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Lance Armstrong Injured

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3 or so months til the Tour De France, not the best timing;


Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong was hospitalized with a possible injury to his collarbone after a crash during a race in Spain, the Associated Press and The New York Times reports.


Armstrong was among a dozen riders who collided and tumbled from their bikes during the first stage of the five-day race.


He is attempting a comeback in the Tour de France after a break from the sport of more than three years. The Tour de France begins in July.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 02:38 PM)
good, i hope the cheating bastard's done and the media can finally stop kissing his ass 24-7


In the words of the late great George Carlin, "F*** LANCE ARMSTRONG!"

Lance Armstrong steal your girlfriend?

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QUOTE (ptatc @ Mar 29, 2009 -> 11:31 AM)
We are!! It's been 25 years since I've done it. I'm sure they've missed me.

I did it in 2003 and 2007, hope to go again some year. Its a blast.


And we did actually see Lance in 2007, as he rode through town past us (we were standing there eating). He rounded the corner to the open road, and took off in a hurry. A couple riders were clearly trying to keep up with him, not sure if they were his wingmen or just dudes wanted to say they rode with Lance. They were having a hard time keeping up, as I recall.


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