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Emmy Nominations


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Were announced today, Six Feet under got 16! :headbang While this past season was the worst of the 3 by far, it's still better than most shows on TV. Also Curb Your Enthusiasm got a Best Comedy Nod :headbang Though stale ass shows like The West Wing, Sex and the City and Will and Grace still get nominated, the Emmy Voters need to wake up, there are so many better shows on TV than those 3.

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The Shield is a damn good show.

Yeah..... if you suspend reality. I don't care what your feelings on cops are, if you were a dirty cop like Vic Mackey, you'd work all of about 1 shift before good cops, pissed off citizens, and criminals would have your ass riding the station desk cause he'd be such a liability on the streets. There ain't a cop after Rodney King that would get away with 1/4 of what Vic Mackey does. But whatever. I'm sure it plays into all the stereotypes that all races have about cops. That's probably why people that aren't cops love it.

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