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Steff, please.  do you understnad the true meaning of the word damn?  The ONLY swear word i have a problem with is damn and thats only when its asking to damn something or someone.  THEN and only then its using gods name in vein, cuz well, he is the only one who can truly damn something or someone.  You can say damn 1000 times as long as youre not asking something or someone to be damned............

Yes Bmr.. I do. For Pete's sake stop and look at what you're doing. You're about to toss a very big stone at your house. You are NO better then ANYONE else here who has lost their temper and been "mean" Whether you use the word "damn" or not. It's no better then a "f*** you" imo. They are ALL WRONG. But guess what.. the beauty of whatever religion you believe in allows for mistakes and to ask for forgiveness. So how about you hop off that soap box.. stfu :rolleyes: , and get back to what were all here for.

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I also have tatoos and ear rings beyond the fact that I say s*** and damn.  If that is a problem for you, the problem is yours, not mine.  The people to whom I minsiter and the people to whom I am responsible have no problems with that - and do the same themselves - except for the earrings. 

For the record.. it's clu that has the tattoo and earing issue.


As you were. :ph34r:

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Defensiveness isn't in my house.


I hope your clergy in your personal life meet your expectations.


When I am here, I am not here as a pastor with you as a congregant.  When I am here, I am with friends.  And I talk as I do with my friends.


You are not a member of my congregation.  I do not have to live up to your plaster saint expectations of your clergy in your real life when I am posting with my friends in a baseball forum.


Judging is your province, as we have seen in this thread.


I also have tatoos and ear rings beyond the fact that I say s*** and damn.  If that is a problem for you, the problem is yours, not mine.  The people to whom I minsiter and the people to whom I am responsible have no problems with that - and do the same themselves - except for the earrings. 


Some people dislike clergy who act all pious all the time and I am one of them.  I am f***ing tired of people who wish to live lives their way while making others conform to their expectations.  It's your thing, do what you want to do.  Just don't expect me to do your thing.  I do my thing - and I do God's thing - in my life, not yours.


And I am not a nice person, I am an asshole.


I am out of this conversation at this point.  We are way off topic.  We need to get back to baseball here or I'll have to be a good mod and move this to off topic.

LOl yeah and self proclaimed assholes make such good role models? Dude youre in the wrong field. Im quite sure God wants leaders of christians to think of it as more than a job, dont you? :rolleyes:

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Yes Bmr.. I do. For Pete's sake stop and look at what you're doing. You're about to toss a very big stone at your house. You are NO better then ANYONE else here who has lost their temper and been "mean" Whether you use the word "damn" or not. It's no better then a "f*** you" imo. They are ALL WRONG. But guess what.. the beauty of whatever religion you believe in allows for mistakes and to ask for forgiveness. So how about you hop off that soap box.. stfu  :rolleyes: , and get back to what were all here for.

NEver said i was better than anyone. That may be why i dont proclaim to be a great christain(yet) or role model.

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NEver said i was better than anyone.  That may be why i dont proclaim to be a great christain(yet) or role model.

Nope.. you're not procaliming anything. But you're implying that cw live to a higher standard just because he's a minister..? Why not YOU live to a higher standard..? Why not ALL of us? Hypocrite?


edited to add - If that was not what you were expressing I apologize. But that's what it sounds like to me.

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Nope.. you're not procaliming anything. But you're implying that cw live to a higher standard just because he's a minister..? Why not YOU live to a higher standard..? Why not ALL of us? Hypocrite?

I do live a higher standard. Just not to the level of my liking. THere is a huge difference when youre leading people and im quite sure you understand, as im sure youve been a leader at some point in your life. Do you have children? If not, and you did, wouldnt you want to set a proper example? When you lead christians, ever when youre NOT working, you should still be a role model.

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CWSOX, im done. I still respect you as a person and your views. I hope you still respect mine. THis "topic" has been bugging me for months, and i finally addressed it. I dont think youre a bad person, and i hope i didnt insult you. Still, i do not back off my earlier comments. Go sox! :headbang

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I do live a higher standard.  Just not to the level of my liking.  THere is a huge difference when youre leading people and im quite sure you understand, as im sure youve been a leader at some point in your life. Do you have children?  If not, and you did, wouldnt you want to set a proper example? When you lead christians, ever when youre NOT working, you should still be a role model.

expectations of what it is to be a role model differ deeply.


you throw incredible statements and then say you didn't mean to be insulting but you had to judge how I live my life.


I may or may not have opinions on you, but I sure don't post them. If I had questions about you for months, I would ahve emailed or otherwiuse conatcted you in private. You put your continued negativity for individuals out there and then say it is nothing.


I live according to God's requirements. There is one place in Scriptures where it states what God requires - the only time the word "requires" is used.


Lots of places in Scriptures where those who were what you term leaders of the religious community are ripped into for not conforming to the expectations of others. Your insulting bulls*** about "a proper example" - as insulting as anmything you could post. Judge away what type of role model I am, especially as you don't know me. However, I have far more contacts from people because I am me being me as a servant of God so people feel they can talk to me than I ever would if I were to play the role of Barry Fitzgerald in Going My Way.


It takes a lot to rip into someone's else living of their vocation in public, especially when you have, by your words in another post, thought about this for months and never contacted me privately but waited to attack in public.


My grandson - who is 8 - knows better than to go public when there is a private route available - so consider yourself commented on by Matthew 18.15 - by the standard Jesus set there, you can consider blasting publicvly when you have had months to inquire privately.

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expectations of what it is to be a role model differ deeply.


you throw incredible statements and then say you didn't mean to be insulting but you had to judge how I live my life.


I may or may not have opinions on you, but I sure don't post them.  If I had questions about you for months, I would ahve emailed or otherwiuse conatcted you in private.  You put your continued negativity for individuals out there and then say it is nothing.


I live according to God's requirements.  There is one place in Scriptures where it states what God requires - the only time the word "requires" is used.


Lots of places in Scriptures where those who were what you term leaders of the religious community  are ripped into for not conforming to the expectations of others.  Your insulting bulls*** about "a proper example" - as insulting as anmything you could post.   Judge away what type of role model I am, especially as you don't know me.  However, I have far more contacts from people because I am me being me as a servant of God so people feel they can talk to me than I ever would if I were to play the role of Barry Fitzgerald in Going My Way. 


It takes a lot to rip into someone's else living of their vocation in public, especially when you have, by your words in another post, thought about this for months and never contacted me privately but waited to attack in public. 


My grandson - who is 8 - knows better than to go public when there is a private route available - so consider yourself commented on by Matthew 18.15 - by the standard Jesus set there, you can consider blasting publicvly when you have had months to inquire privately.

Lol make all the excuses you wish, if it makes ya feel better. :rolleyes: I dont feel one ounce of guilt about what ive posted, because im not a hypocrite. You are "offended" well, probably because you know im right. ;)

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Clujer, I hope your desires work out to be present foer the birth of any children you may be the father.  Intentions are great.  However, don't be so judgmental on others.  There may be many circumstances which mean you won't be there.

I don't think I was being very judgemental (this time). But, anyway, the only circumstance that will keep me from being there would be the lack of a pulse. Anything short of that isn't strong enough of a force to keep me from witnessing what will probably be the best moment in my life.

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I also have tatoos and ear rings beyond the fact that I say s*** and damn.  If that is a problem for you, the problem is yours, not mine.  The people to whom I minsiter and the people to whom I am responsible have no problems with that - and do the same themselves - except for the earrings. 

For the record.. it's clu that has the tattoo and earing issue.


As you were. :ph34r:

Yes, that is correct.


Thank you for setting the record straight, Steff. :D

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Lol make all the excuses you wish, if it makes ya feel better. :rolleyes:  I dont feel one ounce of guilt about what ive posted, because im not a hypocrite.  You are "offended" well, probably because you know im right. ;)

I did not the word "offended" which you falsely attribute to me.


That speaks to the worth of all of what you post.


As well you are clueless of the meaning of the term "vocation."


My living out my vocational life means that I am not free to post what I really think of the s*** you are shoveling.


Post away, Mr. Insult.

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Lol make all the excuses you wish, if it makes ya feel better. :rolleyes:  I dont feel one ounce of guilt about what ive posted, because im not a hypocrite.  You are "offended" well, probably because you know im right. ;)

I did not the word "offended" which you falsely attribute to me.


That speaks to the worth of all of what you post.


As well you are clueless of the meaning of the term "vocation."


My living out my vocational life means that I am not free to post what I really think of the s*** you are shoveling.


Post away, Mr. Insult.

Like ive said, I never intended on insulting you. If thats the way you feel, maybe you need to look inward for the reason why you feel that way. :huh:

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passive aggressive is something you may wish to look up.  :huh:  :o  :huh:


check the cd rom of the current diganostic books and you may be liable to find your picture there for the illustration.  :huh:  :o  :huh:  :nono  :nono

Look up guilt. Youll get it all worked out. I truly believe that.

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LOL, this thread is too funny.  For the record, I shall side with Bmr on this one (shocking, eh?). :D

I knew ya would. Most people do, Im sure. Problem is, too many people in this world are too afraid to stand alone or say something that may not be popular. I have no intentions on insulting the guy.

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I knew ya would.  Most people do, Im sure.  Problem is, too many people in this world are too afraid to stand alone or say something that may not be popular.  I have no intentions on insulting the guy.

Especially on a dorky message board. Anyone who is afraid to speak their mind on a virtually anonymous internet site is a sad individual.

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Especially on a dorky message board.  Anyone who is afraid to speak their mind on a virtually anonymous internet site is a sad individual.

Most of us aren't anonymous here. Touch concept and bit fast paced for you, I know. Someday you'll catch up.

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Most of us aren't anonymous here. Touch concept and bit fast paced for you, I know. Someday you'll catch up.

LOL please. 99 percent of people on message boards never meet the other people. Most of those who do meet, are just in need of friends. its not common.

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LOL please.  99 percent of people on message boards never meet the other people.  Most of those who do meet, are just in need of friends.  its not common.

YA, I dont consider this a social thing



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LOL please.  99 percent of people on message boards never meet the other people.  Most of those who do meet, are just in need of friends.  its not common.

I don't care about other boards. Although.. a lot from WSI and nearly 100% from the AOL boards have met right in mine and Jim's back yard. Here, it is a social thing. I've met 19 posters from here. 11 of them not from a WSI or AOL gathering. And more then 6 of them I talk to on a regular basis. This is definitely not the normal message board.

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