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When I was driving out to Idaho to live there I stayed in a hotel one night and experienced the "flying dream".


I was in my dads neighborhood and I just started flying. I felt the "scared of true heights with nothing stopping me if I fall" feeling, but I was able to control it and fly around a little bit.


That was probably the most metaphorical dream I've ever had.

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I've had an out-of-control car dream sort of like that, where I'm either driving in a car without brakes, or else i'm haveing to drive a car with a remote control and it gets too far away for me to b able to judge the turns and such. I'm always just about to get into an awful crash and I'm very agitated but the dream ends before I actually crash.


I guess that's supposed to be a manifestation of me feeling like events in my life are out of control or something, but that's been a recurring one almost as much as the final exam for the class you forgot you signed up for dream for me.



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QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 02:14 PM)
Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?


Why am I the only one that has that dream?


and Kent...stop playing with yourself.



Real Genius :headbang



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I have had hundreds of dreams where I get into an altercation and when I punch or attempt to punch, I have absolutely no force behind it. As if the forces of nature are holding me back from punching. They are all just super slow and inflict no pain. It pisses me off all the damn time. And I can never run. Ever.


However, I have somehow been able to control dreams. And in about 2 instances that I can remember, I have been woken up during a dream and was able to continue it upon falling back asleep.

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QUOTE (Sonik22 @ Mar 22, 2009 -> 12:56 PM)
I've had some very screwed up dreams.


This year I had a dream that i was a WR for the Patriots and in practice i could always catch the ball from Tom Brady perfectly. But in games it seemed like I could never get it done. After I dropped this pass in the game I came over to the sidelines and Bellichick was yelling at me saying "why can you catch in practice but not in the game!". I just responded with an "I don't know coach". Then in the middle of the football field there was a tree all of a sudden. In the tree there was a cougar, and the cougar started chasing me, and when it caught me i woke up.


Also this year, I had a dream that me and 3 of my friends were running around a city wearing a bunch of military gear and we all had guns. It was like the whole country was in anarchy and we were part of some fighting force. So my friend Tom and I split from the other two and we went to the top of one of the buidings so we could like "zip-line" into an adjacent building, which was a hotel. So we zip lined onto the balcony and im the first through the glass door. There was a family of 4, the parents on the bed and the two young kids on the floor sleeping. So I whipped out a pistol and shot the two parents, then turned and killed the two kids. My friend Tom turned to me and yelled "why the f*** did you do that!?". Then i woke up. I don't know how in any way you can interpret that dream but i was so confused when i woke up.

That made me laugh hysterically for some reason. Oh man, THAT is awesome.

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Speaking of sports dreams and those that you can control, just recently I had a dream that I was in the lineup for Team USA in the WBC. We were playing against Japan, and I was hitting cleanup in front of Ryan Howard and a guy from high school (don't know the correlation). The coach announced the lineup, and Howard went up to bat even though it was my turn. I finally told him to get his ass back to the dugout because I was up, even though everyone knew I was pretty bad, and I stepped up to the plate. I have no idea who the pitcher was, but I had no chance against him, and I was late on everything...until I realized that I could control the dream. So I cheated and said that I was still up, and after about 8 pitches, I finally made contact with the ball. The next pitch I turned on and hit out of the park to LF, just barely wrapping around the foul pole. Don't know how I went from not being able to catch up to damn near pulling one foul, but it was awesome.


Then I woke up.


I've actually been having a lot of dreams recently, which is neat. I've had sex dreams where I'm with my girlfriend, then some random girl, then an actress, then back to my girlfriend, and then on to a different random girl and so on and so forth, and I never leave the room or change the scene or wake up or anything.

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I've actually been having a lot of dreams recently, which is neat. I've had sex dreams where I'm with my girlfriend, then some random girl, then an actress, then back to my girlfriend, and then on to a different random girl and so on and so forth, and I never leave the room or change the scene or wake up or anything.


Ya.. morning wood is awesome. :)

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I've had a lot of weird dreams throughout my life, and some of the weirdest ones I remember are:


When I was about 5 years old (in 1990), I had a dream that to this day I'm convinced was a vision of a past life. In this dream I was in the Vietnam war and I was just getting out of one of those double-propeller helicopters in a small clearing in the jungle. This is the only dream I ever had where I first saw myself in the 3rd person and my "essence" slowly floated to and entered my 3rd-person self (a LOT like in that movie, "Fallen") and from that point on I was inside my past self in the dream. Well, me and 2 other guys started walking into the jungle and later we came upon a small foxhole-type of shack type of thing, and 2 asian-looking guys heard us and came out shooting some rifles at us and running at us. I was the last one to be killed as I was trying to run away, I ran through another clearing and to the jungle on the other side while being shot at the whole time, then I ended up falling against a tree trying to cover myself with my back against the tree from the bullets but I didn't know where they were coming from, then all the sudden I got shot all along my right side. I was still on the ground with my back against the tree, but I slumped to my left side to the ground and died and my "essense" floated out of my body and I saw my dead body on the ground (MUCH like how Goodman's character died in "Fallen"). I thought it was really weird how I had the dream in 1990, and a movie came out in 1997 depicting the essence entering and leaving the body the same way I saw in my dream.


In another dream I had when I was 6 years old in 1991, I dreamed that my mom and grandparents took me to show me the house my mom grew up in. This house was in the Garfield Ridge neighborhood in Chicago and I remember getting out of the car and looking at my mom's house across the street. It was a nice sunny day and it was daytime, but all the windows of the house was pitch black, and I saw these eyes in the upstairs window to the right looking out at me. It was just creepy eyes with blackness all around it and it kept staring at me. What really creeped me out years later was when I watched "the Grudge" and a very similar pair of eyes was shown on some hospital security tv in the movie. It sent chills up and down my spine. Anyway, that dream stayed with me for years and one day I ended up telling mymom about it, and she asked me which window I saw the eyes in, and when i told her, she froze for a few seconds and told me that it was her dead brother's bedroom window. Turned out that she had a lot of paranormal activity happen in that house while she was growing up after her brother died.


Another dream I had was during high school, I dreamed I was having sex with this hot girl, but instead of cumming in her, I peed in her. She was so mad and grossed out that she jut got up and left.


In another dream I had when I was in high school, I dreamed that I was back in middle school, and my middle school gym teacher was trying to discipline me so he cut my right arm off right in the middle of the gym, and I had a small stump left where my arm was supposed to me.


I also had this recurring dream that kept recurring for about a week about a year ago. I dreamt that I was in some sort of massive dilapilated warehouse complex with decaying red bricks and black wrought-iron fire escapes. I was in a sense of panic because there were bad people chasing me with guns and I kept trying to run all over the place to keep them from finding me, but I couldn't run away because I had to save someone else that was trapped somewhere inside the complex. So I kept running out through fire escapes and finding a way to sneak in and no matter what I did I couldn't find the person I was trying to save and I kept getting lost because the place was so big and people were trying to find me. This dream kept recurring where I found myself on the same black wrought-iron fire escape and it didn't stop until I reached a certain room, but I don't remember anything else.

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QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 06:57 PM)
I've had a lot of weird dreams throughout my life, and some of the weirdest ones I remember are:


When I was about 5 years old (in 1990), I had a dream that to this day I'm convinced was a vision of a past life. In this dream I was in the Vietnam war and I was just getting out of one of those double-propeller helicopters in a small clearing in the jungle. This is the only dream I ever had where I first saw myself in the 3rd person and my "essence" slowly floated to and entered my 3rd-person self (a LOT like in that movie, "Fallen") and from that point on I was inside my past self in the dream. Well, me and 2 other guys started walking into the jungle and later we came upon a small foxhole-type of shack type of thing, and 2 asian-looking guys heard us and came out shooting some rifles at us and running at us. I was the last one to be killed as I was trying to run away, I ran through another clearing and to the jungle on the other side while being shot at the whole time, then I ended up falling against a tree trying to cover myself with my back against the tree from the bullets but I didn't know where they were coming from, then all the sudden I got shot all along my right side. I was still on the ground with my back against the tree, but I slumped to my left side to the ground and died and my "essense" floated out of my body and I saw my dead body on the ground (MUCH like how Goodman's character died in "Fallen"). I thought it was really weird how I had the dream in 1990, and a movie came out in 1997 depicting the essence entering and leaving the body the same way I saw in my dream.

In another dream I had when I was 6 years old in 1991, I dreamed that my mom and grandparents took me to show me the house my mom grew up in. This house was in the Garfield Ridge neighborhood in Chicago and I remember getting out of the car and looking at my mom's house across the street. It was a nice sunny day and it was daytime, but all the windows of the house was pitch black, and I saw these eyes in the upstairs window to the right looking out at me. It was just creepy eyes with blackness all around it and it kept staring at me. What really creeped me out years later was when I watched "the Grudge" and a very similar pair of eyes was shown on some hospital security tv in the movie. It sent chills up and down my spine. Anyway, that dream stayed with me for years and one day I ended up telling mymom about it, and she asked me which window I saw the eyes in, and when i told her, she froze for a few seconds and told me that it was her dead brother's bedroom window. Turned out that she had a lot of paranormal activity happen in that house while she was growing up after her brother died.


Another dream I had was during high school, I dreamed I was having sex with this hot girl, but instead of cumming in her, I peed in her. She was so mad and grossed out that she jut got up and left.


In another dream I had when I was in high school, I dreamed that I was back in middle school, and my middle school gym teacher was trying to discipline me so he cut my right arm off right in the middle of the gym, and I had a small stump left where my arm was supposed to me.


I also had this recurring dream that kept recurring for about a week about a year ago. I dreamt that I was in some sort of massive dilapilated warehouse complex with decaying red bricks and black wrought-iron fire escapes. I was in a sense of panic because there were bad people chasing me with guns and I kept trying to run all over the place to keep them from finding me, but I couldn't run away because I had to save someone else that was trapped somewhere inside the complex. So I kept running out through fire escapes and finding a way to sneak in and no matter what I did I couldn't find the person I was trying to save and I kept getting lost because the place was so big and people were trying to find me. This dream kept recurring where I found myself on the same black wrought-iron fire escape and it didn't stop until I reached a certain room, but I don't remember anything else.

Reading that gave me intense chills.

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Since were talking about sleeping... sort of...


For the past couple of weeks I find myself waking up in the middle of the night. I go back to sleep because I'm still sleepy, but I'm still well aware of everything. I can hear people talking if its early in the morning or dogs barking, etc. I'll be laying there half asleep half awake for an hour or less until I finally go to sleep. It happens multiple times a night too.


The worse part about it is I'm a pretty busy person. My typical weekdays consist of school, work, lots of homework, and exercising in the gym 2-3 times a week. I also don't drink a lot of caffeine. I drink a lot of water or a non caffeinated pop a day.

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I had a dream about 15 years ago where I was in a room living somewhere. It was supposed to be my room, but it didn't look like my room. Eight years ago, we moved to a new house, the room that I moved my stuff into was the

room in my dream 7 years before.


I have dreams like this all the time where I am somewhere that I don't recognize, then years later, I'm actually there.


My brain somehow sees into the future when I dream.


I wish that I'd get lottery numbers or something...

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QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 09:57 PM)
I had a dream about 15 years ago where I was in a room living somewhere. It was supposed to be my room, but it didn't look like my room. Eight years ago, we moved to a new house, the room that I moved my stuff into was the

room in my dream 7 years before.


I've had this happen before. The dreams usually came when I was sleeping in an unfamiliar place like a hotel or Natalie Portman's bed.

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Reminds me of a quote from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia:


Sweet Dee:"I had the craziest dream last night that I was in Cleveland Ohio, which is really weird cuz I've never been to Ohio, and this guy was wearing a bunny suit, and he was coming out of a...."


Dennis:"You know what Dee...I don't want to hear about your dreams...ok...I hate listening to people's dreams. It is like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I'm not in any of them and nobody is having sex, I just don't care."

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QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 09:57 PM)
I had a dream about 15 years ago where I was in a room living somewhere. It was supposed to be my room, but it didn't look like my room. Eight years ago, we moved to a new house, the room that I moved my stuff into was the

room in my dream 7 years before.


I have dreams like this all the time where I am somewhere that I don't recognize, then years later, I'm actually there.


My brain somehow sees into the future when I dream.


I wish that I'd get lottery numbers or something...


omg! That reminds me! When I was a young kid in elementary school, and I found out who my teacher for the 3rd grade and my classmates were going to be, I read the list of classmates' names nd noticed a name of a new kid that I never saw before. Later that night, I had a dream of meeting the new kid, and in the dream he looked EXACTLY like how he ended up looking in real life. It was weird.


Also, another dream I had that I just remembered had me in a courtroom, and I was sitting before the judge during a sentencing hearing and when I heard that I was being sentenced to prison for 30 years, I very loudly whined "THIRTY YEEEEEAAARS???????" in a moment of extreme despair in the courtroom at the judge. To this day, I'm still terrified that the "30 years" dream might end up becoming prophetic.

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I had an original XBox stop working on me. So I'd had it put away for about a week. I had a dream that I got up out of bed, hooked it up, and it worked. Lo and behold, I got up out of bed, pulled the XBox out, hooked it up, and it worked.



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