him when he does, but so far he hasnt. I think thats pretty simple.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 09:28 PM)
Hes saying that so far Young hasnt lived up to the hype, and to tell him when he does, but so far he hasnt. I think thats pretty simple.



QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 09:29 PM)
Exactly what I was saying, thank you.


And what I'm saying is that we've had one of the worst CF situations in all of baseball the last 3 years. And our only options currently are Jerry Owens, Dewayne Wise and Brian Anderson. So that right there, regardless of the fact that Jerry Owens hasn't lived up to the "hype", is why the trade can be deemed a bad one.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 10:36 PM)
And what I'm saying is that we've had one of the worst CF situations in all of baseball the last 3 years. And our only options currently are Jerry Owens, Dewayne Wise and Brian Anderson. So that right there, regardless of the fact that Jerry Owens hasn't lived up to the "hype", is why the trade can be deemed a bad one.

But thats not what HE is saying. He is saying that YOUNG hasnt lived up to his potential yet, and has been over hyped thus far.


YOURE saying that the Sox would be better off with him.


Both sides are probably true, but youre not arguing what he is trying to say.

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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 10:36 PM)
And what I'm saying is that we've had one of the worst CF situations in all of baseball the last 3 years. And our only options currently are Jerry Owens, Dewayne Wise and Brian Anderson. So that right there, regardless of the fact that Jerry Owens hasn't lived up to the "hype", is why the trade can be deemed a bad one.

I have to disagree. The Javy deal was one of the main reasons the Sox were favorites for the Series in '06. That didn't work out, but the trade was a no-brainer at the time. A proven veteran 200+ IP per season #3 pitcher in his prime for a toolsy but undisciplined young AA CF, coming off a WS Championship season? Yeah, I'd do that 10 times out of 10. Besides, the package we got back from Javy is easily worth Chris Young trade value-wise IMO. So it's not like we got hosed talent-wise like the first Swisher deal.


As far as our CF situation, that is our GM's fault, our manager's fault, our scouting department's fault, and our player development department's fault. Anderson, by the admission of the GM, manager, and hitting coach, was NOT ready to hit MLB pitching in '06. The Sox FO knew that and went with it anyway. Then in '07 after Anderson rightfully won the CF job they went with Erstad. Had the situation been handled better the Sox might have a much better grasp on Anderson's ability. BA's injuries also didn't help, but the Sox mismanagement of him hurt them more than anything.


And furthermore, look at all the talent the Sox traded to "fill" CF since that point: Ryan Sweeney, Gio Gonzalez, Fautino De Los Santos, Nick Masset, Danny Richar (who the Sox dealt Cunningham for). Those five guys together could have easily netted a better CF option than Nick Swisher and a half season of an injured Junior. These two trades have a lot more to do with the Sox current CF situation than the Javy deal does.


If you look at where we are though, we should consider ourselves blessed with our CF situation. Luckily Rowand wanted 5 years guaranteed. Luckily Fukudome wanted to go to the Cubs. Luckily the Sox wouldn't negotiate with Borass regarding Andruw Jones. Luckily the Angels offered a s***load of money to Torii Hunter. And finally, we're lucky Jordan Danks fell to the 7th round of the draft and the Sox picked him up.


Realistically, the CF situation is not that hard to fix considering the amount of money that will be coming off the books over the next two years in addition to the added depth of our farm. The lead-off situation is different, and hopefully D2 will solve that by sometime in 2011. Until then, Anderson's defense is a plus; his offense is a minus but with the potential to improve to at least average or near it.


I said this in 2006 and I'll say it again: if we're looking at a 2nd place finish or lower, there are going to be a LOT more pressing issues on this team than Brian Anderson's bat at the bottom of the lineup.

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QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Mar 16, 2009 -> 10:05 PM)
But thats not what HE is saying. He is saying that YOUNG hasnt lived up to his potential yet, and has been over hyped thus far.


YOURE saying that the Sox would be better off with him.


Both sides are probably true, but youre not arguing what he is trying to say.


I get what he's saying. And what I'm saying is that I don't have to wait to see if Young becomes Grady Sizemore the sequel to determine if the trade was a bad one. It turned bad the minute Kenny and co determined that Brian Anderson was ready to take over in 2006. Which obviously wasn't anywhere near the case.

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