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I love you Bobby Jenks


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Born: March 14, 1981, in Mission Hills, Calif.



Status: Married


Alma mater: Inglemoor High ( Kenmore, Wash.)


What's on TV: Family Guy, Scrubs, How It's Made, really whatever is on


What's in my iPod: Anything '80s rock


What I drive: Gray '09 Dodge Ram


Favorite flick: Dances with Wolves


What I'm reading: Read? I don't even read the newspaper.


Superstitions: Too many to list


Worst habit: Biting my nails


On my office walls: Pics that my kid drew for me


First job: Playing baseball. I was 19 and just got drafted and sent to the armpit of Montana -- Butte. I was paid about $850 a month.


Talent I'd most like to have: Play the piano


Favorite athlete to watch in another sport: Tiger Woods


Favorite city to visit: Seattle


Favorite team as a kid: Atlanta Braves


Favorite value in others: Kindness


Favorite physical attribute about myself: I have a nice butt.


Dream date: My wife -- just because she'll read this


My greatest love: The game of baseball


My hero: Roger Clemens


My bucket list: To see the 7 wonders



LOL, he thinks he has a nice butt

Edited by kyyle23
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I only have Macchu Piccu in Peru, the Great Wall and I will count Angkor Wat in Cambodia, although some lists don't include it.


4-5 more to go for that particular Bucket List. Most lists have the Colosseum in Rome, Petra in Jordan, the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, Christ the Redeemer in Rio (that one to me doesn't fit as well...)

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I love the roger clemens comment no matter what the meaning is behind it. whether it was a joke or if it was true cuz clemens has been ragged on lately a little too much in my opinion (not to get off topic). You the man Jenks.

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