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The Bears need to go out and get a better WR coach.


But it was only Cutler's first game, so at least give him some time to build up a better chemistry with the likes of Bennett etc. going forward.


It'll be hard for em in the NFC North this season though.

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QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ Sep 13, 2009 -> 09:53 PM)
lol, we absolutely dominated the bears offense. we ain't s***? tell me that at the end of the season.

You guys didn't do s*** offensively in the 2nd half either,cept for beating a hobbled Vasher,other than that nothing.


Yea,we'll see you at Soldier Field:D

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 13, 2009 -> 11:12 PM)
I've bashed Darryl Drake before, but this isn't on him. These WRs (except Hester) really suck. It's frightening.


Eh, Bennett started slowly but he had a decent game, Cutler just needs to look at Olsen/Hester/Forte more often and Bennet as a 2nd or 3rd option. Knox can be good if he is used properly, he shouldnt be running slants right now, that we can leave to iglesias or davis.

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QUOTE (SoxFan101 @ Sep 14, 2009 -> 12:15 AM)
Eh, Bennett started slowly but he had a decent game, Cutler just needs to look at Olsen/Hester/Forte more often and Bennet as a 2nd or 3rd option. Knox can be good if he is used properly, he shouldnt be running slants right now, that we can leave to iglesias or davis.

Yeah, I'll agree that Bennett really started coming around in the second half.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 14, 2009 -> 02:12 PM)
I've bashed Darryl Drake before, but this isn't on him. These WRs (except Hester) really suck. It's frightening.

Is that because they're not being developed to their full potential though?

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Fook the Packers. They got a gift tonight. Silly fake punt, inexperienced receivers, receivers playing poorly, injured CB, we lose our leader on defense.


Teams that lose the TO battle 4-0 should lose by 20...but the Bears had the game in their hands despite all that.


The better team lost tonight. If the Bears played smarter, they win this game by 10.


And did I say FOOK the Packers yet?

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It's Jay Cutler's responsibility to get those WR's on the same page. One or two times and you can maybe chalk it up to the WR, but he needs to get to work with those guys so this s*** doesn't happen again.


I'm going to forget this game; I think Cutler bought into his own hype a little bit and tried to be a world-beater. This loss falls on him, and I think Cutler deserves one freebie before he gets crucified. But for the sake of my blood pressure please please please let's not watch that happen again.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Sep 14, 2009 -> 12:13 AM)
Oh by the way. Hester is going to the pro-bowl this year as a WR.


He looked awfully good. It's amazing how easily he could be one of the better receivers in the league. Maybe he's finally figured it out now.

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He looked awfully good. It's amazing how easily he could be one of the better receivers in the league. Maybe he's finally figured it out now.

Strangely enough, I think it had almost as much to do physically as it did mentally. He's gotten a lot stronger which grants him better seperation and the ability to PWNZR Charles Woodson to another dimension with a stiff arm.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Sep 14, 2009 -> 01:50 AM)
Strangely enough, I think it had almost as much to do physically as it did mentally. He's gotten a lot stronger which grants him better seperation and the ability to PWNZR Charles Woodson to another dimension with a stiff arm.

I wasn't looking that closely, but from what I saw his route running is 100% better than last year. He looks a step slower but speed doesn't really do anything for you if you can't run routes.

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I wasn't looking that closely, but from what I saw his route running is 100% better than last year. He looks a step slower but speed doesn't really do anything for you if you can't run routes.

That's because he's packed quite a bit more muscle in his upper body. If you want to be a #1 WR in the NFL you need that strength against good CB's and dealing with safeties who just sit back there and headhunt. If that means losing a little speed, so be it. The great thing about Hester is even if he's a step or two slower you're still S.O.L. trying to catch him.


He's always had great instincts but I think there's a lot of room for growth. They need him to get comfortable running some plays over the middle where he can turn it up the middle with ease against the plodders.

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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Sep 13, 2009 -> 11:04 PM)
Ouch indeed so that should explain why he wasn't out there. I heard Tinoisamoa's injury isn't good either.



Ima give Ogunleye credit though. He was a beast today. D. Manning had a nice game also.


I (my source) was right.


The Bears defense took another hit when OLB Pisa Tinoisamoa left in the first half after suffering a torn PCL in his left knee.
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Losing Urlacher is definitely gonna hurt, but their two deepest positions are LB & TE, so I think it could be OK with losing Tinasoma & Dez Clark.


They lost the TO battle 4-0, gave 3 free points on Mannelly's audible, and yet still had the lead with 90 seconds left, so thats a positive from the game. The secondary looked a bit weak, but if they can get the pressure on the QB they did yesterday, I think the defense can be good. Cutler had some bad throws, his receivers didnt know how to finish routes, but he also made some throws that Orton could never dream of making.


It would have been nice to win, especially with two tough games looming the next two weeks, cant afford an 0-3 start

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QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Sep 14, 2009 -> 02:17 AM)
Urlacher dislocated his wrist, surgery Monday, out 3-4 weeks. Per the Tribune.



Brian came into this season looking like an absolute beast. This is a devestating blow, but one that may not derail the team. I believe this team can AND WILL beat Pittsburgh next Sunday.


Maybe I am just a fool thinking this team is good, because I see weaknesses that concern me (our o-line has a couple major holes, receiving depth, and the secondary is average at best), however, other that the Bears shooting themselves in the foot last night, when they executed the gameplan on both sides of the ball, they played damn good.

Edited by kwolf68
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